Course code ETehK003

Credit points 2

Electric Equipment Usage Economics

Total Hours in Course40

Number of hours for lectures0

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours54

Date of course confirmation24.01.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developers

author prof.

Aigars Laizāns

Dr. sc. ing.

author lect.

Imants Plūme

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

ETeh2019, Applied Electrical Engineering

Replaced course

ETeh4060 [GETH4061] Electric Equipment Usage Economics

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to acquire with the correlations between the life cycle and economic efficiency of electrical equipment, learn the methodology of economic calculations. Gains knowledge about the application of the results of the analysis of energy efficiency parameters in the operation of electrical equipment. Acquires practical skills in determining the energy and economic parameters of the equipment and skills to perform their analysis in order to justify rational methods of operation of the equipment, to develop plans for their replacement, reconstruction or restoration of working capacity.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - knows factors influencing energy efficiency, life cycle indicators of electrical equipment, principles of efficient operation.
Skills - calculate the efficiency of the use of electrical equipment and the energy efficiency and economic parameters of the operation of electrical equipment.

Competence - economically sound assessment of the life cycle, energy efficiency and economic performance of existing and planned electrical equipment.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full time studies:
1. Choice of the course work object - place of electrical equipment and operating conditions in the technological process. 2h
2. Analysis of technical parameters of electrical equipment. 3h
3. Analysis of technological parameters and operating modes of electrical equipment. 3h
4. Electrical circuit analysis of electrical equipment. 3h
5. Analysis of electrical equipment technological process control system. 3h
6. Analysis of the electrical equipment operation administrative process management system. 3h
7. Research of electrical equipment maintenance operations and creation of a database. 5h
8. Application of the principles of economic cybernetics in the operation of an electrical installation. 2h
9. Technical and economic modelling of electrical equipment operation system. 6h
10. Determination / development of efficiency criteria for electrical equipment. 3h
11. Determination of environmental criteria, including greenhouse gas emissions, for electrical equipment. 4h
12. Operating system planning, modelling for electrical equipment. 6h
13. Electrical equipment reservation planning and optimization. 3h
14. Evaluation of social factors in the planning of the electrical equipment operation service. 2h
15. Evaluation of work environment factors in the planning of the electrical equipment operation service. 2h
16. Recommendations for efficient operation of electrical equipment. 4h
Part time studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Developed and successfully defended course work.

Evaluation of the quality of the developed course work (max. 50%) and the knowledge shown in the defense of the work (max. 50%): mark (on a 10-point scale)

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students developing the course paper independently, guided by the knowledge gained in lectures and practical work, uses the indicated or other available sources of information.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Course work quality assessment:
1. Evaluation of work quality: 9 points, - there are all necessary sections/volume); there are no serious problems in the text, there are slight defects in the images and the text; 6 points, - basic requirements are met; there are some vague or erroneous statements in the text, there are minor shortcomings in the formatting; 3 points: basic requirements are not met; there are significant errors in text and formatting shortcomings.

2. The assessment of an answer: 9 points: correct answer with minor imperfections / errors: 6 points: answer that contains correct basic concepts, but without explanations or contains significant errors: 3 point: the answer is incorrect, there are serious errors: 0 points.

Compulsory reading

1. Vanags A. Elektriskie tīkli un sistēmas. I daļa. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 480 lpp.
2. Vanags A., Krišāns Z. Elektriskie tīkli un sistēmas. II daļa. Rīga: RTU, 2005. 342 lpp.
3. Budahs M., Zviedrītis M. Elektrisko sadales tīklu elektroietaišu ekspluatācija. Rīga, 2012, 107 lpp. [Tiešsaiste] [skatīts 15.10.2020.]. Pieejams:

4. Knipšis. A. Elektrisko pārvades tīklu elektroietaišu ekspluatācija. Mācību palīglīdzeklis Rīga, 2012. [Tiešsaiste] [skatīts 15.10.2020.]. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Standarts LEK 002, Elektrostaciju, tīklu un lietotāju elektroietaišu tehniskā ekspluatācija, Latvijas Elektrotehnikas komisija. 3. izd. 2020. 224. lpp.
2. LEK 025, Drošības prasības, veicot darbus elektroietaisēs”, Latvijas Elektrotehnikas komisija. 2014.120. lpp.
3. Grunte U, Makreckis O, Zacmanis V. Lietotāju un speciālo elektroietaišu ekspluatācija. Mācību palīglīdzeklis, R. 2012.,106. lpp. [Tiešsaiste] [skatīts 15.10.2020.]. Pieejams:

4. Gabriele Z. Green Electrical Energy Storage: Science and Finance for Total Fossil Fuel Substitution. McGraw-Hill Education 2016, ISBN: 9781259642838.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Žurnāls Enerģija un pasaule, Izd.: VAS LATENERGO un Latvijas Elektroenerģētiķu biedrība. ISSN: 1407-5911,

2. Electricity Journal, Elsevier science, ISSN 1040-6190.


Compulsory course in full-time and part-time studies of professional higher education bachelor study program Applied Energy Engineering for specialization in Energy economics..