Course code VidEB010
Credit points 2
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures14
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours32
Date of course confirmation17.12.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
VidE3003, Ground Motor Vehicles I
VidE3004, Ground Motor Vehicles II
LauZ4262 [GLAU4263] Technical Service of Machinery II
The aim of the study course is to master the principles and techniques of maintenance and diagnostics of electrical and electronic systems of agricultural and other machines. Skills and ability are acquired in the application of machine-based prophylactic technical maintenance system, in the planning, organization and creation of material and technical base of machine maintenance works.
Knowledge: about electric and electronic systems service, diagnosis and test methods and equipment for modern machines. Assessment - test.
Skills: choose the most appropriate diagnostic equipment and its use of machine fault detection. Assessment - test. Competence: acquired knowledge and skills can be available to arrive at a most convenient decision at each situation about strategy and tactics of technical service and diagnostic of machinery. The knowledge and skills acquired during the course are assessed by 2 tests and developed practical work and their reports.
1. Application of electrical systems for machine functions – (lect. 1h)
2. Elements of machine electrical systems, their most typical refusals and reasons for their occurrence – (lect. 1h)
3. The role of technical maintenance in the operation of machine systems – (lect. 1h)
4. The role of diagnostics in ensuring the performance of machine systems – (lect. 1h)
5. Sources of technical information, their effective use in machine diagnostics – (lect. 1h)
6. Electrical circuit diagrams of machines, obtaining information from electrical circuit – (lect. 1h; pract.w. 1h)
7. Power supply elements for machines, refusals, diagnostics and servicing – (lect. 1h)
8. Elements of the start-up system and their refusals, diagnostics and maintenance – (lect. 1h)
9. Lighting devices, their most typical refusals and diagnostics – (lect. 1h)
10. Functional diagnostics of machine electrical systems with built-in diagnostic tools – (pract.w. 2h)
11. Functional diagnostics of machine electrical systems with external diagnostic equipment – (lect. 1h; pract.w. 1h)
12. Electrical fault elimination, repair materials and equipment – (lect. 2h)
13. Operational parameters of machines, methods of their determination and equipment – (lect. 1h)
14. Practical techniques for determining fuel consumption – (pract.w. 2h)
15. Methods and equipment for determining the power of machines – (pract.w. 2h)
16. Integrated machine control and data logging systems, their use and management – (lect. 1h)
Part-time extramural studies: All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.
All practical works have been developed and passed. Successfully passed verification tests. Exam.
Studying lecture materials and additional literature, preparing for tests and practical works. Development and defended of practical work reports.
The tests are accepted if at least 4 are scored. The test evaluation criteria indicate a specific score for each correctly answered test question.
Practical works are accepted if practical works reports are developed and successfully defended. The examination test may be omitted if all the tests have been successfully completed during the semester and the practical work has been defended.
1. Berjoza D., Tupiņš J. Spēkratu diagnostika: mācību grāmata. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 220 lpp.
2. Grants Z. Traktoru un automobiļu diagnostika. Jelgava, 1994. 252 lpp.
3. Denton T. Advanced Automotive Fault diagnosis. 2nd edition. Elsevier LTD, 2006. 271 p. ISBN: 978-0-7506-6991-7
1. Bauer H. Automotive Electrics Automotive Electronics. 4-th edition. Stuttgart: Robert Bosch GmbH, 2004. 503 p.
2. Denton T. Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems. Third edition. London; New York: Elsevier LTD, 2004. 463 p. ISBN-13: 978-0-7506-6219-2
3. Gscheidle R. (ed.). Modern Automotive Technology, Fundamentals, service, diagnostics. Haan-Gruiten, Germany: Verl. Europa - Lehrmittel, 2006. 688 p.
1. Žurnāls "Profi": žurnāls par lauksaimniecības tehniku. ISSN 2256-0130.
2. Žurnāls "Agro Tops". ISSN 1407-5164
Compulsory: IITF academic bachelor study program Agricultural Engineering sub-program Agricultural Machinery in full-time and part-time studies