Course code VadZM002
Credit points 9
Total Hours in Course
Number of hours for lectures36
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes36
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours171
Date of course confirmation04.10.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
During the study course, the theories of career development and career counselling, understanding of the interrelationships of personality and professional development in career development, stages of career counselling in different human life cycles and different environments (educational institutions, organizations, multicultural environment, and risk groups) are acquired. Students create an introduction for the use of theories in practice, how career awareness, formation, development and planning occur throughout a person's life. Students improve their understanding of career planning methods and the formation of career development programmes, career counsellor’s work documentation, and supervision in the work of a career counsellor and amass experience in the career counselling and research method selection (observation, interviews, content analysis, etc.).
The purpose of the course is to promote students' understanding of the most important findings in the theory and practice of career development and career counselling, introduce them with the most important and modern research conducted within the framework of classical theories, and to establish an orientation for the application of theories in practice.
1. About career development and career counselling theories and their application in practice – test, independent assignments, exam;
2. About career decision-making, client research methods, and types of counselling – test, independent assignments, exam.
Professional skills:
1. To analyse and evaluate the career development theories and choose the most suitable ones for clients with different personality traits, career situations and stages of growth - test, independent assignments, exam.
2. To explore, understand and evaluate their individual needs and connection with their desires and opportunities - test, independent assignments, exam;
3. To advise clients on career choice issues at different stages of life and in different micro-systems - test, independent assignments, exam;
4. To organize consultative activities - test, independent assignments, exam.
Soft skills:
1. To establish contact with clients of different groups – test, independent assignments, exam;
2. To compare, analyse, evaluate and express reasoned opinion - test, independent assignments, exam.
1. To orientate in the development and evaluation of the career counselling programme in the context of lifelong learning and professional problem-solving - test, independent assignments, exam;
2. To perform analysis of the data obtained during the career counselling process - test, independent assignments, exam;
3. To provide support to the client matching his/her personal qualities and abilities with the necessary competencies of the chosen career - test, independent assignments, exam;
4. To develop an individual career counselling programme, as well as to give advice and support the client in decision-making - test, independent assignments, exam;
5. To implement supervision in the career counsellor's work - test, independent assignments, exam.
1. Theoretical foundations of career development. Career development support system in the context of lifelong learning in the European Union and Latvia. (lectures 2 hours, practical work 2 hours)
2. Theory of characteristics and factors. Development theories or life span theories. (lectures 2 hours, practical work 2 hours)
3. Structural or opportunity theories/ Behavioural theory, social learning theory. (lectures 1 hour, practical work 2 hours)
4. Interactive theory of society. (lectures 1 hour, practical work 2 hours)
Test No 1.
5. Theory of personality development. Theory of rational profession choice. (lectures 1 hour, practical work 2 hours)
6. Theories of women's (gender) career development, racial, ethnic and cultural aspects. (lectures 1 hour, practical work 2 hours)
7. Systems theory approach. Basics of systems approach. (lecture 1 hour, practical work 2 hours)
8. Career Chaos Theory. (lectures 2 hour, practical work 1 hour)
9. Constructivist approach in career counselling. (lectures 2 hours, practical work 1 hour)
10. Life design paradigm for career building. (lectures 2 hours, practical work 1 hour)
11. Unlimited and changing career theories. (lectures 1 hour, practical work 1 hour)
12. Career theories in the knowledge society. (practical work 2 hours)
Test No 2.
17. Career Consultant’s Competencies. Social competence, methodological competence, reflection competence (lectures 1 hour, practical work 1 hour).
18. Career counselling theories (person-centred and psychoanalytic, developmental, cognitive-behavioural, narrative and sociodynamic counselling, etc.) (lectures 2 hours, practical work 1 hour).
19. Career counselling process. Types of counselling. Phases of the career counselling process (orientational, informative, persuasive, supportive phase, application phase, diagnostic phase) (lectures 2 hours, practical work 2 hours).
Test No 3.
20. Client groups, their characteristics. Reasons for attending career counselling. Hidden problems. Career difficulties and problems. Classification of career problems (lectures 2 hours).
21. Consultation space, structure. Client’s history – life and career situation and its context. Emotions and feelings in career counselling (lectures 1 hour, practical work 2 hours).
22. Enquiry methods to be applied in the career counselling process (lectures 2 hours).
23. Career planning and development methods, formulation of career progression goal, career development programmes (practical work 2 hours).
Test No 4.
24. Career decision-making models. Career decision making process, its components, developmental methods of client's independent decision making (practical work 2 hours).
