Course code VeteB034
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes56
Independent study hours82
Date of course confirmation20.12.2023
Responsible UnitClinical Institute
Dr. med. vet.
Vete4105, Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology I
VeteB004, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III
VeteB006, Forage Production and Animal Nutrition III
VeteB010, Physiology II
VeteB014, Animal Welfare, Environment Hygiene II
VeteB021, Internal Medicine, Herd Health I
VeteB030, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics III
VeteB042, Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine III
Vete4087 [GVET4091] Internal Medicine, Herd Health II
The aim of the study course is to acquire in depth the science based on knowledge about the epidemiology, aetiology, pathogenesis, and clinical signs of cattle, sheep and goat. Internal diseases, principles of diagnosis, disease treatment and prevention options.
Knowledge of causes, pathogenesis, clinical findings, treatment and prophylaxis of ruminant diseases; knowledge of clinical examination methods; knowledge of collection of anamnesis data, application of clinical symptoms and results of laboratory analyses in the differential diagnosis of disease and limitations of the use of treated animal products for human consumption. – Tests.
• Skills to communicate effectively with clients, to collect anamnesis data, to interpret results of clinical and laboratory examination for differentiation diagnosis of diseases, to establish diagnosis, and provide first aid. – Practical work.
• Competence to explain the pathogenesis of diseases; to establish a diagnosis; to create a treatment plan of different diseases. – Presentation of the clinical case. Tests
Course content (calendar) (indicate the amount in hours for each topic)
1. Diseases of newborns - Diarrhea. Developmental disorders of the rumen. Feeding of calves and determination of passive immunity. Lamb diseases. Fluid therapy. (6 h);
2. Pneumonia, differential diagnosis. Complications. Prevention. Lung ultrasound. (6 h);
3. Field trip to the calf barn. (6 h);
4. The 1st Test. Field clinical case presentations. Classification of diseases of the digestive tract. Esophageal obstruction. Simple indigestion. (7 h);
5. Ruminal acidosis (ARA, SARA). Examination of the ruminal content. (8 h);
6. Acute tympany. Primary/ secondary tympany. Traumatic reticulitis. Hoflund's syndrome. USG diagnostics of the abdominal cavity. (6 h);
7. Dislocation of the abomasum. Abomasal ulcers. Diarrhea in adult cows. "Ping" topographic diagnostics. (6 h);
8. The 2nd Test. Metabolic diseases. Form I and II of ketosis. Stress in the ruminant herd. (7 h);
9. Sheep pregnancy toxemia. Milk fever, complications, prevention. Field trip to a cow farm. Assessment of body condition. Feeding quality assessment. Diagnostics of metabolic diseases. (8 h);
10. The 3rd Test. (1h) Grass tetany. Postpartum hemoglobinuria. Hypomicroelementosis. Clinical case presentations of the field lesson. Hypovitaminoses. (7 h);
11. The most common CNS diseases (polioencephalomalacia, encephalitis, meningitis). (7 h);
12. The most common skin diseases (environmental, bacterial, parasitic, nutritional, allergic). The 4th Test. (6 h).
Successfully passing 4 tests and a Power Point presentation during the semester gives the opportunity to take the exam in Internal Medicine, Herd Health II. The overall grade for the exam consists of 30% of the average test grade and 70% of the exam grade. Absences from laboratory works may not exceed more than 30% of all lessons.
Independently obtain information from recommended veterinary medical literature, websites about ruminant diseases not discussed in the course. After the examination of patients carried out during field trips, independently analyze clinical signs, perform differential diagnosis and establish a diagnosis, develop a treatment and prevention plan; independently prepare and present a Power Point presentation about a clinical case or diagnostic examinations performed. Independently prepare for the exam.
Students' knowledge and skills are assessed according to the established procedure for the tasks assigned in practical work and according to the 10-point scale criteria specified in the LBTU Study Regulations.
1. Radostits O.M., Gay C.C., Hinchcliff K.W., Constable P.D. Veterinary medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. 10th Edition. London: Saunders, 2008, 1548 p.
2. Smith B.P. Large Animal Internal Medicine. 5h Edition. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 2015, 1735 p.
3. Rebhun W.C. Diseases of Dairy Cattle. Media, PA : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.2010, 930 p.
4. Aitken I.D. Diseases of Sheep. 4th ed. Blackwell Publishing, UK, 2007. 239 p.
1. Kahn M.C., Line S. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 2010, 2712 p.
2. Meyer D., Harvey J.W. Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Interpretation and Diagnosis. 3rd ed. 2004, 532 p.
1. The Veterinary Journal, ISSN 1090-0233
2. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Wiley Blackwel, ISSN: 1939-1676
Compulsory course of second cycle professional higher education study program Veterinary medicine