Course code VeteB033
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures26
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes26
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours56
Date of course confirmation20.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food and Environmental Hygiene
Dr. med. vet.
First-cycle professional higher education(līm.)
First-cycle professional higher education(līm.)
VeteB032, Infectious Diseases I
Vete4108 [GVET4112] Infectious Diseases II
Students acquire knowledge about bacterial and viral diseases affecting pigs, horses, and carnivores; the relevance and prevalence of these diseases in the region, European countries, and globally; the causative agents; sources of infection and transmission routes; clinical and pathological manifestations; diagnostic methods; treatment options; control measures; and prevention.
Knowledge: Students acquire knowledge about infectious diseases, their control, treatment, and prevention. (3 tests)
Skills: Students are capable of independently diagnosing infectious diseases, developing treatment protocols, and recommending preventive measures. (practical exercises)
Competence: After completing the study course, students can analyze information about infections, independently diagnose and carry out treatment and preventive measures; they can use acquired knowledge to seek new approaches and solutions in cases of infectious diseases. (analysis of clinical and epidemiological cases)
Kursa saturs (kalendārs) / Course Content (Calendar)
1. Distemper. Infectious Hepatitis. Canine Parvoviral Enteritis. 2h lectures and 2h practicals.
2. Canine Respiratory Infection Complex. Feline Respiratory Infection Complex. Feline Panleukopenia. 2h lectures and 2h practicals.
3. Feline Viral Leukemia. Feline Immunodeficiency. Feline Infectious Peritonitis. 2h lectures and 2h practicals.
4. 1st test (canine and feline infectious diseases) 1h. Glanders. Strangles. 1h lectures and 2h practical work.
5. African Horse Sickness. Equine Infectious Anemia. Equine Rhinopneumonitis. 2h lectures and 2h practicals.
6. Equine Influenza. Equine Viral Arteritis. Equine Viral Encephalomyelitis. 2h lectures and 2h practicals.
7. 2nd test (equine infectious diseases) 1h. Swine Erysipelas. Classical Swine Fever. African Swine Fever. 1h lectures and 2h practicals.
8. Swine Enzootic Pneumonia (Mycoplasmosis). Pleuropneumonia. Atrophic Rhinitis. Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome. 2h lectures and 2h practicals.
9. Transmissible Gastroenteritis. Teschovirus Encephalomyelitis. Porcine Parvoviral Infection. Swine Dysentery and Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy. Swine Post-Weaning Wasting Syndrome. 2h lectures and 2h practical work.
10. 3rd test (swine infectious diseases) 1h. Defense of the KEGA project 3h.
Successfully passed three assessments, defended the KEGA project, and passed the exam.
Clinical and Epidemiological Case Analysis (KEGA) work on a topic related to animal infectious diseases. The work is based on a current issue or clinical case in the field of infectious diseases. The paper consists of a definition of the problem or description of the clinical case, a literature review, and a discussion section. The length should not exceed 10 pages. After submitting the written form of the work, it must be defended in a public presentation. The work must be submitted and defended within the deadline set by the course instructor.
Student skills are assessed in accordance with the order of tasks assigned in practical exercises. Course assessments, KEGA projects, and exams are graded according to the criteria outlined in the LBTU Study Regulations using a 10-point scale.
1. MSD Veterinary manual.
2. WOAH Animal Diseases.
1. Trubka R. Mājdzīvnieku infekcijas slimības, 1. daļa. LLU, Jelgava 2001.-127 lpp.
2. Trubka R. Mājdzīvnieku infekcijas slimības, 2. daļa. LLU, Jelgava 2001.-214 lpp.
1. An International Journal on Animal Infection.EDP Sciences / ISSN: 1297-9716
2. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. Blackwell Verlag GmbH / ISSN: 1865-1682
Compulsory course of second cycle professional higher education study programme Veterinary Medicine.