Course code VeteB040
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course
Number of hours for lectures20
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes20
Independent study hours41
Date of course confirmation20.12.2023
Responsible UnitPreclinical Institute
Dr. med. vet.
VeteB004, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III
VeteB008, Cell biology, Histology II
VeteB009, Physiology I
The aim of this course is to acquire basic knowledge in General Pathology, which includes an understanding of the basic responses to tissue damage in animals, the pathogenesis of these responses, etiology, and the gross and microscopic characteristics. As part of this course, students will gain knowledge of the principles of professional terminology, death as a process, types of post-mortem changes, types of inflammation, reversible and irreversible cell damage and circulatory disorders.
Knowledge: the following pathological processes should be understood: cell necrosis and apoptosis; inflammation (purulent/suppurative, catarrhal, serous, fibrinous, eosinophilic, lymphoplasmacytic, granulomatous), circulatory disorders (hyperemia, blood stasis, edema, haemorrhages, hemostasis, hemostasis, coagulation, infarction); understand the pathogenesis of shock and fever; be familiar with post-mortem changes, the process of death, the principles of performing necropsies and the principles of formulating morphological diagnoses (3 tests).
Skills: during practical sessions students acquire the skills to recognize and describe gross changes of basic tissue responses and to formulate a morphological diagnosis; acquire the ability to recognize and interpret basic tissue responses in microscopic preparations.
Competence: within the framework of practical and independent work, students analyse clinical cases individually and in groups. Analysis includes use of appropriate terminology, discussion of the pathogenesis, possible causes and prognosis. Students apply the acquired knowledge and skills in writing and presenting CECA work.
1. Topic No1. Introduction to pathology. Reversible and irreversible damage to cells – 7 h lectures; 7 h laboratory work; test 1.
Disease and death.
Necropsies. Types of diagnoses. Postmortal change.
Reversible and irreversible damage to cells. Hypoxia.
Cell death – necrosis and apoptosis. Types of necrosis.
2. Topic No2. Inflammation – 7 h lectures; 7 h laboratory work; test 2.
Types of inflammation, their causes, signs.
Cellular and humoral components of inflammation, their functions and interactions.
Stages of inflammation. Healing.
Systemic inflammatory reactions. Fever, its pathogenesis.
3. Topic No3. Circulatory disorders – 6 h lectures; 6 h laboratory work; test 3.
Edema, hyperemia, blood stasis, thrombosis, embolus, infarction.
Principles of hemostasis, coagulation problems, haemorrhages.
Types of shock, pathogenesis.
“Pass” or “Fail” evaluation based on results obtained during semester. “Pass” can be obtained if:
1.All three tests and clinical and epidemiological case analysis (CECA) work have been successfully passed.
2.At least 70% of the maximum points have been collected. The total score for this semester consists of:
•3 test scores (30 p. for each test)
•attendance of lectures and laboratory work,
•CECA work and presentation (30 p.),
•homework and short tests (score depending on assignments).
3.If the total score < 70%, the student must take a test on the material of the entire semester.
4.Attendance of laboratory work is mandatory. One laboratory session can be skipped without justification.
Clinical and epidemiological case analysis (CECA) of a specific animal disease. CECA entails an in-depth analysis of the literature and a specific case example of the disease (case material provided by the course leader). The work consists of chapters: the etiology of the disease; pathogenesis of the disease; morphology of the disease – gross and microscopic changes; case study; a list of the literature used. It is mandatory to use at least 2 books in English or German and at least 3 scientific / professional publications. After submitting the written form of the work, it is presented orally (5-7min illustrated PowerPoint presentation). Oral presentation includes the most important information about the topic and answers to questions. The CECA work must be submitted and defended within the deadline set by the course leader.
The tests are carried out in writing and are evaluated in accordance with the criteria of the 10-point scale specified in the LBTU Study Regulations. The tests must be taken within the assigned time. If due to illness (or other reasons) it is not possible to pass the test at the appointed time, then it must be passed until the next test. For a test that is not taken within the specified time, 3 points are deducted from the total number of points. In order for the test to be passed, at least 20 points must be collected (equivalent of grade 4). The test can be rewritten twice. The second time you write, 3 points are deducted from the number of points scored. When writing for the third time, 6 points are deducted from the number of points scored! If the test is not passed after the third time, the study course must be started anew. The current test must be passed before the next test.
To obtain “Pass” for the semester, the student must collect at least 70% of the maximum possible number of points. Those students who have less than 70% are required to write an additional test (covers all subjects of the semester, including gross and microscopic images).
Students' homework is evaluated in accordance with the established procedure for the tasks assigned in laboratory work. CECA's work is evaluated according to the criteria of the 10-point system scale specified in the LBTU Study Regulations.
1.Zachary J. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease 6th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, 2017. 1394 p.
2. Meuten D.J. Tumors in Domestic Animals 5th ed. Ames, Iowa: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2017. 989.
3.Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals. 6th ed. Vol. 1.,2.,3. Elsevier, 2016, vol.1 798 p., vol.2 654 p., vol.3, 572 p.
1.Dijk van J. E., Gruys E., Mouwen J. M. V. M. Color Atlas of Veterinary Pathology. 2nd ed. Elsevier Saunders. 2007. 216 p.
1.Journal of Veterinary Pathology. ISSN: 0300-9858
2.Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. ISSN 1939-1676
3. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. ISSN: 1040-6387
Compulsory study course in the second cycle professional higher education study programme "Veterinary Medicine"