Код курса VadZM002
Кредитные пункты 9
Общее количество часов
Kоличество часов лекций36
Kоличество часов семинаров и практических занятий36
æоличество лабораторных работ0
Количество часов самостоятельной работы студента171
Дата утвеждения курса04.10.2023
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2. Bright, J., & Pryor, R. (2019). The Chaos Theory of Careers: Emerging from Simplification to Complexity, Certainty to Uncertainty. Asia Pacific Career Development Journal, 2(1), pp 1- 15. Pieejams: https://asiapacificcda.org/resources/APCDJ/A0002_1_001.pdf
3. Egan, G. (2003). The Skilled Helper - A Problem - Management Approach to Helping. 9th ed. Florence Kentucky, Cengage Learning.
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5. Ivey, A., Ivey, M. B., Zalaquett,C.P. (2018). Intentional Interviewing and Counseling. 9th ed. Boston, Cengage Learning.
6. Lent, R. W., Ireland, G. W., Penn, L. T., Morris, T. R., and Sappington, R. (2017). Sources of self-efficacy and outcome expectations for career exploration and decision-making: a test of the Social Cognitive Model of Career Self-Management. J. Vocat. Behav. 99, 107–117.
7. McMahon M. (2017) Career Counselling: Constructivist Approaches. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge.
8. Nancy, A. Neault, R., McMahon, M. (2019). Career theories and models at work: ideas for practice, Toronto, CERIC, 467 pp. Pieejams: https://eprints.usq.edu.au/37247/25/McIlveen_2019_Front%20matter.pdf
9. New perspectives on career counselling and guidance in Europe: Building careers in changing and diverse societies. V.Cohen-Scali, J. Rossier, L. Nota (Eds.). (2018). Cham: Springer International Publishing
10. Patton, W., McMahon, M. (2006) Career Development and System Theory. Connecting Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam/ Taipe. 190. Pavlakos, N. Michaloulis. Employability – What the Labor Market Asks for. Pieejams: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/2621/1/2621_1.pdf
1. Arthur M.B., Hall D.T., Lawrence B.S., Handbook of career theory. (2008). // Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, Melbourne, Pieejams: http://www.ccdf.ca/ccdf/NewCoach/english/ccoache/e4a_bp_theory.htm
2. Karjeras attīstības rokasgrāmata konsultantiem. (2018). Leonardo da Vinči 2002-BG/02/B/F/PP-132018 projekts. Pieejams: http://www.careercenteronline.org/manuals%5CManual%201-%20translation.pdf
3. Karjeras attīstības rokasgrāmata. (2018). Konsultantiem, kas strādā ar jauniešiem ar īpašām vajadzībām. Jaunatnes karjeras servisa attīstības projekta ietvaros (Leonardo da Vinči pilotprojekts Nr: BG/02/B/F/PP-132018) Pieejams: https://docplayer.lv/116267134-Karjeras-att%C4%ABst%C4%ABbas.html
4. Kwon, K., Cho, D. (2019). Developing trainers for a changing business environment: The role of informal learning in career development. Journal of Career Development, 1–18.
5. Rokasgrāmata “Constellation” Biedrība idea. (2020). Erasmus+ KA2 programma “Sadarbība inovācijas veicināšanai un labās prakses apmaiņa”. Projects’ “Constellation”. Pieejams: https://karjerasmateriali.lv/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Constellation-MASTER-LAT.pdf
6. Stillman D., & Stillman J. Gen Z. (2017). Work: How the Next Generation Is Transforming the Workplace. Harper Collins Publishers
7. Savicks M. Dzīves plānošanas rokasgrāmata. Rīga: VIAA. Pieejams: https://viaa.gov.lv/library/files/original/M.Savicks_Dzives_planosanas_rokasgramata.pdf Learning, 2012
1. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
2. Journal of Career Development ISSN: 08948453
3. 3.International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance ISSN: 1573-1782 (electronic version)
4. Journal of Career Assessment (JCA) eISSN: 15524590