Code du cours VeteB034
Crédits 6
La quantité totale d'heures en classe120
Nombre de conferences24
Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires0
Nombre des travaux du laboratoire56
La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant82
Date de l'approbation du cours20.12.2023
Vete4087 [GVET4091]
1. Radostits O.M., Gay C.C., Hinchcliff K.W., Constable P.D. Veterinary medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. 10th Edition. London: Saunders, 2008, 1548 p.
2. Smith B.P. Large Animal Internal Medicine. 5h Edition. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 2015, 1735 p.
3. Rebhun W.C. Diseases of Dairy Cattle. Media, PA : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.2010, 930 p.
4. Aitken I.D. Diseases of Sheep. 4th ed. Blackwell Publishing, UK, 2007. 239 p.
1. Kahn M.C., Line S. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 2010, 2712 p.
2. Meyer D., Harvey J.W. Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Interpretation and Diagnosis. 3rd ed. 2004, 532 p.
1. The Veterinary Journal, ISSN 1090-0233
2. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Wiley Blackwel, ISSN: 1939-1676