Course code LauZM001

Credit points 5

Fertilizers and Fertilization Systems

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours95

Date of course confirmation21.04.2021

Responsible UnitInstitute of Soil and Plant Science

Course developer

author Augsnes un augu zinātņu institūts

Aldis Kārkliņš

Dr. habil. agr.

Replaced course

LauZ5131 [GLAU5134] Fertilizers and Fertilization Systems

Course abstract

Raw materials for the production of commercial fertilizers, their characterization and resources. Technology of production, economic and ecological aspects. Trends in the production and use of commercial fertilizers. Characterization and use of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, micronutrient and multinutrient fertilizers. Organic fertilizers, production, handling and use. Technology of fertilizer handling and use, agronomic, economic and ecological aspects. Segments of fertilization system, their optimization. Specifics of fertilizer use for field and horticultural crops.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Students will get an extended knowledge about fertilizers, its use and fertilizer planning. Students will obtain skills how to adjust the fertilizer practice according to crops’ biology and growing technologies. Students will understand the importance of agronomical and meteorological factors on plant nutrition. As a result student will be competent to manage agronomical issues of fertilizer planning, to work as an advisor, to carry out research as well as to analyse and prepare scientific publications.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full time studies: (4 contact hours per week, 10 weeks)
1. Introduction. Fertilizers – general information, classification. (Lectures 3 h, Practicals 1 h).
2. Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizers. (Lectures 3 h, Practicals 1 h).
3. Seminar. (2 h). Practicals (2 h).
4. Secondary and micronutrients. (Lectures 2 h, Practicals 2 h).
5. Multinutrient fertilizers. (Lectures 2 h, Practicals 2 h).
6. Technology of fertilizer use. (Lectures 2 h, Practicals 2 h).
7. Seminar. (2 h). Test, theory (2 h).
8. Organic fertilizers. (Lectures 2 h, Practicals 2 h).
9. Fertilization system. (Lectures 2 h. Exam, calculations in fertilization planning (2 h).
10. Seminar – presentation of individual work. (4 h).

Requirements for awarding credit points

During semester – home work, seminar, tests. Individual work and presentation. Cumulative grade (tests, seminar, individual work, presentation, activity score).

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Home work
1. Calculations, related to the certain topic.
2. To do the individual presentation for selected topic – seminar with discussion part.
3. Individual studies, preparation of written report, oral presentation.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Cumulative exam, includes assessment of three tests, seminar, individual studies with oral presentation and activity score.
Average score: [(Test No. 1 + Test No. 2. + Presentation) : 3] ± 0.5 = Final grade.

Compulsory reading

1. Fertilizer technology and soil fertility / Ed by Virginia Munn. New York: Larsen and Keller, 2018. 206 p.
2. Soil fertility: role of fertilizers for plant nutrition and growth / Ed. by: Eugene Perry. Forest Hills, NY : Callisto Reference, 2018. – 231 p.
3. Soil fertility and fertilizers : an introduction to nutrient management / John L. Havlin, et al. 8th ed. Upper Sadle River, New Jersey : Pearson, 2013. – 516 p.
4. Handbook of Soil Fertility / Ed by. Donald Cronin. Forest Hills, NY : Callisto Reference, 2018. – 220 p.
5. Kārkliņš A. (2012). Zeme, augsne, mēslojums: Terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca. Jelgava: LLU. 477 lpp.
6. Kārkliņš A., Līpenīte I. (2018). Aprēķinu metodes un normatīvi augsnes iekultivēšanai un mēslošanas līdzekļu lietošanai. Jelgava: LLU. 200 lpp.
7. Augu minerālā barošanās. No: Ieviņš Ģ. (2016). Augu fizioloģija. Funkcijas un mijiedarbība ar vidi. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. 207. – 244. lpp. (608 lpp.).
8. Nollendorfs V. u.c. (2023). Augu minerālās barošanās diagnostika un mēslošanas optimizācija. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. 236 lpp.

Further reading

1. Harold F. Reetz, Jr (2016). Fertilizers and their Efficient Use. IFA, Paris. 110 p.
2. Understanding nitrogen and its use in agriculture (s.a.). Brussels: European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association. 66 p.
3. Understanding phosphorus and its use in agriculture (s.a.). Brussels: European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association. 38 p.
4. Understanding potassium and its use in agriculture (s.a.). Ed. by A.E. Johnston. Brussels: European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association. 42 p.
5. Roy R.N., Finck A., Blair G.J., Tandon H.L.S. (2006). Plant Nutrition for Food Security: A guide for integrated nutrient management. Rome: FAO. 249 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Materiāli E-studiju vietnē.
2. Zinātniskās publikācijas, profesionālā periodika, INTERNET resursi.


Compulsory (Part A) Master study program, specialization – Field crops and Horticulture.