Course code MmehB021

Credit points 7

Metal Processing Technology and Design II

Total Hours in Course

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes28

Number of hours for laboratory classes28

Independent study hours110

Date of course confirmation13.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts

Jānis Lāceklis-Bertmanis

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

MmehB002, Metal Processing Technology and Design I

Course abstract

Kursa mērķis ir sniegt teorētisko atziņu un praktisko iemaņu kopumu metālu griešanas procesos; metālapstrādes griežot fizikāliem pamatiem; metālgriešanas mašīnām un abrazīvajiem materiāliem; specifiskiem apstrādes veidiem un mašīnbūves tehnoloģijas pamatiem.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1.Knowledge metal cutting processes and its parameters – Test nr. I and laboratory works;
2.Knowledge of metal cutting machines, cutting tools and metalworking technological processes – Test nr. II and laboratory works;
3.Knowledge of the technological bases of mechanical engineering – Test nr. III;
4.Capable of evaluating the geometrical parameters of cutters and evaluating the impact of the cutting process on the surface quality - laboratory works;
5.Is able to assess the impact of the cutting force on the cutting-off process – laboratory work.
6.Capable of calculating gear cutting parameters and choosing the abrasive materials for surface grinding – laboratory works. 7. Able to use the acquired knowledge and skills for practical work - practical works.

Course Content(Calendar)

1.Cutting process and its parameters. Types of processing. Cutting in motion processing. Geometry of cutting tools: planes, surfaces, angles. The size and impact of the angles on the processing process. – 1 hours;
2.Lecture No 2. - Working conditions of cutting instruments and requirements for cutting instrument materials. – 1 hours;
3.Test – The theoretical basis of cutting process. – 1hours;
4.High speed steel, its characteristics and uses. Marking according to EN and LV standards. –
5.Metal-ceramic and mineral-ceramic cutting instrument materials. Their characteristics and uses. – 1 hours;
6.Special hard cut instrument materials: synthetic diamonds and cubic boron nitrite. – 1 hours;
7.Choose of cutting tools according to ISO recommendations. – 1 hours;
8.Physical bases of metal working. Material resistance to cutting, cutting forces and their determination. Permissible cutting speed. – 1 hours;
9.Classifications of metal cutting machines, precision classes, drive. – 1 hours.
10.Turning, cutting tools, appliances and machines. – 1 hours;
11.Drilling, expanding and shedding works, cutting tools, appliances and machines. – 1 hours;
12.Milling works, cutting tools, appliances and machines. Kinetics and dynamics of the milling process. – 1 hours;
13.Oblique cutting process, tools and machines. – 1 hours;
14.Test – Metalworking technological processes. – 1 hours;
15.Metal abrasive machining. Construction and marking of grinding wheels. Grinding works and machines. Specific metalworking types. – 1 hours;
16.Test – Technological bases for mechanical engineering. – 1 hours.
1.Cutting geometry measurement - 4hours;
2.Sharpening of many cutting blades - 4hours;
3.Balancing of abrasive tools - 4hours;
4.Sharpening of cutting tools - 4hours;
5.Cutting loads in turning operations- 3 hours;
6.Multi-turn thread turning – 3 hours;
7.Use of dividing head in making gears – 3 hours;
8.Milling of straight and helical gears – 3 hours.
1.Research of metal cutter geometry – 3 hours;
2.Research of multi-blade cutting tools – 3 hours;
3.Research of abrasive tools – 3 hours;
4.Basics of sharpening cutting tools – 3 hours;
5.Cutting load measurements – 3 hours;
6.Threading with a lathe – 3 hours;
7.Straight gear milling – 3 hour;
8.Helical gear milling – 3 hour;
9.Tooth cutting with hob cutters – 2 hour;
10.Tooth cutting with shaper – 2 hour.
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test type – test with mark. All tests work, laboratory work must be carried out. Delayed lectures shall not exceed 10% of the total.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Preparation for tests and laboratory works – 110 hours.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Students who have successfully developed tests and laboratory works for this study course may not write the final test.

Compulsory reading

1. Avotiņš J. Metālapstrāde. Jelgava: LLU. 2009. 400 lpp. 2. Avotiņš J. Konstrukciju materiālu tehnoloģija. 2. daļa. Apstrāde griežot. Jelgava: LLU. 2001. 221 lpp. 3. Avotiņš J. Konstrukciju materiālu tehnoloģija. 1.daļa. Grafo analītiskie darbi metālu karstajā apstrādē. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 90 lpp.

Further reading

1. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. Sage Publications, Ltd. ISSN: 0954-4062 (print). ISSN: 2041-2983 (online) Pieejams Sage:


Obligatory for students of the bachelor of professional higher education program “Design and Crafts” for wood/ metal technology and design.