Course code VeteB014

Credit points 3

Animal Welfare, Environment Hygiene II

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures18

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes22

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours41

Date of course confirmation21.10.2020

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food and Environmental Hygiene

Course developer

author Pārtikas un vides higiēnas institūts

Iveta Kociņa

Dr. med. vet.

Prior knowledge

BiolB002, Animal Biology, Ecology and Ethology III

LauZ3142, Animal Husbandry II

LauZB035, Forage Production and Animal Nutrition II

VeteB010, Physiology II

VeteB018, Animal Welfare, Environment Hygiene I

Replaced course

Vete3043 [GVET3042] Animal Welfare, Environment Hygiene II

Course abstract

Students acquire knowledge about animal welfare, environmental hygiene and biosecurity measures in animal holdings.
Within the framewor of animal species, the welfare of farm animals, animals used for the science, sport, for work and entertainment are acquired as well as the critical stages of welfare and hygiene are analysed. Students gain knowledge and understanding about basic welfare issues on animal transportation and slaugter.
Students learn to understand the connection between animal welfare and environmental hygiene with animal health; recognise of responsibility and competence of persons involved in animal keeping, care and treatment.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

For the work of Clinical and Epidemiological Case Analysis (CECA), students choose one of the animal housing (farm animals) or other animal holdings with more than 5 animals according to individual wishes or recommendations of the head of the subject.
A Welfare Quality Assessment Protocol is completed during the welfare assessment (a summary with conclusions and recommendations).
The work (CECA) consists of the following chapters:
Introduction: a short review of the literature on the topicality of the specific topic, incl. the selected animal species.
Assessment methodology: how the work is assessed and how the evaluation criteria is indicated.
Outcome: a description of the animal housing and type of farming, identification of welfare indicators, assessment, completion of the inspection report;
Results and suggestions: analysis of results, conclusions on welfare at the specific holding, recommendations and suggestions. A protocol following the welfare assessment should be attached. After submitting electronic form of the paper, it should be presented orally with an illustrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 to 7 minutes, expressing the most relevant information on subject of CECA. The work must be submitted and defended within the deadline set by the course supervisor.
2 scientific articles on animal welfare and hygiene must be analyzed and presented.

Course Content(Calendar)

10. Farm animal welfare and Environmental hygiene (species specific), critical aspects of welfare implementation (7h)
■ General and species specific welfare requirements for farm animals
■ Causes of poor welfare
■ Welfare assessment in livestock farms. Animal and housing environment indicators
Practicals (8h)
■ Different husbandry systems and their welfare potential
■ The most important welfare issues and related animal health risks
■ Multilation of animals, performance of non-medical operations, indications
Practicals (8h)
11. Livestock transport and trade (2h)
■ Animal transport: critical aspects of welfare and health
■ The market. Animal trafficking: critical aspects of welfare and health
Practicals (2h)
12. Slaughter and killing of farm animals (2h)
■ Conditions for slaughter and killing of animals, permitted methods
■ Ritual slaughter, according to the traditions of religious communities
■ Effectiveness of legislation in ensuring of basic welfare conditions
Practicals (2h)
13. Pet animal welfare, stray animals (4h)
■ Duties and responsibilities of animal owners
■ Multilation of animals, performance of non-medical operations, indications
■ Identification, marking and registration of animals
■ Stray animals, strategies for population control
■ Animal shelters and their functions
Practicals (2h)
■ Animal trade control
■ Breeding of animals and participation in exhibitions
■ Dangerous (aggressive) dogs
Practicals (2h)
14. Euthanasia of animals (1h)
■ Criteria, humane methods and considerations
■ Legal aspects of euthanasia
■ Communication with clients, animal owners
■ Euthanasia in disease control programs
Practicals (2h)
■ Euthanasia: criteria, humane methods and considerations
■ Legal aspects of euthanasia
■ Communication with customers, animal owners
■ Euthanasia in disease control programs
15. Welfare of animals used for scientific purposes, 3Rs concept in science and education (2h)
■ Experimental animals in research, diagnostics and education
■ Ethical consideration on the use of animals in research
■ Welfare conditions and key issues
■ 3Rs and alternatives
■ State supervision and control
Practicals (2h)
16. Working animals and animals for entertainment (2h)
■ Working animals, conditions for operating
■ Types of animal housing and care
■ Concept on animals - entertainers
■ Related welfare issues
■ Legislation, effectiveness in ensuring welfare
Practicals (2h)
17. Environmental enrichment (2h)
■ Types and basic principles of environmental enrichment
■ Environmental enrichment and feeding systems
■ The basic idea of environmental environment - ensuring of species-specific behavior.
Practicals (3h)
18. The role of the veterinarian in animal welfare (1h)
■ Understanding of animal welfare and ethics issues and use in practice
■ Ethical decision making in veterinary practice
Practicals (1h)
19. Humane education & education in animal welfare (2h)
■ Achieving humane goals in education
■ The role of veterinarians in changing attitudes towards animals
■ Use of curricula and non-formal education resources
Practicals (2h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Identification of species specific welfare indicators and protocol development for welfare assessment.
Visiting the animal holding, evaluation of animal welfare, based on species specific welfare indicators. Preparation of presentation: analysis and interpretation of results, formulation of conclusions and proposals.
Successfully passed the semester final test. Attendance at lectures and classes cannot be less than 70% of the total number of lectures/classes.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student must independently study literature, find out and analyze the species specific welfare criteria and species specific “output” and “input” indicators. A detailed protocol for the evaluation of the welfare Five Freedoms should be developed.
After the visit to the animal holding and assessment of welfare, findings and conclusions as well as proposals for necessary welfare improvement should be made.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Student skills are assessed in accordance with the procedures specified in the tasks of the practical work.
Study course tests are evaluated in accordance with the criteria of the 10-point system scale indicated in the LBTU Study Regulations.
In order for a student to be admitted to the exam, all independent works, tests and KEGA work must be completed and evaluated with a passing grade.

