Kurs-Code InfT2047

Kreditpunkte 3

Stundenzahl insgesamt (im Auditorium)81

Vorlesungen (Stundenzahl)8

Stundenzahl fŅr Seminare und praktische Arbeitsaufträge24

Selbststandige Arbeit des Studenten (Stunden)49

Bestätigt am (Datum)06.09.2022

Kurs ausgearbeitet von (Lehrkraft)


Aleksejs Zacepins


Andrejs Paura


Gatis Vītols




Zur einfŅhrenden LektŅre empfohlen

1. Stallings W. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice. 8th edition. Pearson Education Limited, 2022. 832 p.
2. Davis R. Art of Network Penetration Testing: Free practice environment. Manning Publications, 2021. 375 p.
3. Graham D. Ethical Hacking: A Hands-on Introduction to Breaking. No Starch Press,US, 2021. 352 p.
4. Kali K. G. Linux Penetration Testing Bible. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2021. 512 p.
5. Singh G. D. Learn Kali Linux 2019: Perform powerful penetration testing using Kali Linux, Metasploit, Nessus, Nmap, and Wireshark. Packt Publishing Limited, 2019. 550 p.
6. OccupyTheWeb. Linux Basics For Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali. No Starch Press,US, 2018. 248 p.

Weiterfuhrende Literatur

1. Beaver K. Hacking For Dummies. 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2022. 416 p.
2. Chantzis F., Deirme E., Stais I. Practical IoT Hacking: The Definitive Guide to Attacking the Internet of Things. No Starch Press,US, 2021. 460 p.
3. Clarke G. E. CompTIA Pentestplus Certification For Dummies. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2022. 528 p.
4. Forshaw J. Attacking Network Protocols: A Hacker’s Guide to Capture, Analysis, and Exploitation. No Starch Press,US, 2017. 408 p.
5. Gregg M. The Network Security Test Lab: A Step-by-Step Guide. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2015. 480 p.
6. Kizza J. M. Guide to Computer Network Security. 5th ed. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020. 595 p.
7. Computer and information security handbook. Edited by J.R. Vacca. 3rd edition. Cambridge, MA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2017. 1237 p.

Zur LektŅre vorgeschlagene Zeitschriften

1. Valsts informācijas sistēmu likums. Pieņemts: 02.05.2002.
2. Elektronisko sakaru likums. Pieņemts: 28.10.2004.
3. Informācijas tehnoloģiju un drošības risku pārvaldības normatīvie noteikumi. Pieņemts: 08.09.2020.
4. Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes direktīva par uzbrukumiem informācijas sistēmām. 2013/40/ES
5. Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regula (ES) 2016/679 (2016. gada 27. aprīlis) par fizisku personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti (Vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula) 2016/679.
6. CERT. Pieejams: https://cert.lv/lv/
7. Esi drošs. Pieejams: https://www.esidross.lv/