Course code MašZ4067
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for laboratory classes64
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation25.09.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Dr. sc. ing.
The aim of the studying course is to get knowledge about computer aided design and possibility to use CAD software to solve engineering problems and process automatization. Students learn objects modelling principles of parts of simple and complex shapes and automatic creation of components drawings. Knows possibilities of Parts and Assemblies 3D digital prototypes strength simulation. Able to perform mechanism motion simulations by calculating system kinematic and dynamic parameters. Develops of the technical documentation of the project for a machine/ equipment/unit (models, drawings, specifications, dxf files, test results).
1) Knowledge – Students understand the principles of modelling of simple and complex shapes and surfaces and are familiar with methods of digital prototype design of parts and assemblies with several features and standard mates. They know the possibilities of automatic creation of parts and assemblies’ drawings. Knows possibilities of Parts and Assemblies 3D digital prototypes strength simulation. Knowledge is appreciated in tests and laboratory works.
2) Skills – Students know to design parts with several features, create automatic views and sections and perform drawings according LVS and ISO standards. Is able to make motion analyse of the mechanisms and the strength analyse of the Parts and Assemblies. Skills are appreciated in tests and laboratory works.
3) Competence – ability to apply professional knowledge and skills in practical work and studies to solve different engineering problems. Able to analyse the results of product design, as well as to make necessary adjustments. Competence is appreciated in tests and laboratory works.
1. Introduction – 2h.
2. The SolidWorks user Interface – 2h.
3. Sketching tools. Sketch entities. Sketch relations. Dimensioning – 2h.
4. Basic modelling. Extrusion. Fillets and Chamfers – 2h.
5. Revolved features. Design library – 2h.
6. Sweep and Loft Features – 2h.
7. Shelling and Ribs – 2h.
Test 1. Part modelling.
8. Making Drawings. Model views. Section views. Dimensions, Surface finish, Centerlines and Centermarks – 2h.
9. Sheet formats. Title block. Template file – 2h.
10. Weldments – 2h.
11. Sheet Metal – 2h.
12. Assembly modelling. Mate types and alignment – 2h.
13. Assembly drawings. Adding Balloons. Bill of materials – 2h.
14. Toolbox – 2h.
Test 2. Assembly modelling – 2h.
15. Surface modelling – 4h.
16. Part strength simulation and creation of test protocols – 4h.
17. Estimating strength of bolt connectors – 2h.
18 Simulation of dynamic parameters and strength of assembly – 6h.
Test 3. Part strengths parameters simulation – 2h.
19. Development and presentation of machine/equipment/unit digital prototype and drawings –14h.
To successfully obtain the credit, students must complete the independent assignments satisfactorily (average grade of at least 5) and on time, as well as pass the examination.
Advanced sketching.
Design of threaded parts – cosmetic, simplified, and schematic tread.
Modeling of casting part. Drawing.
Modeling and drawing of revolution solid.
Modeling of mechanism and creation assembly drawing.
Student groups independently conduct analogue research for a machine/unit/assembly. Performs the development of machine/equipment/unit models and drawings. Prepare a presentation and present the final product.
A student will get a successful mark on the test work if at least 50% of the tasks are properly solved.
The student receives high marks if the tasks performed in the laboratory and independent works are completed, well-designed and the student is able to answer the questions.
1. Nulle I., Dobelis M. SolidWorks pamati. E-studiju metodiskie materiāli studiju kursiem „Mašīnu datorizētā projektēšana” un “Datorprojektēšana”. 2018. 129 lpp. un 9 video materiāli.
2. Tran P. SolidWorks 2016. Intermediate skills. Mission, KS : SDC Publications, 2016. 365 p. ISBN 9781630570163.
3. Kurowski P. M. Engineering Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation 2016. Mission, KS : SDC Publications, 2016. 566 p. ISBN 9781630570057.
4. Tickoo S. SolidWorks 2015 for designers. Schererville: CADCIM Technologies, 2015. 1066 p.
The study course is included in the compulsory part of the second level bachelor’s study programme Biosystems Machinery and Technologies. 2nd year 4th semester.