Course code PārZB009

Credit points 4

Milk, Milk Processing II

Total Hours in Course100

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes4

Number of hours for laboratory classes20

Independent study hours60

Date of course confirmation30.01.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food

Course developer

author prof.

Inga Ciproviča

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

PārZB008, Milk, Milk Processing I

Replaced course

PārZ4003 [GPAR4003] Milk, Milk Processing II

Course abstract

The main task of the course is to give knowledge in milk processing for consumers safe and healthy product production. The students get knowledge of the chemical composition, properties and quality criteria of butter, cheese, and concentrated milk products. They acquire fundamentals in milk product production (butter, cheese, concentrated and dried milk products) for understanding physical, biochemical and microbiological processes occurring during production. They gain information on the development of milk products faults and possibilities to avoid them. During laboratory works, they get practical experience in milk product production and quality control.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Theoretical knowledge about butter, cheese, concentrated milk products’ production technologies, as well as milk processing by-products application and understanding of physical, chemical and microbiological processes occurring at milk products production – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th colloquium, laboratory works.
Practical knowledge and skills - to explain milk product faults and possibilities to avoid them relating to milk composition, quality, applied technological processes and parameters as well as technological aids; practical experience in butter and cheese production at a pilot scale and their quality testing – laboratory works, self-studies, excursions (seminar in the processing enterprise).
Competence – to be able to organise milk products production, raw materials storing and quality control according to the requirements of the legislative acts, as well as to analyse and evaluate risk factors in milk products’ production – laboratory works, and exam.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Introduction to the course: course structure, aim and tasks, learning outcomes. Butter, butter production technology (1h lecture)
2. Dairy spreads, production technology. Butter faults, possibilities to improve a product structure and water dispersion (1h lecture). Butter production and quality control (3h laboratory works). 1st colloquium – Butter and dairy spread production technology.
3. Cheese chemical composition, classification criteria (1h lecture).
4. Milk treatment, technological aids for cheese production (2h lecture). The study of milk rennetability influencing factors (3h laboratory work).
5. Milk renneting, coagulum and cheese grains treatment (1h lecture). 2nd colloquium – The fundamentals of milk renneting for cheese production.
6. Cheese moulding and pressing, differences in applied methods (1h lecture).
7. Cheese salting, principles of salting. Cheese ripening (1 h lecture). Semi-hard fermented cheese production technology (5h laboratory work, group work).
8. Cheese ripening conditions, characteristic cheese faults (1h lecture). 3rd colloquium – Fundamentals of cheese making.
9. Gouda and related cheeses, cheeses with propionic acid fermentation (1h lecture). Video films on cheese production (3h laboratory works).
10. Surface mould-ripened and blue-veined cheeses. Extra hard cheese production technology, cheese production technology ripened in brine (1h lecture).
11. Cheddar and pasta filata cheese production technology. Acid-curd, smoked and whey cheeses, and cheeses with additives technology (1h lecture). Acid-curd cheese production and fermented milk cheese quality control (3 h laboratory work).
12. Processed cheese production technology (1h lecture). 4th colloquium - Most common cheese production technologies.
13. Concentrated and dried milk products production technology. Characteristics of milk production by-products. Casein and caseinates production technology (2h lecture). The analysis of reconstituted milk (3h laboratory work).
14. Excursion to dairy processing company which specialises in cheese making, as well as whey processing (4h practical work/seminar).
15. Whey processing (1h lecture).
16. Summary of the study course. 5th colloquium – Concentrated and dried milk products production, by-product processing. Examination.

Requirements for awarding credit points

The exam is resulted from:
• completed laboratory works and presented results (20%);
• successfully written five colloquiums in the study course thematic (20%);
• examination (60%).
It is possible to get an accumulation exam if the mean value from all written colloquiums is 6 or above.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Independent work is to acquaint with the Regulations of the European Parliament and Commission on animal origin products production, safety, and quality criteria; to acquire the formation of cheese, butter and whole and skimmed milk powder faults; to introduce milk products production (video materials, animations in e-studies or suggested in the lectures); to analyse the elaborated laboratory work results and to make conclusions and results interpretation.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

A colloquium consists of multiple choice and open-ended questions, it evaluates on a 10-point scale. Each question has shown a maximal number of available points. The colloquium is successfully written if students get minimally 4 points. If the evaluation is lower than previously set, students should write the colloquium repeatedly (in this case the average evaluation of the colloquium is summarized from both colloquiums (unsuccessfully and successfully written)). A laboratory work is evaluated as a pass. The assessment of the study course results from colloquium results (mean) and completed/presented laboratory works, as well as written examination results. It is possible to get an accumulation exam if the mean value from all written colloquiums is 6 or above.

Compulsory reading

1. Ozola L., Ciproviča I. Piena pārstrādes tehnoloģija. Jelgava: LLU, 2002., 248 lpp.
2. Fundamentals of cheese science / P.F. Fox, etc. New York, NY: Springer, 2016. 799 p.
3. Dairy science and technology/ P.Walstra, J.T.M. Wouters, T.J.Geurts. Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006., 782 p.
4. Dairy powders and concentrated products/ edited by A.Y. Tamine. Chichester; Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009., 380 p.
5. Dairy fats and related products/ edited by A.Y. Tamine. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009., 326 p.

Further reading

1. Microbiology handbook. Dairy products/ edited by R. Fernandes. Leatherhead: Leatherhead Food International; Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009., 173 p.
2. Cheese problems solved/edited by P.L.H. McSweeney. Boca Raton [etc.]: CRC Press; Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2007., 402 p.

Periodicals and other sources

Journal of Dairy Science
International Dairy Journal


Compulsory study course for students studying in the first cycle professional study programme “Food technology”.