Course code EnerR002
Credit points 7
Total Hours in Course243
Number of hours for lectures0
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours189
Date of course confirmation24.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
Ener3027, Fundamentals of Heat Studies I
Ener3028, Fundamentals of Heat Studies II
Ener4001, Electrical Safety
ETeh2019, Applied Electrical Engineering
EnerP008 [GENRP008] Technologies In Energetic
The aim of the study course is to learn the structure and operating principles of energy equipment, energy supply of agricultural and industrial objects and companies, gets acquainted with heat and electricity sources, wiring and heat supply line schemes, safety techniques working with electrical equipment, learns the basic works of electrical and heating equipment installation.
Knowledges: knows the basic structure of electrical and heat equipment and energy supply systems of agricultural and industrial facilities and enterprises, operating principles, specifics of maintenance and installation work - practice report and practice defense.
Skills: is able to perform the main assembly and maintenance of energy equipment - practice report and practice defense.
Competences: choice of types of electrical installations and heating networks, basic technologies of their installation, choice of consumer energy equipment, basic technologies of installation and maintenance - practice report and practice defense.
Full time studies:
1. General acquaintance with the object of practice. Getting acquainted with safety requirements (8h).
2. The analysis of technical, technological and economic documentaries (16h).
3. Getting acquainted with the choice of energy equipment in specific technological processes in the company (48h).
4. Getting acquainted with the installation technologies of energy equipment used in technological processes (42h).
5. Participation in the assembly and servicing of energy equipment (weeks 54h).
6. Summarizing of knowledge acquired during practice. Report development (16h).
Part time studies:
The practice is carried out in full. All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished.
The practice must be fully completed.
Practice report must be written and defended.
A rating with a mark.
Developing a practice report in accordance to the practice programme.
The content and scope of the practice report must comply with the requirements of the practice program. The assessment is determined by the quality and volume of the content and design of the internship report, as well as the student's knowledge and ability to orientate oneself in the obtained during practice. The assessment can be affected by the practice enterprise feedback on the trainee.
1. Vanags A. Elektriskie tīkli un sistēmas. I daļa. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 480. lpp.
2. Vanags A., Krišāns Z. Elektriskie tīkli un sistēmas. II daļa. Rīga: RTU, 2005. 342. lpp.
3. Šeļegovskis R. Siltuma ieguves tehnoloģijas. 1. daļa. Metodiskais līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU TF, 2008. 97 lpp. Pieejams:ācību materiāli/R.Šeļegovska mācību materiāli.
Šeļegovskis R. Prakse – 2. No: Metodiskie norādījumi TF studentiem – praktikantiem profesionālajā bakalauru studiju programmā „Lietišķā enerģētika”. Jelgava, 2017, 12.lpp.
1. Enerģētika & Automatizācija: profesionāls žurnāls par enerģētiku un automatizācijas risinājumiem. Rīga : Biznesa Portāls. ISSN 1407-8589.
Compulsory course in full-time and part-time studies of professional higher education bachelor study program Applied Energy Engineering.