Course code BūvZN005
Credit points 23
Total Hours in Course
Number of hours for lectures0
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours621
Date of course confirmation12.03.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Mg. sc. ing.
Diploma Project is final-skilled labor, which are presented knowledge gained throughout the study process. Diploma project developed a real building or building construction project that contains the architecture (spatial and architectural solution for distribution), engineering (structural) part and parts of the economy. The project consists of drawings and explanatory memorandum.
• Competence: The ability to develop a construction project subject to universal design principles to develop building projects in architecture, building and the economic part, to design buildings able to develop a process for planning and construction management work for the project.
• Skills: Develop appropriate documentation of the project outline or the technical design of the composition. • Knowledge of: building materials, construction technology, buildings, structures, and the node structure, building strength and durability; s construction design foundations (concrete and stone structures, steel structures, wood and synthetic materials design) engineering fundamentals of building an organization, building economics
1 Output data for design: topography, geology, climatology of the construction site. Standards for design
2 Functional or technological plans of the object. Matching calculations
3.General plan for the building site. Vertical and horizontal layout. Rain water drainage. Required calculations
4 Building plan. Fire safety, evacuation, environmental availability and lighting requirements.
5 Cross sections of the building, longitudinal cuts. Calculation of the energy efficiency of the building.
6 Facades. The plans for the coating structures and the roof. Roof ventilation and rain water discharge.
7 Floor plans. Specifications. Environmental protection measuresB Report of fire protection measures.
8 Base plan. Calculations in different sections
9. The calculation of the selected bearing design. Drawings
10. The calculation of the selected bearing design. Drawings
11. The calculation of the bearing design chosen. Drawings
12. The calculation of the selected bearing design. Drawings
13 Summary of equipment and materials. Construction works volumes. The technological maps of special selected works.
14. The construction organisation project.
15. The calculation of the cost (estimates) of the object.
16 Design of the Diploma project, the coordination with the consultants, the manager and the transfer to the department.
Designed, the reviewer's well-judged and well-defended diploma project.
The diploma project consists of 3 terminal parts:
• part of architecture;
• part of buildings
• construction technology, organisation and economic part. A calendar plan is developed for the development of the diploma work and the attestation of each part is carried out.
After the report in the pre-defense of the diploma project, a decision is made at the meeting of the institute on the compliance of the diploma project with the established requirements and forwarding it for defense.
The VPK commission makes a decision on the assessment, which is a pass with a mark.
The reviewer's rating is also included in the overall rating.
1. Būvniecības likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 01.10.2014, ar grozījumiem. [Skatīts 11.12.2023.].Pieejams: Būvniecības likums (
2. Studentu darbu noformēšana. Metodiskie norādījumi. Atkārtots, papildināts izdevums / Sast. U.Kļaviņš u.c. - Jelgava: LLU, 2017. -47 lpp.
1. Neufert Ernest. Architects' Data. Wiley-Blackwell; 6th edition (21 Aug. 2023) 656 pages
2. Vispārīgie būvnoteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr.500 [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 01.10.2014. ar grozījumiem. [Skatīts - 11.12.2023.]. Pieejams:
3. Ēku būvnoteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr.529 [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 01.10.2014. ar grozījumiem. [Skatīts – 11.12. 2023.]. Pieejams:
Būvinženieris. Rīga: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienība, ISSN 9771-0008.
Latvijas arhitektura: ceļvedis arhitektūras jomas speciālistiem:Rīga: Lilita. ISSN 1407-4923
Latvijas Būvniecība: ceļvedis būvniecības nozares virzītājiem. Rīga: Lilita. ISSN 1691-4058.
Study course is included in the professional higher education bachelor study programme Civil Engineering