Course code BiolB003
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course100
Number of hours for lectures52
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours56
Date of course confirmation20.12.2023
Responsible UnitPreclinical Institute
Dr. biol.
Dr. biol.
Mg. biol.
Biol1019 [GBIO1019] Animal Biology, Ecology and Ethology I
Animal biology, ecology and ethology is an introductory course providing insights in general principles of the basic structure and functions of animal body and basic physiological processes, as well as their evolution. The course also covers taxonomic diversity of the animal kingdom, basic laws of ecology, the role of animals in ecosystem processes and information of the impact of humans on ecosystems (particularly agriculture and animal husbandry)
• knowledge on structure and physiological processes of animals of different taxonomic groups; on diversity of the kingdom of animals and on the role of animals in ecosystems. 3 tests
• skills to search for zoological and ecological information and to analyze it. 2 presentations
Knowledge of the structure and physiological processes of animals of different taxonomic groups, the diversity of the animal kingdom and the importance of animals in ecosystems. 3 tests
Skills to search and analyze information related to zoology and ecology.
Competences to be able to assess the importance of wild animals in the protection of animals and public health and the environment, and to know and be able to find information about the taxonomic relationship of different species of animals.
The tests include 40 questions. A test in which at least 21 questions are answered correctly is passed successfully. The points obtained in the tests (the number of correct answers) will be used to calculate the cumulative exam grade after the second part of this course during the spring Individual Study and Examination period
1. Classification of organisms. Distinction between plants and animals. The theory of the natural selection. Concept of species in zoology. 2h
2. Mechanisms of movement. Metabolism. Anabolic and catabolic pathways. Anaerobic and aerobic respiration. Nutrition. Ingestion, digestion, resorbtion. 2h
3 Respiration. Respiratory organs. Circulation. 2h
4. Osmoregulation. Excretion. Nitrogenous waste products. Thermoregulation. 2h
5. Reproduction. Neural and humoral regulation. 2h
6. Test 1 General zoology. Systematic zoology. Protozoans. 2h.
7. Body plans and embryonic development of animals. Sponges (poriferans). Cnidarians. 2h
8. Flatworms. Nematodes. 2h
9. Annelides. Phylum Arthropoda. Crustaceans. 2h
10. Arachnoids, millipedes, centipedes and insects. 2h
11. Molluscs. Echinoderms. Chordates, common traits. 2h
12. Cephalochordata and Urochordata. Origin of vertebrates. Cyclostomates. Cartilagous fish. 2h
13. Bony fish. Origin and characteristics of amphibians. 2h
14. Amniotes. Characteristics of the classis of reptilians and birds. 2h
15. Characteristics of the class of mammals. Bats. 2h
16. Development of postglacial fauna in the territory of Latvia. Protection of the animal speies. International and Latvian legislation. 2h
17 Test 2 Systematic zoology. 2h
18. Introduction to ecology, its history, methods to study ecology. 2h
19. Basic principles of evolution, evolution of living organisms. 2h
20. Response of organisms to environmental factors. Effects of abiotic factors on organisms. 2h
21. Population ecology. 2h
22. Community ecology. Interspecific relationships. 2h
23. Ecosystem ecology. Energy flow in an ecosystem. 2h
24. Biogeochemical cycles in an ecosystem. 2h
25. Biodiversity and its conservation. Climate change. 2h
26. Ecosystem services. Test 3 “Ecology”. 2h
Students have to pass three tests to receive a pass
After each lecture, students take a training test that helps them prepare for the final tests
A test consists of 40 questions.The minimum number of correct answers to pass a test is 21.The number of points obtained from three tests are used to calculate the grade of the exam in spring Period of individual studies and examinations
1. Reece J. B., Urry L.A., Cain M.L., Wasserman S.A., Minorsky P.V. & Jackson R.B. 2014. Campbell Biology 10th edition. Benjamin Cummings. 1488 pp.
2. Dogels V. 1986. Bezmugurkaulnieku zooloģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne. 556 lpp.
3. Krebs C. J. 2009. Ecology: the experimental analysis of Distribution and abundance. Sixth edition. Pearson International edition. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings. 656 p.
4. Melecis V. 2011. Ekoloģija. Rīga: LU apgāds. 352 lpp.
5. Naumovs N., Kartašovs N. 1990. Mugurkaulnieku zooloģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne. 528 lpp.
1. Claus W., Claus C. 2004. Zoologie für Tiermediziner. 1. Auflage. Enke. 222 S.
2. Storch V., Welsch U., Remane A. 2003. Systematische Zoologie. 6. Auflage. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag. 853 S.
3. Ville C. A., W.F.Walker, R.D.Barnes. 1978. General Zoology 5th ed. – Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders Co. 980 p.
4. Wehner R., Gehring W., Kühn, A. 2007. Zoologie. 24. Auflage – Georg Thieme Verlag. 861 S.
5. Westheide W., Rieger R. M. 2003. Spezielle Zoologie 2: Wirbeltiere. 1. Auflage. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag. 712 S.Westheide W., Rieger R. M. 2006. Spezielle Zoologie 1: Einzeller und Wirbellose Tiere. 2. Auflage. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag. 976 S.
Compulsory study course of second cycle professional study programme Veterinary medicine