25. Career guidance in a multicultural environment. Guidelines for multicultural counselling. Counselling in educational institutions. Counselling in organizations (lectures 2 hours, practical work 2 hours).
Test No 5.
26. Supervision in career counselling (lectures 2 hours, practical work 2 hours).
Test No 6.
27. Documentation of consultations. Types of consultation documentation (lectures 2 hours, practical work 2 hours).
28. Career counsellor’s professional development opportunities. Supervision in career counselling. Psychological conditions for providing and receiving the necessary (lectures 2 hours, practical work 2 hours).
Test No 7.
The course includes case analysis, group work, mapping, discussions, seminars, reflections, which are carried out during practical work in the classroom. At the end of the study course there is an exam in the time provided for the exam.
1) 80% class attendance and positively rated 4+3 reflections (tests) – 30%;
2) five independent assignments - 30%;
3) successfully passed written exam – 40 %. In order to take the exam, 7 tests and 5 independent assignments must be successfully completed.
Within the framework of the study course description for independent work is given 168 hours. Independet studies ( work) are organized as follows: preparing for 7 test (64 hours); preparing for 5 independent works (56 hours), and preparing for an exam (48 hours)
The cumulative final grade of the study course consists of:
80% attendance of classes and positively evaluated 7 tests - 30%;
five independent assignments 30%;
successfully passed written exam - 40%.
1. Amundsons, N. (2016). Aktīvā iesaistīšanās. Ergon Communications, 350 lpp.
2. Bright, J., & Pryor, R. (2019). The Chaos Theory of Careers: Emerging from Simplification to Complexity, Certainty to Uncertainty. Asia Pacific Career Development Journal, 2(1), pp 1- 15. Pieejams:
3. Egan, G. (2003). The Skilled Helper - A Problem - Management Approach to Helping. 9th ed. Florence Kentucky, Cengage Learning.
4. Ertelts B. J., Šulcs V. (2008). Karjeras konsultēšanas kompetences. Rīga: VIAA.
5. Ivey, A., Ivey, M. B., Zalaquett,C.P. (2018). Intentional Interviewing and Counseling. 9th ed. Boston, Cengage Learning.
6. Lent, R. W., Ireland, G. W., Penn, L. T., Morris, T. R., and Sappington, R. (2017). Sources of self-efficacy and outcome expectations for career exploration and decision-making: a test of the Social Cognitive Model of Career Self-Management. J. Vocat. Behav. 99, 107–117.
7. McMahon M. (2017) Career Counselling: Constructivist Approaches. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge.
8. Nancy, A. Neault, R., McMahon, M. (2019). Career theories and models at work: ideas for practice, Toronto, CERIC, 467 pp. Pieejams:
9. New perspectives on career counselling and guidance in Europe: Building careers in changing and diverse societies. V.Cohen-Scali, J. Rossier, L. Nota (Eds.). (2018). Cham: Springer International Publishing
10. Patton, W., McMahon, M. (2006) Career Development and System Theory. Connecting Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam/ Taipe. 190. Pavlakos, N. Michaloulis. Employability – What the Labor Market Asks for. Pieejams:
1. Arthur M.B., Hall D.T., Lawrence B.S., Handbook of career theory. (2008). // Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, Melbourne, Pieejams:
2. Karjeras attīstības rokasgrāmata konsultantiem. (2018). Leonardo da Vinči 2002-BG/02/B/F/PP-132018 projekts. Pieejams:
3. Karjeras attīstības rokasgrāmata. (2018). Konsultantiem, kas strādā ar jauniešiem ar īpašām vajadzībām. Jaunatnes karjeras servisa attīstības projekta ietvaros (Leonardo da Vinči pilotprojekts Nr: BG/02/B/F/PP-132018) Pieejams:
4. Kwon, K., Cho, D. (2019). Developing trainers for a changing business environment: The role of informal learning in career development. Journal of Career Development, 1–18.
5. Rokasgrāmata “Constellation” Biedrība idea. (2020). Erasmus+ KA2 programma “Sadarbība inovācijas veicināšanai un labās prakses apmaiņa”. Projects’ “Constellation”. Pieejams:
6. Stillman D., & Stillman J. Gen Z. (2017). Work: How the Next Generation Is Transforming the Workplace. Harper Collins Publishers
7. Savicks M. Dzīves plānošanas rokasgrāmata. Rīga: VIAA. Pieejams: Learning, 2012
1. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
2. Journal of Career Development ISSN: 08948453
3. 3.International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance ISSN: 1573-1782 (electronic version)
4. Journal of Career Assessment (JCA) eISSN: 15524590
Compulsory study course for the Professional Master's Degree Programme “Human Resource Management”