Course code VeteB027

Credit points 4

Diseases of Miscellaneous Animals I

Total Hours in Course100

Number of hours for lectures30

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes22

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours56

Date of course confirmation07.04.2021

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food and Environmental Hygiene

Course developers

author Pārtikas un vides higiēnas institūts

Ruta Medne

Dr. med. vet.

author lect.

Alīna Kļaviņa

First-cycle professional higher education(līm.)

author lect.

Anna Anita Krūklīte

Mg. med. vet.

author lect.

Lelde Tītmane

First-cycle professional higher education(līm.)

Prior knowledge

BiolB004, Animal Biology, Ecology and Ethology II

VeteB004, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III

VeteB010, Physiology II

VeteB013, Bacteriology, mycology, virology III

VeteB014, Animal Welfare, Environment Hygiene II

VeteB026, Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases II

VeteB037, Animal Postmortem Necropsies

Replaced course

Vete5011 [GVET5011] Diseases of Miscellaneous Animals I

Course abstract

The goal of the study course is to provide knowledge and skills about diseases of honey bees and domestic poultry, diagnostics, treatment and prevention.
Students learn the anatomy and biology of the honey bees (the queen, drone, worker bee), work in the apiary, diagnosis and prevention of diseases, obtaining samples for investigation in cases of honey bee diseases, as well as the basic principles and methods of disease control.
Poultry diseases which are connected to bird feeding, keeping, welfare and incubation; infectious diseases (bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases), their diagnostic possibilities, treatment and prevention measures are covered.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge of the aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, control and prophylaxis of the common diseases that occur in domestic poultry and honey bees (three tests);
Skills – to be able to clinically investigate and collect anamnesis in poultry flocks and honey bee colonies, to determine differential diagnoses and apply the necessary treatment and prevention measures (practical works);
Competence – to evaluate the keeping and welfare conditions of poultry and honey bees, to recognize the clinical signs caused by various diseases (practical works).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Introduction to farming of poultry (history, domestic poultry and types of keeping). Poultry diseases that are connected with non-compliance and mistakes with keeping and welfare. Clinical examination of poultry. (5h)
2. Diseases of young birds, including egg incubation. Biosecurity measures, prevention of infectious diseases. (5h)
3. Poultry infectious diseases (bacterial, viral, fungal diseases), their clinical signs, diagnostics and treatment. (5h)
4. Test (non-infectious and infectious poultry diseases). Poultry ectoparasitosis, their clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. (5h)
5. Endoparasitosis of poultry, their clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. (4h)
6. Test (poultry parasitosis). Introduction to beekeeping; systematics, beekeeping inventory, products, economic significance. (5h)
7. Honey bee development, honey bee work cycle; life in the hive, composition of the family, behaviour in different seasons; honey bee anatomy (queen, drone, worker bee); swarming. The influence of the surrounding environment and economic activity on the health of honey bees. (5h)
8. Factors affecting the life of honey bees. Intrusions, attacks by pests and natural predators. Diagnosis of honey bee diseases. (5h)
9. Classification of diseases. Life and feeding mistakes (toxicoses, insufficiency of feed). Disease agents - bacteria, spiroplasmas, rickettsiae, viruses, mycoses. (5h)
10. Disease agents - protozoa, helminthosis, acarosis, entomosis, biosis. Prevention of honey bee diseases. Test (bee diseases). (4h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Three tests must be successfully completed: 1) non-infectious and infectious poultry diseases; 2) poultry parasitosis; 3) bee diseases; as well as an exam must be successfully passed.
Absence of lectures and practical work is not more than 30% of the total number of lessons. If missed lessons and practical works are more than 30% of the total number of lessons, then the course must be repeated.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Studies of scientific articles given by teaching staff in honey bee and poultry diseases.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The tests and the exam are evaluated according to the 10-point scale study result evaluation criteria specified in the LBTU Study Regulations. At the end of each topic of the study course, the student takes a test and receives a grade: 1) non-infectious and infectious poultry diseases; 2) poultry parasitoses; 3) bee diseases. At least 70% of the questions must be answered correctly in each test. The tests include the questions of independent work.
To be admitted to the exam, three tests must be successfully completed. The exam is in written form, the lowest passing grade is awarded if at least 70 % of questions are answered correctly.
The grade of the exam is calculated as the arithmetic average of the average grade of the three tests and the grade obtained in the written exam, with decimals rounded towards the written exam grade.

Compulsory reading

1. Šteiselis J. Bites piemājas dravā. 100 jautājumi un atbildes. Rīga: Apgāds Jumava, 2016. 160 lpp.
2. Šteiselis J. Biškopība iesācējiem. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2009, 164 lpp.
3. Terry Ryan Kane, Cynthia M. Faux Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner. Wiley-Blackwell, 2021, pp. 400.
4. Nicolas Vidal-Naquet Honeybee Veterinary Medicine: Apis Mellifera L.. 5m Publishing, 2015, pp. 284.
5. Greenacre B.C., Morishita Y.T. Backyard poultry medicine and surgery. A guide for veterinary practioners. Wiley Blackwell, 2021, pp. 675.
6. Poland G., Raftery A. Backyard Poultry Medicine and Surgery. BSAVA, 2019, pp. 374.
7. Pattison M., McMullin P.F., Bradbury J.M, Alexander D.J. Poultry diseases 6th edition. Saunders Elsevier, 2008, pp. 631.
8. Vegad L.J. A colour atlas of poultry diseases An Aid to farmers and poultry professionals. International Book Distributing Co, 2007, pp. 131.

Further reading

1. Barrow P., Nair V., Baigent S., Atterbury R., Clark M. Poultry Health. A guide for Professionals. Cab International, 2021, pp.350.
2. Dewulf J., Van Immerseel F. Biosecurity in animal production and veterinary medicine. Cab International, 2019, pp. 525.
3. Latvijas Biškopības biedrības brošūras, pieejamas:

Periodicals and other sources

1. ZM, PVD Dzīvnieku infekcijas slimību valsts uzraudzības gada plāns.
2. Komisijas regula (ES) Nr.37/2010 par farmakoloģiski aktīvajām vielām un to klasifikāciju pēc to atlieku maksimāli pieļaujamā satura.
3. World's Poultry Science Journal (ISSN 1743-4777)
4. Latvijas Biškopības biedrības Žurnāls "Biškopis"
5. World Organisation for Animal Health:


Compulsory study course of second cycle study programme Veterinary medicine.