Course code LauZN008
Credit points 19
Total Hours in Course
Number of hours for lectures0
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours513
Date of course confirmation20.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Soil and Plant Science
Dr. agr.
Dr. agr.
Dr. agr.
Students demonstrate their ability to work with the Bachelor Thesis data base obtained during research period, to make the resulting data analysis and interpretation of results, to prepare conclusions arising from results of the work. Shows the ability of the Bachelor Thesis public defense and using of the theory in specific problem solving.
Students will acquire:
- In-depth theoretical knowledge of the study question, the knowledge of undergraduate work preparation conditions, the results of research collection and analysis;
- Skills to collect and analyze results, draw conclusions and publicly present the work of Bachelor State exam commission;
- Students are competent to carry out research work in the agricultural sector, to analyze research results and to make suggestions for practical agricultural production.
1. Selection of Bachelor's Thesis themes and discussion and alignment of the subject with the head head.
2. Formulating the target and tasks of a Bachelor's Thesis, preparing a task of the Thesis.
3. Choosing a Bachelor's Thesis development site, developing a study methodology in line with the work objectives pursued.
4. Selection of literature, Literature studies and preparation of the literature review.
5. Study or trial data processing.
6. Collection and analysis of study or trial results.
7. Making a Bachelor's Thesis manuscript.
8. Preparing and submitting a Bachelor's Thesis manuscript to the head of work.
9. Preparing a Bachelor's Thesis presentation for pre-replacement and presenting it.
10. Clarification of the Bachelor's Thesis.
11. Designing and submission of a Bachelor's Thesis to the State Examination Commission.
12. Getting acquainted with a Bachelor's Thesis review. Preparing a Bachelor's Thesis presentation.
13. Defending Bachelor's Thesis to the State Examination Commission.
Presentation of the Bachelor's Thesis to the State Examination Commission which is evaluated with a mark as an examination in the 10-point system
Carrying out a study, obtaining, collecting, analysing and interpreting results. Drawing up conclusions and work summary in Latvian and English. Preparing a response for a review. Drawing up a Bachelor's Thesis in accordance with the rules for drawing up study works. Preparing a presentation for pre-replacement and defending in State Examination Commission.
The Bachelor's Thesis has been prepared and presented in accordance with the rules for the design of themes and study works, and the successful participation in the discussion during the defence of the Bachelor's Thesis.
1. Kārkliņš A., Kreišmane Dz. Studiju darba izpilde un noformējums: metodiskie norādījumi Lauksaimniecības fakultātes studentiem. 6. papild. un pārstr. izdevums. Jelgava: LLU, 2020. 69 lpp.
2. Zinātniskie žurnāli un konferenču rakstu krājumi konkrētā nozarē.
1. LBTU zinātniskais žurnāls Rural Sustainability Research (izdod ne retāk kā divas reizes gadā).
2. Zinātniski praktiskās konferences rakstu krājumi: Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība (no 2014.gada, izdod reizi gadā).
3. Zinātniski prakstiskā semināra rakstu krājums: Ražas svētki "Vecauce" (izdod reizi gadā).
Nozares žurnāli
Professional bachelor study programme “Agriculture”