Course code BūvZ3156

Credit points 6

Geographic Information System Softwares

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures32

Number of hours for laboratory classes32

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation19.01.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developer

author Zemes pārvaldības un ģeodēzijas institūts

Vita Celmiņa


Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to create an understanding of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software products, their types, tasks, location and significance in the performance of Geographic Information Systems functions. To acquire the initial understanding and skills for working with the basic programs of Geographic Information Systems - to know the basic conditions and peculiarities of their use. Tasks: To acquire good working skills with at least one basic GIS software (ArcGIS pro, or QGIS, or Online GIS, or Geomedia, or some other) and the ability to navigate the basics of using at least two more developer software products.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knows and understands the set of geospatial information system software, their division into tasks in the system and knows the products of the framework programs for the performance of direct GIS functions, their operating principles and capabilities - tests
2. Is able to independently acquire basic work skills with GIS basic software products of different developers, as well as to work with at least one of them on a professional level - laboratory work
3. Is able to orientate in the issues of geospatial data development, storage, transformation and processing in GIS software, as well as in the conformity assessment of the obtained data, spatial analytical activities and spatial (3D) modeling with them - tests and laboratory works

Course Content(Calendar)

Full-time studies:
1. GIS classification, structure, scale and application (1h)
2. Software products used in GIS, their tasks (functions) in the system and division (1h)
3. GIS framework programs - their tasks, basic function modules included in them (1h)
4. Principles of construction of GIS framework programs and functions to be implemented (1h)
5. GIS core software from different developers, comparison of their capabilities, common and different (1h)
1. Test (1h)
6. Esri software ArcGIS pro, overview of possibilities, data work formats, work modules, their variations (1h)
7. ArcGIS pro purchase and use terms, restrictions, benefits and usage agreements;
8. Free code software QGIS, description of options, data formats, working modules and variations of options (1h)
9. QGIS availability, terms of use, limitations and benefits, technical support (1h)
10. Geomedia software overview, data work formats, work modules, their variations (1h)
11. Geomedia Software Purchase and Use Terms, Restrictions, Benefits and Use Agreements (1h)
12. Software “Online GIS” overview of data, data work formats, work modules, their variations (1h)
13. Online GIS software purchase and use terms, restrictions, benefits and use (1h)
14. Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of available basic software, comparison (1h)
15. Introduction to ArcGIS pro - instructions for use, sequence of operations, work with modules, tools and their functions (1h)
16. Introduction to QGIS - instructions for use, sequence of operations, work with modules, tools and their functions (1h)
17. Introduction to Geomedia - instructions for use, sequence of operations, work with modules, tools and their functions (1h)
18. Introduction to “online gis” - instruction manual, sequence of operations, work with modules, tools and their functions (1h)
2. Test (1h)
19. Possibilities of searching for spatial data sites and evaluating data quality in the named programs (comparison of results) (1h)
20. Input of found spatial data (named programs) in work environments and execution of transformations of initial formats to work environment formats of specific programs (comparison of results) (1h)
21. Geocoding activities and results of uncoordinated information data and data tables (comparison of results) (1h)
22. Transformations of the obtained data coordinates, formation and arrangement of sets, creation of visual design, use of symbols (comparison of results) (1h)
23. Simple data selection and analysis possibilities in named program environments - creation of new information (comparison of results) (1h)
24. Measurement options and results (comparison of results) (1h)
25. Creation, development, supplementation, correction of new spatial information data, as well as processing, correction, improvement or transformation of existing data (comparison of results) (1h)
26. Programming possibilities and results of spatial analysis activities (comparison of results) (1h)
27. Operations with 3D models, model formation, execution of measurements in 3D environment (comparison of results) (1h)
28. Formation, design and preparation of printouts of cartograms and visual maps (comparison of results) (1h)
29. Transformation of work results for use in specific software environments (1h)
3. Test (1h)

