Course code VeteB029

Credit points 3

Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics II

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours41

Date of course confirmation20.12.2023

Responsible UnitClinical Institute

Course developers

author reserch

Ilmārs Dūrītis

Dr. med. vet.

author Klīniskais institūts

Aija Mālniece

Dr. med. vet.

Prior knowledge

Ķīmi3016, Organic Chemistry

VeteB004, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III

VeteB010, Physiology II

VeteB031, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics I

VeteB041, Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine II

Replaced course

Vete4111 [GVET4115] Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics II

Course abstract

The aim of the clinical and laboratory diagnostics study course is to acquire animal examination methods (basic, additional, etc.) to learn their practical application at the animal (propaedeutics), to acquire knowledge about symptoms (semiotics), their pathogenetic origin, significance, thus mastering the diagnostic process of diseases. The course also learns the importance of laboratory examination of various bio substrates. Students learn to interpret the results of the obtained symptoms, including clinical tests. Guided by the results obtained during the examination of the animal, it is learned to establish a diagnosis using methods of differential-diagnostics. All three parts of the study course follow and complement each other sequentially.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Knowledge of: clinical manifestation and genesis of symptoms in cases of pathologies (diseases) of organ systems; methods of fixation and clinical examination of animals and their application; the use of additional diagnostic methods; the interpretation of data from the examination of biological substrates. Knowledge is tested and evaluated in 5 tests for each block of topics.
• Skills: methodically correctly obtain anamnesis, examine the organs of animals (cows, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, cats) and their systems using the main physical examination methods (inspection; auscultation; percussion; palpation); to carry out the methods of fixation and diagnostic manipulations of the animal necessary for the examination of the relevant organs or organ systems; methodically correctly obtain samples of biological substrates and prepare them for sending to the laboratory. Students' skills in examining an animal are evaluated during practical classes.
• Competence: ability to find symptoms of diseases and the relationships between them; as a result of the analysis of the symptoms found, the ability to establish a primordial clinical diagnosis; The acquired competence is evaluated during practical classes in discussions, as well as at the end of the study course, during the analysis of clinical cases.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. ECG recording, analysis (2,5h)
2. Arrhythmias (2,5h)
3. Examination of the abdominal region. Symptoms (2,5h)
4. Examination of the stomach of ruminants. Symptoms (2,5h)
5. Examination of the stomach. Internal examination of the oesophagus and stomach. Abdominal distension, auscultation of intestinal peristalsis. (2,5h)
6. Examination of the horse in case of colic. (2,5h)
7. Rectal examination of animals. (2,5h)
8. Examination of liver. Icterus. (2,5h)
9. Defecation. Feaces. Diarrhoea (2,5h)
10. Examination of urinary tract. (2,5h)
11. Syndromes of renal failure. (2,5h)
12. Urinalysis. (2,5h)
13. Haematological examination. (2,5h)
14. Basics of neurological examination. (2,5h)
15. Basic principles for determining herd’s health. (2,5h)
16. Defending the work of clinical and epidemiological case analysis (KEGA) (2.5h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

No more than 30% of the total number of practical works can be missed. If more than 30% of the total number of classes have been missed, then the course must be retaken.
Successful completion of 5 tests (colloquiums/tests), KEGA work and an examination.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students are provided with access to e-learning materials. Throughout the semester, student on-call duties in the veterinary clinic are organized, thus ensuring the strengthening of theoretical knowledge in practice, ensuring practical acquisition of clinical examination.
The work of the analysis of clinical and epidemiological cases (KEGA) in conducting a clinical examination of a sick animal according to a generally accepted scheme, detecting symptoms, describing them, analysing their origin and relationships. In the end, the student makes a hypothetical diagnosis. After submitting the written form of the work, it must be defended at the end. The work must be submitted and defended by the deadline set by the course leader, but not later than by the end of the semester

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Tests and KEGA work are evaluated according to the criteria of the 10-point scale specified in the Study Regulations. In the exam work, in order to receive the lowest successful assessment, student must correctly answer at least 70% of the test questions and be able to analyze a given clinical case.
In order to obtain the final assessment of the study course, all colloquiums/tests must be assessed with a successful grade. The final assessment of the study course consists of a weighted average grade, which is calculated from the assessment of KEGA work (30%), exam marks (70%).

Compulsory reading

1. Jemeļjanovs Ļ., Manevičs Z., Dūrītis I. Dzīvnieku iekšķīgo slimību klīniskā diagnostika. Jelgava-2007, ISBN 9984-19-978-9, 242 lpp
2. Jemeļjanovs Ļ., Dūrītis I., Beinerts J. Dzīvnieku iekšķīgo slimību laboratoriskā diagnostika. Jelgava-2010, ISBN 978-9984-39-914-0, 95 lpp
3. Veterinary hematology and clinical chemistry / edited by Mary Anna Thrall ... [et al.], Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 2-nd ed. -762 lpp;

Further reading

1. The Veterinary Workbook of Small Animal Clinical Cases / Ryane E. Englar.- Great Easton, Essex : 5M Books, 2021, 699 lpp.
2. Illustrated Textbook of Clinical Diagnosis in Farm Animals / Philip R. Scott.- Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2022, 401 lpp.
3. Laboratory Medicine: Interpretation and Diagnosis. 3rd ed. 2004. – 532 lpp
4. Walter Baumgartner. Klinische Propadeutik der Haus- und Heimtiere. Parey, 2009. -525 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Wiley Blackwel, ISSN: 1939-1676
2. The Veterinary Journal, ISSN 1090-0233


Compulsory course of second cycle professional higher education study programme Veterinary medicine