Course code VeteB044
Credit points 9
Total Hours in Course
Number of hours for lectures44
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes68
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours131
Date of course confirmation20.12.2023
Responsible UnitClinical Institute
Mg. med. vet.
Dr. med. vet.
Mg. med. vet.
First-cycle professional higher education(līm.)
Ķīmi3004, Biochemistry
LauZ2028, Forage Production and Animal Nutrition II
Vete4105, Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology I
VeteB004, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III
VeteB008, Cell biology, Histology II
VeteB010, Physiology II
VeteB012, Bacteriology, mycology, virology II
VeteB021, Internal Medicine, Herd Health I
VeteB029, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics II
VeteB042, Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine III
Students learn and develop problem-solving experience in veterinary andrology, which studies the physiological and etiopathogenetic processes of the reproductive system of male animals (bull, stallion, boar, goat, buck, dog, and cat), its various diseases and treatment options; in artificial insemination and embryo transfer, which studies gamete physiology, pathology, anabiosis, cryoprotection, technique and technology of artificial insemination and embryo transfer; in veterinary obstetrics and gynaecology, which examines the physiology of the genital organs of female animals (cows, mares, sheep, goats, pigs, bitches, and cats) before conception, during pregnancy, during parturition, and in the normal postpartum period.
Knowledge - in-depth knowledge of andrology and reproductive biotechnology, disease etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Type of knowledge test - 7 tests and one practical test.
Skills - to carry out a full clinical examination of the reproductive and related organs, treatment, and emergency first aid in moments critical to the animal's life; to identify and explain the physiological and pathological processes in the reproductive system's functioning. Assessment of practical skills during practical work with an animal.
Competence - to assess and solve problems related to animal fertility and changes in milk quality.
Semester is passed with “cumulative exam”.
Subprogram Obstetrics and Gynecology
1. Introduction to the study course – plan, requirements, reproductive science, history. Functional anatomy, histology of reproductive organs, oogenesis in different species of animals (ewe, sow, cow, queen, goat, bitch, mare) –2 h lectures and 4 h practical work (necropsy room).
2. Regulation of reproductive system: nerves, hormones, target organs. Puberty and estrous cycle. Neurohumoral regulation of estrous cycle – 2 h lectures.
3. Detection methods of estrus. Transport of spermatozoa and oocyte in female reproductive tract – 2 h lectures.
4. Fertilization, early embryonic development, pregnancy recognition. Gynaecological examination of female animals – 2 h lectures, 4 h practical work.
1st test Functional anatomy, histology of reproductive organs, oogenesis in different species of animals.
5. Types of placentas in different species of animals (ewe, sow, cow, queen, goat, bitch, mare). Placental hormones. Factors inducing parturition. Parturition. Vaginal and rectal examination of cows (trip to the farm) – 2 h lectures and 6 h practical work.
6. The use of sex hormones in veterinary medicine. Pregnancy detection basic principles and methods in different species of animals, detection of the age and gender of the fetus – 2 h lectures, 6 h practical work.
2nd test Puberty, estrous cycle, its neurohumoral regulation, estrus and its detection methods.
7. Gestation pathology, diseases of pregnant animals, abortions, abnormalities of development, fetal monsters. Assisted reproduction methods, basics of embryo transfer – 2 h lectures, 4 h practical work.
3rd test Gynaecological examination of female animals, pregnancy detection, detection of age and gender of the fetus.
8. Parturition, maternal dystocia, uterine torsion, Caesarean surgery in different species of animals (ewe, sow, cow, goat). Assistance in dystocia – basic principles, preparation, tools. Fetal dystocia – 6 h lectures, 10 h practical work.
4th test Gestation pathology, diseases of pregnant animals, abortions.
Practical test Fetal dystocia.
9. Normal postpartum period – 2 h lectures.
Subprogram Andrology, artificial insemination
1. Development of genitals, functional anatomy, and micromorphology of male animals of various species (bull, stallion, boar, goat, buck, dog and cat) - 2 h lectures and 2 h practical work (necropsy room).
2. Neurohumoral regulation of sexual activity. Sexual reflexes and mating. – 2 h lectures and 2 h practical work.
1st test Development of genital organs of male animals, functional anatomy, micromorphology. Neurohumoral regulation of genital activity. Sexual reflexes and mating.
