Course code EkonB016
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures28
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes28
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation21.11.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance
Ekon3124 [GEKO3124] Accounting and Finance
The aim of the study course is to acquire knowledge about accounting and financial management.
In the study course, students learn to reflect the company's accounting objects in accounting in a simple and double entry system, prepare the most frequently used accounting documents. Learns the procedures for calculating and paying taxes on added value and labor force.
In the study course, students learn financial management functions - financial planning, company financing and financial analysis.
1. Knows business forms, is able to organize his own business or cooperate with other entrepreneurs - discussion in class.
2. Knows and understands the meaning and requirements of accounting, accounting objects and method - discussion in class, 1st test.
3. Knows the forms of employment legal relations, types of employment contracts, knows their payment and tax calculation - discussion and practical work.
4. Able to demonstrate knowledge of accounting documents, registers and reports - independent work.
5. Able to apply the norms of accounting and tax regulatory legal acts in accounting - discussion and practical work.
6. Able to keep records of the company's economic resources, sources of financing, economic processes and financial results in a simple and double entry system - practical work.
7. Knows and understands the single and double entry systems in accounting and tax calculation - 2nd test with calculations.
8. Knows and understands financial management, financial analysis, financial planning and financing - discussion and practical work.
9. Able to analyze the company's financial situation, determine financing sources, draw up a loan repayment schedule and create a cash flow plan - discussion and practical work.
10. Understands cost formation, knows how to determine the price of goods and services - practical work.
11. Able to independently use accounting information for assessing the financial situation and planning commercial activities - practical work, 3rd test.
12. Able to responsibly fulfill assigned tasks - practical work.
13. Able to independently obtain, select and analyze the necessary information and use it in the performance of accounting and financial tasks - practical work.
Students sequentially learn the first accounting topics, then the financial management topics.
In full-time studies:
1. Business forms, accounting and its importance in business (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 2 hours)
2. Accounting subject and method (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 2 hours)
3. Accounting balance (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 2 hours)
4. Accounting accounts and reflection of economic transactions in the accounts (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 4 hours)
1st test: Classification of funds and sources, accounting balance, changes in balance items (1.5 hours)
5. Inventory accounting (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 2 hours)
6. Accounting for long-term investments (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 2 hours)
7. Accounting of cash, receivables and payables (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 3 hours)
8. Accounting of business income and expenses in a simple recording system (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 2 hours)
9. Labor legal relations, accounting of wages (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 3 hours)
10. Equity accounting (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 1 hour)
11. Financial report (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 1 hour)
2nd test: Accounting of money, stocks, fixed assets, wages and taxes (1.5 hours)
12. Financial management (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 2 hours)
13. Financial planning (Lecture – 2 hours, practical work – 2 hours)
14. Company financing (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 3 hours)
15. Financial analysis (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 3 hours)
16. Classification of costs. Division of costs into fixed and variable. Cost calculation. Pricing of goods and services. (Lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 2 hours)
3rd test: Financial management, financial planning, financing and financial analysis (1 hour)
In part-time studies:
All topics indicated for full-time attendance are implemented, but the number of contact hours is ½ of the number of hours indicated.
The assessment of the study course (test grade) consists of:
Test 1 - 30%
Test 2 - 40%
Test 3 - 20%
The evaluation of studies is accumulative - 100%
Acquire and consolidate theory material, to study normative basis and to perform practical assignments. Prepare for tests.
The evaluation of the study course depends on the assessment of the tests and practical assignments- 10% are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
1. Leibus I., Grigorjeva R., Jesemčika A., Svarinska A. Grāmatvedības pamati uzņēmumos. Atkārtots un atjaunots 3. izdevums. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2019. 195 lpp.
2. Leibus I. Uzņēmuma darbības uzsākšana, grāmatvedība un nodokļi. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2022. 176 lpp.
3. Leibus I. Pašnodarbināto grāmatvedība un nodokļi. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2022.152 lpp.
4. Kelmere L. (2022) Ievads grāmatvedībā jeb Grāmatvedības pamati: teorija un uzdevumi. Rīga: Lietišķas informācijas dienests. 280 lpp.
5. Krogzeme H. Komersantu darbības analīze un kontrole. Rīga, RTU izdevniecība, 2013. 348.lpp.
6. Rurāne M. Finanšu pārvaldība un analīze, SIA “Izdevniecība avots”, 2019., 260.lpp.
7. Saksonova S. Uzņēmuma darbības analīzes un apgrozāmā kapitāla vadīšanas aspekti: praktiski paņēmieni. I.K. “INFO TILTS”, Rīga, 2020., 139.lpp.
8. Grāmatvedības likums (2021): LR likums. Pieejams:
9. Grāmatvedības kārtošanas noteikumi (2021): MK 2021.gada 21.decembra noteikumi Nr.877 Pieejams:
1. Ludboržs A. Apgrozāmā kapitāla vadīšana nelielos uzņēmumos. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007. 287.lpp.
2. Bittlestone, Robert., Financial management for business :cracking the hidden code. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.201.lpp
1. Bilance: žurnāls. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, ISSN 1407-5709
2. Latvijas Republikas oficiālais Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta portāls:
3. Latvijas Republikas oficiālais normatīvo aktu portals:
4. iFinanses - elektroniskais žurnāls žurnāls par nodokļiem, grāmatvedību, darba un komerctiesībām. Pieejams:
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