Course code LauZM015
Credit points 8
Total Hours in Course200
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8
Number of hours for laboratory classes24
Independent study hours152
Date of course confirmation20.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Animal Science
Dr. agr.
Dr. sc. ing.
LauZ5143, Biological Basis of Animal Husbandry
LauZ5163 [GLAU5166] Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Animal Nutrition
Characterization and assessment of feedstuffs according to their chemical, physical and enzymatic composition. The influence of these characteristics on biochemical and physiological processes in the digestive tract of animals and the processes of metabolism. Metabolic disorders caused by nutritional deficiencies, alimentary diseases caused by them, their prevention.
Students will gain knowledge about the biochemical and physiological processes of nutrients in the digestive tract of animals and their effect on the metabolism of substances in the body. Successfully written tests. Students will acquire skills to eliminate problems related to animal feeding. Successfully completed and passed practical, seminar and laboratory work. Students will be competent to explain metabolic disorders associated with animal feeding. Independent work successfully completed.
In full-time face-to-face studies:
1. The role and change of water in the body. Mineral exchange. The influence of nutrients on energetic processes in the animal body. Lectures 1h, laboratory works 3h.
2. Functions and metabolism of nitrogenous compounds, carbohydrates and lipids. Lectures 1h, laboratory works 3h.
3. Additives: vitamins, antibiotics, antioxidants, preservatives in fodder. Lectures 1h, laboratory works 3h.
4. Exposure and danger of harmful organic substances and toxic metals. Lectures 1h, laboratory works 3h.
5. Natural toxins in animal feed and their danger. Lectures 1h, laboratory works 3h.
6. Presence of veterinary drugs and its consequences. Lectures 1h, laboratory works 3h.
7. The influence of the biochemical composition of biofuel and food industry residues in animal feeding. Lectures 1h, laboratory works 3h.
8. Ways of getting nanomaterials into fodder and evaluation of their effects in the animal body Lectures 1h, laboratory works 3h.
1st test: Metabolism of nutrients in the animal body.
9. The chemical composition of fodder and the interrelationships and differences of the organism of farm animals. Lectures 5h.
10. Digestion and absorption of nutrients. Lectures 2h. Practical works 2h.
11. Energy and its transformations in biological systems. Lectures 2h. Seminar 1h.
12. Fermentation of carbohydrates in the digestive tract of animals. Lectures 2h.
13. Protein, its degradation in the digestive tract of animals. Protein-related metabolic disorders. Lectures 4h. Seminar 1 h
14. Fat in food, its effect on nutrient utilization and metabolic disorders. Lectures 4h.
15. Minerals and vitamins as biologically active substances. Lectures 3h. Practical works 2h.
16. The effect of eating unbalanced and inferior feed on the animal's organism. Lectures 2h. Seminar 2h.
Test 2: Food digestion, absorption and metabolic disorders in the animal body.
An overview of scientific literature, its public presentation, successful completion of practical, seminar and laboratory work, successfully passed tests and an overall course grade.
An overview of scientific literature on the metabolism of nutrients in the digestive tract of animals and its effect on production and reproductive characteristics. The animal species is chosen by the teacher in mutual agreement with the student. The volume of work is at least 10 pages. A4 format. The work must be defended publicly by preparing a presentation.
A student can get a passing grade for the test if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly.
The completed practical, seminar and laboratory work is evaluated in accordance with the evaluation procedure specified in the practical and laboratory assignment.
Independent work is graded. The grade obtained is included in the final grade.
Without successful performance of practical, seminar and laboratory work and public presentation of independent work, student cannot get a final grade. The final grade is the average arithmetic grade, which consists of two assessments of the test and an assessment of the independent work.
1.Osītis U. Dzīvnieku ēdināšana. LLU. Jelgava, 2005. 320 lpp.
2. Osītis U. Barības līdzekļu novērtēšana atgremotāju ēdināšanā. Jelgava: LLKC, 1998. 102 lpp.
3. Degola. L., Trūpa A., Aplociņa E. Lopbarības ķīmiskās analīzes un sagremojamība. 2016. 52.lpp. ISBN 978-9984-48-219-4,
4. Miķelsone V. Bioķīmija: mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 197 lpp. 5. McKee T., McKee J.R. Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life. 5th ed. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 752 p.
1. Latvietis J. Lopbarība. SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs. Ozolnieki, 2013. 308 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-48-096-1
2. Lopbarības analīžu rezultātu apkopojums. SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs. Ozolnieki, 2013.
3. Garrett R.H., Grisham C.M. Biochemistry. Australia etc.: Thomson Books/Cole, 2005, p.1086-1169. 4.Minerālvielas liellopiem. SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs. Ozolnieki, 2016.
1. Saimnieks LV. Rīga: TEE BIO, 2004- ISSN 1691-1598.
2. AgroTops. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407-5164. 3. Journal of Animal Science, American Society of Animal Science. Print ISSN 0021-8812, Online ISSN 1525-3163.
Master's study program of Academic Education "Agriculture" of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology. Study course for master's students in the study program of the animal sciences specialization.