3. Andrological examination of male animals. Semen removal and evaluation, sperm acquisition methods in different species, sperm physiology, biochemistry, and movement, reproductive disorders, and removal of sperm from a boar and a dog: 4 h lectures and 9 h practical work.
4. Diseases of genital organs of male animals - 4 h lectures and 6 h practical work.
2nd test Semen removal, assessment. Sperm acquisition methods, sperm physiology, biochemistry, movements. Diseases of the genital organs of male animals.
5. Artificial insemination of various female animals and its organization of work - 4 h lectures and 6 h practical work.
6. Preparation of sperm for conservation, various conservation methods - 2 h lectures and 3 h practical work.
3rd test Artificial insemination (AI) of various female animals and its work organization. Sperm preparation for conservation, different conservation methods
7. Trip to Sigulda MAS and farm (cow AI) – 4 h lectures and 6 h practical work.
Semester is passed with “cumulative exam”.
During semester, 7 tests and one practical test (without grade) should be successfully completed.
The final test with 100 questions should be successfully completed.
The average grade from 7 tests gives 50% for cumulative exam grade.
The final test (100 questions’ test) grade gives another 50% for cumulative exam grade.
The final test (100 questions’ test) grade is evaluated:
70% = 4
71 – 75% = 5
76 – 80% = 6
81 – 87% = 7
88 – 94% = 8
95 – 99% = 9
100% = 10
The final grade of cumulative exam is calculated as the average grade, the result is rounded towards the final test (100 questions’ test) grade.
If the final test (100 questions’ test) is not successfully completed, student have to retake the final test orally, during the individual study and examination period. The grade of the final test orally is equivalent to the final test (100 questions’ test) grade.
Absence from lectures and practical works does not make up more than 30% of the total number of lessons. If missed lectures and practical works are more than 30% of the total number of lessons, then the course must be repeated.
Independent work includes studying of educational and scientific literature.
Oral and written control of knowledge (in the 10 point system) during lectures and practical works. Control of practical skills with animals. Missed practical work with animals student performs in MPS “Vecauce” by prior arrangement with farm veterinarian.
Semester is passed with “cumulative exam”, its grade is formed from the average grade of 7 successful tests during the semester, and the grade of the final test.
1. D. E. Noakes, T. J. Parkinson, G. C. W. England. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics, 10th edition. 2019. Elsevier. 837 pp.
2. Senger P.L. Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition. Current Conceptions, Inc. 2003.- 373p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā
3. Chenoweth P.J., Lorton S.P. Animal Andrology Theories and Applications. FSC, 2014.-568 pp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
4. Afanasjevs I. Veterinārā dzemdniecība un ginekoloģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1983. - 360 lpp. Grāmatas atrodas LBTU abonementā.
5. Brūveris Z., Baumane S., Dūrītis I. Mājdzīvnieku praktiskā anatomija. Medicīnas apgāds, 2018.- 634 lpp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā un LBTU abonementā.
6. Brūveris Z. Veterinārās histoloģijas pamati. Medicīnas apgāds 2015.- 527 lpp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā
1. Compendium of animal reproduction: 3rd revised edition. – Intervet International B.V., 1997. – 279 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
2. Geofferey H.A. et. al. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. London, Philadelphia, Toronto, Sidney, Tokyo, 1996. - 726 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
Richter J., Gotze R. Tiergeburtshilfe.Verlag Paul Parey. Berlin und Hamburg.- 1993.- 642 s. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
1. Veterinārais žurnāls. Latvijas Veterinārārstu biedrības informatīvs biļetens. ISSN1407-0065. No 2008. gada. Žurnāli atrodami VMF Informācijas centrā.
2. Journal of Veterinary Science no 2004. gada. ISSN 1229 - 845X. Žurnāli atrodami VMF Informācijas centrā.
3. Žurnāls Agrotops. Žurnāli atrodami VMF Informācijas centrā.
4. Žurnāls Latvijas Lopkopis. Žurnāli atrodami VMF Informācijas centrā.
Compulsory course of second cycle professional higher education study programme Veterinary Medicine