Kurs-Code LauZM006

Kreditpunkte 7

Stundenzahl insgesamt (im Auditorium)200

Vorlesungen (Stundenzahl)32

Stundenzahl fŅr Seminare und praktische Arbeitsaufträge24

Arbeit im Labor (Stundenzahl)0

Selbststandige Arbeit des Studenten (Stunden)133

Bestätigt am (Datum)28.11.2023

Kurs ausgearbeitet von (Lehrkraft)


Jānis Gailis


Biruta Bankina



Ersetzte Kurs

LauZ6137 [GLAU6137]

Zur einfŅhrenden LektŅre empfohlen

1. Tronsmo A.M., Collinge D.B., Djurle A., Munk L., Yuen J., Tronsmo A. Plant Pathology and Plant Diseases. CABI: 2020. 437 p. Ir LLU AAZI 1 eks.
2. Gillot C. (2005). Entomology. Dordrecht: Springer. 831 p.

3. Ozols E. (1973). Lauksaimniecības entomoloģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne. 495 lpp.

Weiterfuhrende Literatur

1. Agrios G.N. Plant Pathology. – Academic Press, INC.-1997 un visi vēlākie izdevumi.
2. Engemann J.G., Hegner R.W. (1981). Invertebrate zoology. New York; London: Macmillan Publishing Co. 746 p.
3. Fungal Plant Pathogens (2012), ed. By C.R. Lane, P.A. Beales, K.J.D. Hugges. CABI. 307 p.
4. Molecular Plant Pathology: Annual Plant Reviews (2000), Vol. 4, ed. By M. Dickinson and J. Beynon, Sheffield Academic Press. 293 p.

5. Schumann G.L. Plant diseases: Their Biology and Social Impact (2003). APPS PRESS, 397 p.

Zur LektŅre vorgeschlagene Zeitschriften

1. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. [tiešsaiste]. Published behalf of Canadian Phytopathological Society. [Skatīts 08.03.2019]. Piejams: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tcjp20/current
2. Journal of Plant Pathology. [tiešsaiste]. Springer. Online ISSN: 2239-7266 [Skatīts 08.03.2019]. Pieejams: www.springer.com/life+sciences/biochemistry+%26+biophysics/journal/42161
3. Journal of Applied Ecology. [tiešsaiste]. British Ecological Society. Online ISSN: 1365-2664. [Skatīts 23.02.2019.]. Pieejams: https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/13652664
4. Journal of Applied Entomology. [tiešsaiste]. Blackwell Verlag GmbH. Online ISSN:1439-0418. [Skatīts 01.03.2019.]. Pieejams: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14390418

5. Crop protection. [tiešsaiste]. The Official Journal of the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences. ISSN: 0261-2194. [Skatīts 01.03.2019.]. Pieejams: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/crop-protection