Course code MežZB023

Credit points 4

Forest Regulation

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures22

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes22

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours64

Date of course confirmation12.03.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developer

author reserch

Dagnis Dubrovskis

Dr. silv.

Prior knowledge

BiolB008, Dendrology

BiolB009, Forest Botany

MežZ3069, Practical Silviculture I

MežZ3082, Dendrometry II

MežZ4075, Practical Silviculture II

MežZB022, Dendrometry I

Replaced course

MežZ4020 [GMEZ4020] Forest Regulation

Course abstract

Knowledge of forest management planning at the time, space, financial flow is gained through the study course. Information on the ecological, economic and social functions of forests is provided. Models for planning forest evaluation and forest multi-functional use management, forest management planning otimisation, SWOT analysis are being learned.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - The student understands the ecological, economic and social functions of forests and the basic principles of sustainable forestry, can include them in the formulation of the objective of forest management and its objectives. Understands the need for planning economic activities and the planning process. 2 Tests, 1 quiz
Skills - The student is able to use different forest management planning methods, plan forest-friendly events in time and space, plan financial flows in forest management, calculate forest value. 2 Tests, 1 quiz
Competencies - The student has acquired and is able to apply data processing programs, data mining methods, sources and other forest management planning decision support tools. 2 Tests, 1 quiz

Course Content(Calendar)

Lecture Course 24 h
1 forest equipment as a forest inventory, forestry organisation design system. 1 h
2 planning process and need for information .1 h
3 forest ecosystem, products and services. Assessment and planning .2 h
4 calculation of the value of forest property .2 h
5 ecological, economic, social functions of forests, multi-functional and integrated forest use planning .2 h
6 financial flows in forestry, forestry economic indicators .2 h
7 normal forest theory, optimal forest .1 h
8 forestry methods 2 h
9 optimisation methods, their use in forest management planning 2 h
10 forest readiness, types, determination of the age of primary felling 1 h
11 Main felling and cross-felling design principles, 3-D planning 2 h
12 forest ecological value survey, landscape ecological planning 2 h
13 forest social value survey, planning of recreational resources 1 h
14 principles for assessing the impact of economic activity on the environment 2h
15 special features of forest management of private and public forests 1 h
16 forest certification and forest management planning 1 h
Practical works 24 h
1.Normal Forest Theory 2 h
2.Growth course of forest stands, modelling principles 2 h
3.Determination of optimum performance parameters for primary (forest recovery) felling 6 h
4.Optimization models. Linear optimization 4 h
5.Calculation of the annual volume of major felling by the old-age forestry method of 2 h
6.Calculation of the annual volume of major felling in the sample felling farm by Arbogasta method 2 h
7.Calculation of the annual volume of major felling by the method of balanced forestry (Relative Forestry Irisities Theory) 4 h
8.Spatial planning principles for felling areas 2 h

Requirements for awarding credit points

8 practical works developed and defended, 6 tests and 3 quizzes successfully completed, exam passed

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Literature analysis, learning of IT solutions for forest management planning, watching documentaries available in e-studios

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The final assessment shall consist of:
1 Practical Work Protocols developed and adopted 20%
2. Quizzes 20%
3. Examination score 60%

Compulsory reading

1. Zviedre A. Mežierīcība Latvijā. Rīga: V. elements, 2007. 230 lpp.
2. Dubrovskis D. P.Skudra, G.Priedītis. Mežierīcība. Publicēts e-studiju vide 2015.
3. Iesalnieks J. Meža ekonomikas pamati. Rīga: ET Cetera, 2002. 92 lpp. 4. Dubrovskis D. Lekciju kurss Mežierīcībā. Jelgava: LLU MF, 2008.

Further reading

1. Maltamo M. Forest inventory: methodology and applications. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. 362 p.
2. Klemperer David.W. Forest resource Economics and Finance. New York: McGraw – Hill, 1996. 551 p. 3. Kellomaki S. Forest Resources and Sustainable Managment.Published by Fape Oy, Finland, 2002. 420 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Baltijas Koks. ISSN 1407-6667
2. Meža Avīze. ISSN 1047-6187
3. Baltic Forestry. ISSN 1392-1355


The study course is included in the compulsory part of the academic education bachelor's study program "Forest Science".