Course code VidEB007
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures48
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes8
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation24.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Mg. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
LauZ4234, Animal Breeding Technology
LauZ4254 [GLAU4255] Animal Husbandry Mechanisation I
The aim of the study course is to get to know the situation of animal breeding mechanization in Latvia, the system of animal breeding machines, its formation and characteristics, modern milking machines and robots, milk meters and flow adaptors, milk cleaning and cooling equimentanimal feed preperation animal breeding management system.
Knowledge - about the state of livestock mechanization in Latvia and its development trends, modern technologies and equipment used for milking cows and pre-processing of the obtained milk, preparation of fodder, as well as about dairy farming management. Knowledge is assessed in Test 1 and laboratory work.
Skills - to know and evaluate various technological equipment for milking cows, milk pre-processing and fodder preparation, based on their construction and technical parameters. Skills are assessed in test 2 and laboratory work.
Competences - to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for agricultural engineers, taking care of modernization of animal husbandry technology and mechanization. Competences are assessed in tests.
1. Importance of livestock mechanization, development history and current state - 3h
2. Basics of cow milking mechanization, milking machines - 4h
3. Milking equipment vacuum systems - 4h
4. Equipment for milking cows in milking parlours and milk ducts - 4h
5. Milk flow indicators and sensors, milk meters - 4h
6. Bench type milking equipment - 6h
7. Milking equipment maintenance - 3h
8. Purification of milk, cooling and storage - 3h
9. Refrigeration machines. Types of milk coolers - 5h
10. Management system in dairy farming - 1h
11. Cow milking robots, peculiarities of their use - 3h
12. Feed preparation technology and requirements - 2h
13. Feed shredding techniques. Cutting with a knife and scissors - 3h
14. Fodder rolling, grating, crushing - 3h
15. Remediation and dosing of feed - 3h
16 Preparation of compound feedings tuffs - 3h
In part-time correspondence studies: All topics specified in full-time correspondence studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.
Exam. All laboratory works have been worked out and defended, tests have been successfully written.
Preparation for tests using the literature indicated in the study program and consulting with the lecturer of the study course.
The evaluation of the study course exam depends on the average evaluation of the study course tests.
A student can obtain a successful assessment of a test if at least 50% of the test questions have been answered correctly. The examination mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the average results of the passed tests.
1. Priekulis J. Lopkopības mehanizācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 355 lpp.
2. Laurs A., Priekulis J. Mūsdienīga piena ražošana. Rīga: LLU Ulbrokas zinātnes centrs, 2001. 345 lpp.
3. Moderna piena ražošanas ferma: tehnoloģija, tehnika, apsaimniekošana. J. Priekuļa red. Jelgava:LLU, 2012. 240 lpp.
1. Laurs A. Teļu automatizēta ēdināšana. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 40 lpp.
2. Laurs A., Zujs V. Ganāmpulka menedžmenta sistēma. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 120 lpp.
3. Prasības un ieteikumi lopu mītņu tehnoloģiskai projektēšanai un aprīkošanai. Autoru grupas vad. J.Priekulis. Jelgava, LLU, 1999. 60 lpp.
4. DeLaval Dairy Farming Handbook. DeLaval. 2009. 305 p.
1. Žurnāls "Agro Tops". Pieejams:
2. Žurnāls "Saimnieks.LV". Pieejams:
3. Žurnāls "Landtechnik". Fachzeitschrift fuer Agrartechnik und laendliches Bauen. Pieejams:
4. DeLaval piedāvātie integrētie risinājumi. Pieejams:
5. GEA Dairy Net herd and farm management. Pieejams:
6. Jaunas iespējas priekš jūsu fermas. Pieejams:
Compulsory course for IITF Agricultural Engineering Bachelor study program subprogram "Agricultural Machinery".