Course code VidZB002

Credit points 4


Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12

Number of hours for laboratory classes16

Independent study hours64

Date of course confirmation12.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developers

author reserch

Inga Grīnfelde


author reserch

Jovita Pilecka-Uļčugačeva


Replaced course

VidZ4013 [GVID4013] Bioengineering

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge of biotechnology process
and their principles. Students are acquainted with the basic concepts of biotechnology and bioengineering, their main raw materials and manufactured products. Learn the basic principles for the detection and cultivation of microorganisms. Understand aerobic, anaerobic, batch, continuous, sterile and non-sterile fermentation processes. Familiarized with the structure of bioreactor. The findings provided in the study course will extend students' vision with knowledge of how to apply biotechnological methods that can be used to analyse and reduce environmental pollution, as well as cover a set of knowledge on regulatory, safety and socio-economic considerations in the application of bioengineering.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knows and understands the processes of bioengineering process, as well as understand the role of microorganisms and their application in bioprocesses. (1st test paper with a mark)
2. Knowledge of the types of media used for the cultivation of microorganisms, the cultivation methods and principles, the construction of bioreactors and their application to the fermentation process. (2nd test paper with a mark)
3. Cognitive and selective knowledge of bioengineering methods for the use of various raw materials and products and the need to solve environmental problems (biogas, water pollution treatment). Also understands the regulatory, safety and socio-economic considerations in the application process of bioengineering. (3rd test paper with a mark)
1. Is able to control the conduct of the microbiological process. (Laboratory work, discussions)
2. Is able to integrate knowledge to study and critically assess the processes taking place in the bioreactor. (Practical work, group work and discussions)
3. Is able to choose appropriate processes and principles for the detection of microorganisms. (Laboratory work, discussions)
4. Is able to participate critically and analytically in discussions. (Seminar classes)
5. Is able to use scientific article database to obtain information. (Permanent job)
6. Skills to communicate present and debate on the use of bioengineering processes in environmental protection. (Seminar classes)
1. Is able to apply the acquired knowledge and research skills to evaluate the applicability of bioengineering processes in the reduction and protection of environmental pollution. (Laboratory work)
2. Is able to formulate independently and critically analyse problem situations related to the application of bioengineering in reducing environmental pollution. (Report, presentation)

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Bioengineering, its history, role and basic concepts (L 1h); Application of bioengineering in environmental protection and pollution reduction (PW 1h); Application of microorganism cultivation methods (LW 2h)
2. Raw materials used in biotechnological processes. (L 1h); Detection of microorganisms in the cultivation process (LW 1h)
3. Microorganisms as a basic unit of biological systems. (L 1h); Application of bioengineering in environmental protection and pollution reduction (PW 1h); Morphology of microorganisms (LW 2h)
4. Morphology of bacteria, yeasts, microscopic fungi (L 1h); Morphology of microorganisms, determination (LW 1h).
5. Physiological bases of cultivation of microorganisms. (L 1h); 1.Test with a mark (S 1h); Morphology of microorganisms (LW 2h).
6. Principles of bioreactor operation. (L 1h); Morphology of microorganisms, determination (LW 1h)
7. Principles of bioreactor operation. (L 1h); Kyoto Protocol (PW 1h); Air analysis (LW 2h)
8. Bioreactor constructions and equipment. (L 1h); Air analysis, identification of microorganisms (LW 1h)
9. Bioreactor equipment (L 1h); Application of bioengineering raw materials in bio-sewers (PW 1h); Fermentation process and cultivation of microorganisms (LW 2h)
10. Control and management of bioreactor fermentation processes. (L 1h); Identification of microorganisms (LW 1h)
11. Fermentation process technologies (aerobic, anaerobic, surface and depth fermentation) (L 1h); 2.Test with a mark (S 1h); Acquisition of microorganisms biomass in the fermentation process (LW 2h)
12. Liquid and solid phase fermentation process (L 1h); Identification of microorganisms (LW 1h)
13. Biogas, its production and use (L 1h); Climate technologies, biological preparations for environmental protection (PW 1h); Water analysis (LW 2h)
14. Biogas production process and bioreactor constructions (L 1h); Water analysis, identification of microorganisms (LW 1h)
15. Biological wastewater treatment and applied microorganisms (L 1h); Activated sludge analyses (LW 2h)
16. Water pollution, microorganisms and activities (L 1h); 3.Test work with a mark (S 1h); Identification of activated sludge microorganisms (LW 1h)

L – lecture; PW – Practical work; S – Seminar; LW – Laboratory work

Part-time attendance:
All topics specified for full-time attendance are implemented, but the number of contact hours is ½ from the number of hours indicated.

