Course code LauZB023
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course
Number of hours for lectures18
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes26
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation30.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Soil and Plant Science
Dr. agr.
LauZ3175, Agroecology and environmental protection
Challenges of globalization and the situation in the world. Synergy of climate and agricultural policies. Agricultural resources in the circular bioeconomy. Food security in the world. Promotion of energy independence in agricultural enterprises. Agrarian reforms and their consequences in the history of Latvia.
Formation of common agricultural policy in the European Union (EU) and its member states, influencing factors, basic principles and methods, relation with world agricultural policy. EU single market, advantages and disadvantages. Institutional mechanism of sustainable Latvian agricultural policy formation and state support policy for agricultural and rural development. The process of development of EU and Latvia`s regulatory acts, the principles of mutual compliance and the main regulatory documents governing the agricultural sector. The role and opportunities of non-governmental organizations in the formation of agricultural policy.
During the study course, students gain knowledge about the impact of globalization on the formation of agricultural and rural development policies and inter-policy interactions.
Students acquire the skills to determine the influencing factors of sustainable agricultural policy, to analyse the course of policy formation and its impact on production.
Students are competent to participate in the policy-making process through farmers' organizations or other institutions.
1. Understand the challenges caused by globalization for food security, environmental preservation and sustainable use of resources - test 1
2. Understand the European Union and the national institutional system for the formation and implementation of agricultural policy - test 2
3. Able to reasonably discuss and prepare information, according to the topics of the tasks received, in connection with the policy of sustainable agriculture – seminar classes
4. Able to analyse the consequences of Common Agriculture Policy interventions in a specific region or field of agriculture - homework
1. Impact of globalization on the formation of agricultural and rural development policy and food security in the world. 2 h.
2. Air, water, soil, biodiversity, environment and land policy directions and their importance in the formation of agricultural policy. 4 h.
3. Possibilities of climate change mitigation and adaptation in agriculture. 2 h.
1st test – challenges caused by globalization for food security, environmental preservation and sustainable use of resources.
4. Agrarian reforms and their impact on agricultural policy in Latvia. 1 h.
5. Factors influencing common agricultural policy, basic principles and methods, relation with world agrarian policy. 2 h.
6. EU single market, advantages and disadvantages. 1 h.
7. Formation of common agricultural policy in the European Union and member states. 2 h.
8. Law and decision-making procedure in EU institutions and member states. 1 h.
2nd test – the European Union and national institutional system for creating and implementing agricultural policy.
9. The structure of the agricultural administration in Latvia. 1 h.
10. Political parties, interest groups, non-governmental and international organizations of farmers and their influence on the creation of sustainable agricultural policy at the international and national level. 1 h.
11. The importance of science and innovation in the formation of agricultural and rural policy, knowledge transfer and collaboration, international organizations and their relationship with the sustainable development of agriculture. 1 h
Seminars – work in groups and/or individually. Analytical material or presentation preparation, according to the course content, answering discussion questions about the sustainable development of agriculture.
An exam consisting of:
• successfully completed 2 tests during the semester;
• prepared presentations and/or (according to the instructions of the lecturer) analytical material on each of the topics of the seminar classes;
• homework prepared and presented during the final seminar.
All tests, seminar classes and homework must be successfully completed.
Retaking the unsettled tests at the time specified by the lecturer. If the seminar class is missed, the requirement to complete the class is independent preparation and submission of the analytical material on the relevant topic.
Homework – evaluation of the relevance of interventions of the KLP Strategic Plan in a specific region or field according to the student's choice. Presentation of the homework at the final seminar.
Preparation for seminar classes (data gathering, document analysis), group and individual work during seminar classes. Literature studies, preparation for the tests.
The cumulative assessment of the study course exam includes two tests, homework and a cumulative assessment of the work during seminar classes.
Agriculture and rural development. Policy areas. [Tiešsaiste][skatīts 05.12.2022] Pieejams:
KLP 2023-2027 [Tiešsaiste][skatīts 05.12.2022] Pieejams:
Latvijas politikas plānošanas dokumentu, informatīvo ziņojumu par politikas plānošanas dokumentu īstenošanu un informatīvo ziņojumu par nozaru attīstības stratēģiskajiem virzieniem datubāze (lauksaimniecība un saistītās nozares). [Tiešsaiste] [skatīts 15.01.2024] Pieejams:
Latvijas tiesību aktu datubāze (lauksaimniecība un saistītās nozares). [Tiešsaiste] [skatīts 15.01.2024] Pieejams:
Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktu datubāze EUR-Lex (lauksaimniecība un saistītās nozares) [Tiešsaiste] [skatīts 15.01.2024] Pieejams:
Agriculture Policy Guide. Meeting the challenge of a new pro-poor agricultural paradigm: The role of agricultural policies and programmes (2012). [Tiešsaiste][skatīts 22.07.2019] Pieejams:
The Common Agricultural Policy at a glance
Agriculture. A partnership between Europe and farmers (2017). Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission). [Tiešsaiste][skatīts 22.07.2019] Pieejams:
Zinātniskā periodika: žurnāli “Jounal of Environmental management”, “Environmental Science and Policy”, “Journal of Cleaner Production”, “Journal of Rural Studies” u.c.
For 2nd year students of the academic bachelor's study program "Sustainable Agriculture" and professional bachelor's study program "Agriculture" in the 3rd semester in full-time studies and in the 4th semester in part-time studies of the Faculty of Agriculture, as well as for Erasmus students as an optional course in the autumn semester.