Course code ValoB008

Credit points 3

Professional English for Civil Engineering

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures0

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation30.01.2024

Responsible UnitLanguage Centre

Course developer

author lect.

Irina Orlova

Mg. philol.

Replaced course

ValoP271 [GVALP271] Professional English I

Course abstract

The purpose of the study course "Professional English in Civil Engineering" is to improve students' foreign language knowledge and skills, emphasizing the terminology related to the field of civil engineering, which is necessary for reading, interpreting and evaluating professional literature, explaining and comparing processes, presenting information, reasoned discussion in an international professional and academic environment, as well as for communication with foreign students, specialists and lecturers.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge and understanding of industry terminology.
Students learned terms in the following areas:
- Building materials, material processing.
- Building structures, systems, finishing works.
- Building Information Modelling (BIM).
Skills: students are able to formulate concepts, select professional information, explain procedures related to construction aspects, reasonedly discuss, critically evaluate and explain processes, using professional terminology and communicative skills: in writing - in descriptions, business letters, orally ¬¬– in discussions, creating dialogues, giving a presentation.
Competence: students have improved competence in English for special use in order to creatively use English in oral and written communication in an international environment, student mobility, professional and scientific activities.
Assessment: “a formal test with a grade”.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full-time studies:
1. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Forest and Environmental Engineering. University Education. English for specific purposes. Terminology. Creating a glossary for each topic. 2h
2. Construction engineering. Types of buildings. Construction projects. Curriculum vitae and cover letter writing. 2h
3. Architectural styles. Building elements. Job interview. 2h
4. Test No 1. Building site. Building machinery and equipment. 2h
5. Structural mechanics and geometry basics. Technical description. 2h
6. Interior works. Tools. Instructions. 2h
7. Materials. Classification and basic characteristics. Materials technology. Tips on business letter writing. 2h
8. Metals: ferrous and non-ferrous. Compounds and alloys. Non-metals. 2h
9. Steel and steel structures. Corrosion. 2h
10. Masonry work. Stone and brickwork. Gravel, cement, mortar. 2h
11. Concrete types. Mixtures, aggregates, batching. Describing technological process. 2h
12. Reinforced concrete. Reinforcement. Recycling concrete. Inquiry letter writing. 2h
13. Polymers. Natural and synthetic polymers. Thermoplastics and thermosets. Tensile strength. Getting ready for presentations. 2h
14. Test No 2. Minerals, ceramics and glass. Types of glass. Laminating. 2h
15. Timberwork. Tree species. Softwood and Hardwood. Timber production. 2h
16. Building Information Modelling (BIM), its uses in construction. 2h
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours

Requirements for awarding credit points

Formal test.It is made up of the cumulative rating. Successfully evaluated 2 tests, compiled glossary of terms learned during the semester, submitted and graded homework on time, developed independent work of the semester (reading professional literature, oral presentation on the chosen topic). Tests and homework must be passed. The number of missed lessons does not exceed 20%.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Individual work includes:
1. independently selected text in the context of the professional field (volume – 10,000 characters);
2. prepared a PowerPoint presentation and gave a 5-10-minute long presentation on the selected text;
3. submitted glossary (dictionary of terms) with translation/explanation of terms of the professional field.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Based on successful course requirements completion.
The cumulative assessment in the test is formed from separate assessments in two tests and the assessment of the presentation of the semester's independent work.
A student can get a passing grade for the test if at least 70% of the answers are correct. Homework must be graded.

Compulsory reading

1.Ibbotson M. Cambridge English for Engineering. ISBN-10: 0521715180. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008. 112 lpp.
2. Ibbotson M. Professional English in Use. Engineering. ISBN-10: 0521734886 | ISBN-13: 978-0521734882, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. 144 lpp.
3. Caruzzo P., Flash on English for Construction. ISBN
8853614501 (ISBN13: 9788853614506). ELI, 2012, 148 lpp.
4. Evans V. et al. Career Paths. Construction – Buildings. ISBN: 978-1-4715-6252-5. Express Publishing, 2011. 140 lpp.

Further reading

1.Bonamy D. Technical English 2 (Pre-inter). ISBN 13: 9781405845540 ISBN 10: 1405845546 Pearson Education Ltd, 2008. 124 lpp.
2.Graham P. Building Ecology: first principles for a sustainable built environment. ISBN-10: 0632064137 | ISBN-13: 978-0632064137. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 2003. 290 lpp.
3. Badger I., Pedley S. Everyday Business Writing. ISBN: 0582539722, Harlow : Longman, 2003. 95 lpp.
4. Love T. W. Construction manual: concrete and form work. ISBN 10: 0910460035 / ISBN 13: 9780910460033. Craftsman Book Company, 2005. 158 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Building Design and Construction. ISSN 0007-3407
2. Latvijas būvniecība: ceļvedis būvniecības nozares virzītājiem. Rīga: Lilita. ISSN 1691-4058.
3. Civil Engineering. Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers. ISSN 0885-7024. Pieejams EBSCO MasterFILE Premier:


The course is designed for civil engineering students and is included in the compulsory programme.