Requirements for awarding credit points

1. During the semester, 3 test papers with a mark must be successfully completed.
2. Prepared presentation on topics to be covered in the practical classes or on issues related to the reduction of environmental pollution. Up to 10 points can be obtained for the work prepared and presented.
3. 100% completed and defended laboratory work.
4. At the end of the study course, a written examination for the entire theoretical part of the study course has been completed successfully.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student must independently prepare for 3 test papers. During the test, the student must answer both the test and descriptive questions. The test is passed if a successful grade is obtained (not lower than “4”). Successful assessment of all three tests, presentation on the topic and all accepted laboratory work protocols give the student the right to take a written examination for the entire theoretical part of the course.
In accordance with the requirements, the student must prepare a presentation within the framework of independent work and present it on a specific topic related to the reduction of environmental pollution or related issues, taking into account biotechnological processes and their application.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The final grade of the course is obtained by taking an examination for the theoretical part of the whole study course. The exam totally includes 60 questions (test and descriptive questions). If you answer all the questions of the exam correctly, it is possible to get 100 points. The evaluation of the examination mark depends on the number of points obtained.
Rating scale:
40 ... 45 points - mark 4;
46 ... 55 points - mark 5;
56 ... 65 points - mark 6;
66 ... 75 points - mark 7;
76 ... 85 points - mark 8;
86 ... 95 points - mark 9;
96 ... 100 points - mark 10.

Compulsory reading

1. Gemste I., Vucāns A. Notekūdeņu dūņas un to izmantošana. Jelgava: LLU, 2002. 172 lpp.
2. Viesturs U., Kārkliņa D., Ciproviča I. Bioprocessing and bioengineering : the course of the learning material for bachelor's and master's students and SOCRATUS/ERASMUS exchange programmes students specializing in food science and technology. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 60 p.
3. Kārkliņš R., Lemba J., Liepiņš G. Organisko skābju biotehnoloģija = Biotechnologie den organischen Sauren = Biotechnology of organic acids. Rīga : "Stampa informserviss", 2002. 214 lpp.
4. Barnum S.R. Biotechnology: an introduction. Belmont: Brooks/Cole, 2005. 360 p.

Further reading

1. Schmid R. Pocket Guide to Biotechnology and Genetic Engeneering. WILEY – VCH, 2002. 345 p.
2. Kļaviņš M. Vides piesārņojums un tā iedarbība. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2012. 199 lpp.
3. Kalniņš A. Biogāzes ražošanas saimnieciskie un vides ieguvumi. Rīga: [Autorizdevums], 2009. 147 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1.Biotechology and Bioengineering. [tiešsaiste]. Published/Hosted by John Wiley and Sons. ISSN (Print): 0006-3592. ISSN (Online): 1097-0290. [skatīts 27.05.2014.]. Pieejams Wiley:
2.Environmental Engineering and Policy. [tiešsaiste]. Published/Hosted by Springer. ISSN (Print): 1433-6618. ISSN (Online): 1434-0852. [skatīts 27.05.2014.]. Pieejams:
3.Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology (JAB). [tiešsaite] ISSN (Print): 2347-212X. [skatīts 25.01.2015]. Pieejams: 1.Scopus datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
4.Web of Science datubāzes [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
5.ScienceDirect Freedom Collection datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://www.
6.EBSCO eBook Academic Collection datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: 20f3d1432b%40pdc-v-sessmgr02
6.EBSCOhost datubāzes [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: 7.Wiley Online Journals datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:


Compulsory study course for students of the professional higher education bachelor study program “Environment and Water Management” of the Faculty of Environmental and Civil Engineering.