Course code VidZ2007
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Independent study hours81
Date of course confirmation28.01.2014
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Mg. sc. ing.
BūvZ1031, Geodesy I
BūvZ1032, Geodesy II
LauZ1009, Soil Science
Acquired theoretical knowledge students have to use in practice, they have to prepare detailed project on drainage of 40 ha of agricultural land area. Students acquire deeper knowledge in current regulations, directives and regulations related to issue.
• Knowledge and understanding in complex technical solutions to improve drainage efficiency in farm yard and in agricultural land under the humid soil conditions, including knowledge in theoretical and practical drainage design methods under the specific environmental conditions;
• Skills and practical acquirements for the necessary calculations and preparation of land drainage projects, including its components - detailed, delimitation and channel system networks. Students will acquire skills to choose and to apply optimal transport infrastucture and reclamation measures for agricultural usage of farmland;
• Competence to assess the solutions for soil drainage depending on the site conditions and the demands of agricultural production, as well as competence to expertise the designed projects and to evaluate the quality of constructed objects.
1. Kļaviņš U., Sudārs R. Meliorācija: mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 224 lpp.
2. MK noteikumi Nr. 631. Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 224 – 05 „Meliorācijas sistēmas un hidrauliskās būves” [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 26.08.2005. Skatīts 26.03.2014. Pieejams:
3. Zīverts A. Pazemes ūdeņu hidroloģija. Jelgava: LLU, 2001. 81 lpp.
4. Zīverts A. Hidroloģija: ievads un hidroloģiskie aprēķini. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 103 lpp.
1. Kļaviņš U. Lauku sētas nosusināšana: mācību palīglīdzeklis Lauku inženieru fakultātes studentiem. Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 90 lpp.
2. Kultūrtehnisko darbu tehnoloģiskās shēmas. Rīga: RRA „Latvijas meliorācija”, 1990. 27 lpp.