Laboratory works:
Students choose the most suitable or available GIS software, with the help of which they perform the following tasks:
1. Choose the topic of his / her individual practical work, determines the tasks to be solved during the development of the topic and the goals to be achieved (1h)
2. Searches and selects spatial and other information in the interest of the solution of the chosen topic (Using information found both on the Internet and in other institutions / databases) (2h)
3. The verification of the quality parameters specified in the obtained information and the assessment of the adequacy of the information for the achievement of the planned tasks and objectives shall be performed. In cases when the quality parameters of the found information are not available - perform the procedures for their determination with the following results and evaluation of suitability (2h)
4. Input the obtained information into the created work environment (project), performing the necessary activities of ensuring their compatibility and interoperability (coordinate transformations, geocoding, clarification of coordinate data - correction / correction) (1h)
5. Performs the activities of mutual coordination, correction and correction of the obtained data and information (arrangement of data), as well as supplementation of information tables with the necessary information (1h)
6. Performs the initial visual appearance of the information set, using the suggestions and individual options of the sign library, as well as the representation of names and other written elements (1h)
7. Defines the boundaries of the task topic execution area, the basic scale of the work area and the conditions for detailing (generalization) of information, as well as the dimensions of the possible total printout - the original map (1h)
8. Prepare (design) the created territory printout file, in the planned scale and envisaging the dimensions specified for the original printout. Observe the standards of full cartographic design in the original design and printout (2h)
9. Performs printing and verification of its results - acceptance (checking both the content and the conformity of the design, as well as the mathematical accuracy and geodetic compliance of the printed map) (1h)
10. Define the impact zones - areas of interest - bands, etc. (dampers, areas, landfills, areas) corresponding to the achievement of the objectives of the task, identify the information contained therein and select it for further analysis, create new data sets from it - save them (1h)
11. Identifies information objects crossing the selected - marked territory, determines their types, lengths and quality indicators (usually roads, railways, rivers, streams, etc.) perform the assessment of their use possibilities and supplement the table data with assessment information; (1h)
12. Execute calculations of the use of traffic-movement routes (using the possibilities of automated measurements) between different marked data objects and previously identified, separated territories, the obtained information shall be entered in the appropriate data tables; (2h)
13. Prepare a 3D model of the selected area, combine it with the data set of the created work and repeat the previously performed measurements already taking into account the effect of the third (height) dimension on them (2h)
14. Perform calculations of the remote sensing survey task of the selected (selected object or objects) territory - compilation (drone flight) on the basis of the information of the created data set; (Prepares task-flight digital data set) (1h)
15. Carries out the results of the ordered remote sensing in its work set and performs the activities of updating and specifying the existing information according to the results of the obtained material (1h)
16. Performs visibility - invisibility zone detection activities for 3 selected locations with different viewing distances, presents the result as a separate data layer (there may also be flood detection) (2h)
17. Create maps of the marked - selected territories as separate documents (with their own scales and individual design) - data sets and also prepare appropriate printout maps from them (1h)
18. Prepare a 3D computer demonstration and measurement execution model for the selected work area or selected object (or designated area) (2h)
19. From the previously performed laboratory works, a laboratory work file shall be created - by drawing it up in the format of visual documents with maps and activity created for each previously performed work, as well as textual parts of the obtained results (5h)
20. Presentation of laboratory work results (2h)

Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test with a mark

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Independent work is related to the course of laboratory work - acquiring additional knowledge (studying literature, searching for information on websites), skills and practical experience for the successful solution of specific tasks.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. The laboratory work must be completed, handed over and defended;
2. Must have positively evaluated tests;
Test with a mark, written and oral in a 10-point system.
The test mark will be adjusted taking into account the evaluations of the tests and the evaluation of the defense of the course paper.
At the condition when the evaluation of the course work dominates in the determination of the final evaluation.

Compulsory reading

1. Ģeomātikas pamati. , Rīgas Tehniskās universitāte . Rīga, 2006. 66 lpp.
2. Mūsdienu Latvijas topogrāfiskās kartes. Rīga: VZD, 2001. 203 lpp.
3. Ģeotelpiskās informācijas likums. [tiešsaiste] Pieņemts: 17.12.2009. Stājas spēkā: 13.01.2010 [skatīts 26.01.2022.] Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Mūsdienu Latvijas topogrāfiskās kartes. Autoru kolektīvs A. Zelmanis ... u.c. Rīga: VZD, 2001.
2. Kraus K. Photogrammetrie., Band I: Grundlagen und Standartverfahren. , Dummler/Bonn, 1998., 450 p.
3. Kraus K. Photogrammetry. Vol.1: Fundamentals and standard processes. Köln: Dümmler, 2000. 397 p.
3. 4. Štrauhmanis J. Kartogrāfija: mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: RTU, 2004., 109 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Pieejams:
European Spatial Data Research. Pieejams:;
žurnāls “Mērnieks”. ISSN 1407-7124.


Professional higher education bachelor study program “Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing” in full-time studies and part-time studies