Course code MašZ3040
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation25.09.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Dr. sc. ing.
MašZ3039, Hydraulics and Pneumatics IB
The aim of the study course is to explain the basics of the hydraulic and pneumatic drive of the machine. Students acquire the functional significance of the elements of the hydraulic and pneumatic systems, their design, operating principles and parameters, as well as the basic conditions and methodology for designing these systems. Theoretically and practically, the management of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, control options and diagnostic methods are mastered.
Knowledge - Understands the basic rules of fluid mechanics, the construction and operation of static and dynamic equipment and machines, the constructive design and operation of pumps and compressors together with the pipeline network. Determine the application possibilities of hydraulic and pneumatic drive systems - Laboratory works.
Skills - you can evaluate the laws of equilibrium and motion of fluids from the engineering point of view, which operate in fluid containers, pipelines and openings through which the discharge takes place, as well as orientations in schematic drawings of hydraulic drives and pneumatic drives. Evaluates the static and dynamic functioning of hydrosystems, understands the functions, applicability and operation of the apparatus used - Laboratory works.
Competence - Designing hydraulic drives for various machinery and machinery members for appropriate operating conditions. Resolves issues of hydraulic drive and pneumatic drive maintenance to ensure non-refoulement - Laboratory work.
1. Hydro Drive Introduction and Designations in Schemes. 2h
2. Selection of the output parameters for the hydraulic drive system, valve functions. Laboratory work: Valve research. 2h
3. Hydraulic drive diagram and working fluids. 2h
4. Calculation of the main parameters of the hydraulic drive scheme. 2h
5. Capacity pumps. Laboratory work: Gear pumps. Laboratory work: Piston pumps. 2h
6. Calculation of volume pumps. 2h
7. Direct control valves. Laboratory work: Direct control valves. 2h
8. Direct control valve selection and calculation. 2h
9. Fluid movement speed control. Laboratory work: Throttle regulation. 2h
10. Calculation of the hydraulic resistance pressure drop. Laboratory work: Choice of auxiliary equipment. 2h
11. Overview and management of pneumatic systems. 2h
12. Calculation of pneumatic cylinder size. 2h
13. Signs, standards and explanations in pneumatics. 2h
14. Logical function AND valve. 2h
15. Flow divider types for controlling pneumatic motors. 2h
16. Adjusting the piston speed of the cylinder in pneumatic. 2h
The student’s exam is arranged after defended all laboratory works.
Laboratory data processing - 24h.
Preparation of answers to laboratory test questions - 24h.
The exam evaluation cumulatively includes evaluations of defended labs.
1. Croser P. Pneimatika. Mācību grāmata. Rīga: Festo, 2000. 219 lpp.
2. Lielpēters P., Dorošenko R., Geriņš Ē. Fluidtehnika. Rīga, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, 2005. 183 lpp.
3. Lielpēters P., Ķirsis M., Kravalis K., Torims T. Fluīdu Mehānika. Rīga, RTU izdevniecība, 2009.
4. Kronbergs Ē. Hidraulika un hidropiedziņa. Metodiskie norādījumi. Jelgava, 2015. 82 lpp.
1. Bauer, Wolfgang. Hydropneumatic suspension systems. Berlin: Springer, [2014] 237 p.
1. International Journal of Fluid Power Published by Fluid Power Net International (FPNI). ISSN: 1439-9776.
Pieejams: 1.html
2. Fluid Power Journal ISSN: 1073-7898. Pieejams:
The study course is included in the compulsory part of the Bachelor’s study program "Biosystems Machinery and Technologies". 2nd study year 3rd semester.