Course code LauZM016

Credit points 7

Cattle Breeding

Total Hours in Course200

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours126

Date of course confirmation20.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Animal Science

Course developers

author prof.

Daina Jonkus

Dr. agr.

author Dzīvnieku zinātņu institūts

Daina Kairiša

Dr. agr.

Prior knowledge

LauZ5143, Biological Basis of Animal Husbandry

LauZ5164, Research Methodology in Animal Husbandry

LauZM015, Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Animal Nutrition

Replaced course

LauZ6125 [GLAU6125] Cattle Breeding

Course abstract

The evaluation of cow economically useful traits and their potential use in cattle selection process. Results and perspective use of research in quantitative trait. Variety of Cow breeds, economic feasibility of their use. Evaluation methods of breeding value, their application. Use of selection indexes and application of selection. Efficiency of pure breeding. Crossbreeding animals, their evaluation. Breeding programs in cattle husbandry, their provision of information and potential of application in Latvia.
The aim of the study course - to provide students with in-depth knowledge of dairy and beef cow husbandry, productivity features and their breeding opportunities.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Master students are obtaining in-depth knowledge about:1) breeding methods and their use in cattle husbandry; 2) obtainable productivity and its quality affecting factors; 3)evaluation criteria of selectable traits in different age and purpose cattle; 4)development of breeding programs and analysis of obtained results. Knowledge are evaluated after by results of tests – grade.
Master student is skilled to evaluate: 1) breeding methods suitable for selection of different purpose and breed cattle; 2) perform evaluation of selection traits for different age and sex cows; 3) develop breeding program and analyse obtained breeding results. Skills are evaluated by answers an explanations on seminar questions as well as by given conclusions. Master student is competent to 1) evaluate selection traits and their characteristics for different breed and sex cattle; 2) consult and lead development of breeding programs; 3) participate in development in research in cattle husbandry. Obtained competences are evaluated by the discussion during individual presentations and by conclusions given during exam.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Economically important and useful traits in cattle husbandry. Choosing principles of selection traits. Selection traits in cattle husbandry. [L –2h]
2. Dairy and beef production traits, control of dairy and beef productivity: personal, side relative and progenies productivity. [L –2h; P – 2h]
3. Body conformation traits, their role in animal selection. Possible consequences of one way selection. [L –2h; P – 2h]
Seminar. Evaluation on cow economically important traits, application of obtained results for improvement of herd. [ 4h]
4. Breeding systems in animal husbandry. Peculiarities of breeding method use in cattle husbandry. [L –2h]
5. Cow breeds in Latvia. Red breed group cattle, breeding programs, their development. Productive and reproductive traits of Latvian Brown and Latvian Blue breed cows, breed structure and structure elements. [L –3h; P – 2h]
6. Perspectives of Holstein breed cows in Latvia. The analysis of related breed group characteristics that makes breed structure. [L –2h]
7. Perspectives of beef cattle farming in Latvia. Breeds of suckled cows, selection traits, their inclusion in breeding programs. [L –3h; P – 2h]
8. Dairy and beef cattle breeding programs. Included selection traits and their possible use in breed perfection. [ 4h]
Seminar. Characterization of cow breeds in Latvia. Breeding methods and their use in development of breeds. [ 4h]
9. Dairy cow breeding and calculation of selection indexes. Analysis of parameters included in bull breeding. [L –2h; P – 2h]
10. Breeding values in beef farming. Analysis of selection indexes. [L –2h; P – 2h]
11. Breeding, its role in dairy and beef selection and improvement of population. [L –2h]
12. Possibilities of hybridization program for improvement of Latvian cattle breeds. [L –2h]
Seminar. Economic benefits of cattle breeding in Latvia and European Union states. [ 4h]
Seminar. Methods, used for determination of breeding values, their comparison and perspectives.
[ 4h]

Requirements for awarding credit points

Mandatory attendance to lectures. Developed and defended all practical works. Positively evaluated exam.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

During study course are planned 4 individual presentations (15 – 20 min) about the results of research from scientific journals, preparation for tests and seminars.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Grade for exam consists of evaluation from lecture materials (theoretical part) (50%), evaluation from practical works (25%) and average evaluation from presentations (25%).

Compulsory reading

1. Moderna piena ražošanas ferma: tehnoloģija, tehnika, apsaimniekošana. Priekuļa J. (red.) Jelgava: LLU, 2012. un 2013. 240 lpp.
2. Džeimsone A. Videi draudzīgu gaļas liellopu audzēšana. [tiešsaiste] Rīga: SIA "Gandrs". 2013. 55 lp. [skatīts 10.02.2019.].
3. Achieving sustainable production of milk. Volume 1: Milk composition, genetics and breeding. Edited by Dr Nico van Belzen. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited: 2017. 339 p.
4. Dairy cattle husbandry (2004) [Online tiešsaiste]. Wageningen: Agromisa Foundation. 84 p. [viewed skatīts 14.02.2019.].
5. House J. (2011) A guide to dairy herd management. [Online tiešsaiste]. Meat and Livestock Australia Limited, North Sydney, 73 p. [viewed skatīts 14.02.2019.] Pieejams: 8.Kemsley P., Jennings N. (2016).
6. Beef cattle health and husbandry for the NSW North coast. [Online tiešsaiste]. North Coast Local Land Services. 221 p. [viewed skatīts 14.02.2019.]. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Ernst E., Kalm E. Grundlagen der Tierhaltuhg und Tierzucht. Hamburg: Verlag Paul Paurey, 1994. 266 S.
2. Mrode, R.A. Linear models for the prediction of animal breeding values. [Wallingford]: CAB International, 1996. 187 p.
3. Latvijas brūnās šķirnes govju saglabāšanas programma no 2019. gada un turpmāk. Elektroniski pieejams:
4. Audzēšanas programma sarkano šķirņu grupas govīm no 2019. gada. Elektroniski pieejams:
5. LŠDzAS Audzēšanas programma Holšteinas šķirnes govīm no 2019.gada. Elektroniski pieejams:
6. LHA Holšteinas šķirnes govju audzēšanas programma no 2019.gada. Elektroniski pieejams:
7. Gaļas šķirņu liellopu audzēšanas programma no 2019. gada Elektroniski pieejams:.
8. Jonkus. D. Govju piena produktivitātes pazīmju mainības analīze: promocijas darbs lauksaimniecības zinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai Lauksaimniecības zinātņu nozarē, Lopkopības apakšnozarē. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 179 lpp.
9. Zutere R. Vaislas buļļu un govju ciltsvērtības agrīnās novērtēšanas metodes parametru zinātniskais pamatojums: promocijas darbs doktora grāda iegūšanai Lauksaimniecības zinātņu nozarē, Lopkopības apakšnozarē. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 201 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Journal of Dairy Science. Published by American Dairy Science Association. ISSN (printed): 0022-0302. ISSN (electronic): 1525-3198.
2. Zinātniskie žurnāli un rakstu krājumi, kas pieejami LLU FB abonētajās datu bāzēs (Rural Sustainability Research (LLU Raksti), Agronomy Research, LF konferenču un semināru Rakstu krājumi.


Elective course (part B) for Master’s study programme “Agriculture” specialization “Animal science”