Compulsory reading

1. Guidelines for humane handling, transport and slaughter of livestock. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2001. Pieejams:
2. Livestock Handling and Transport. Ed. T.Grandin. Oxon: CABI Publishing, 2000. 449 p.
3. Guide to good dairy farming practice. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Dairy Federation. Rome, 2011. Animal Production and Health Guidelines, No. 8. Pieejams:
4. Yeates J. Animal Welfare in Veterinary Practice. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 206 p.
5. Young R.J. Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.
6. Labas lauksaimniecības prakses nosacījumi Latvijā. Latvijas Republikas Zemkopības ministrija. Jelgava, 2008. 56 lpp.
7. Latvijas Republikas tiesību akti:
8. Oltenacu T., Algers B. Selection for increased production and the welfare of dairy cows: are new breeding goals needed? Ambio, No. 34, 2005, p. 311-315.
9. Tucker C.B., Weary D.M. Stall design: enhancing cow comfort. Advances in Dairy Technology, No. 13, 2001, p. 154-167.
10. Guidelines for humane handling, transport and slaughter of livestock. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2001. Pieejams:
11. Livestock Handling and Transport. Ed. T.Grandin. Oxon: CABI Publishing, 2000. 449 p.
12. Guide to good dairy farming practice. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Dairy Federation. Rome, 2011. Animal Production and Health Guidelines, No. 8. Pieejams:
13. Young R.J. Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.
14. Labas lauksaimniecības prakses nosacījumi Latvijā. Latvijas Republikas Zemkopības ministrija. Jelgava, 2008. 56 lpp.
15. Oltenacu T., Algers B. Selection for increased production and the welfare of dairy cows: are new breeding goals needed? Ambio, No. 34, 2005, p. 311-315.
16. Tucker C.B., Weary D.M. Stall design: enhancing cow comfort. Advances in Dairy Technology, No. 13, 2001, p. 154-167.
17. Indicators of poor welfare. Broom DM. Br Vet J. 1986 Nov-Dec;142(6):524-6. doi: 10.1016/0007-1935(86)90109-0.PMID: 3594185
18. Animal welfare education: development and prospects. Broom DM. J Vet Med Educ. 2005 Winter;32(4):438-41. doi: 10.3138/jvme.32.4.438.PMID: 16421824

Further reading

1. Arey D., Brooke P. Animal Welfare Aspects of Good Agricultural Practice: pig production. Compassion in World Farming, Petersfield. 2006.
2. Herlin A.H. Comparison of lying area surfaces for dairy cows by preference, hygiene, and lying down behaviour. Swedish Journal of Agricultural Research, No. 27, 1997, p. 189-196.
3. Korte S.M., Olivier B., Koolhaas J.M. A new animal welfare concept based on allostasis. Physiology and Behaviour, No. 92(3), 2007, p. 422-228.
4. Konarska M., Stewart R. E., McCarthy R. Habituation of sympathetic-adrenal medullary responses following exposure to chronic intermittent stress. Physiology and Behavior, No. 45, 1989, p. 255-261.
5. Mendl M, Zanella A.I., Broom D.M. Physiological and reproductive correlates of behavioural strategies in female domestic pigs. Animal Behaviour, No. 44, 1992, p. 1107-1121.
6. Lawrence A.B., Petherick J.C. et al The effect of environment on behaviour, plasma cortisol and prolactin in parturient sows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, No. 39, 1994, p. 313-330.
7. Lane J. Can non-invasive glucocorticoid measures be used as reliable indicators of stress in animals? Animal Welfare, No. 15, 2006, p. 331-342.
8. Ley S.J., Waterman A.E., Livingston A. A field study of the effect of lameness on mechanical nociceptive thresholds in sheep. Veterinary Record, No. 137, 1995, p. 85-87.
9. Mouttotou N., Hatchell F.M., Green L.E. Adventitious bursitis of the hock in finishing pigs: prevalence, distribution and association with floor type and foot lesions. Veterinary Record, No. 142, 1998, p. 109-114.
10. Zanella A.J., Broom D.M., Hunter J.C., Mendl M.T. Brain opioid receptors in relation to stereotypies, inactivity, and housing in sows. Physiology & Behavior, No.59, 1996, p. 769-775.
11. Warriss P.D., Bevis E.A., Brown S.N., Edwards J.E. Longer journeys to processing plants are associated with higher mortality in broiler chickens. British Poultry Science, No. 33, 1992, p. 201-206.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Animal Traction websites:
2. Compassion in World Farming website. Available from:
3. Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) reports on website. Available from:
4. COUNCIL REGULATION EC 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations. Available from: 4.pdf
5. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (J Am Vet Med Assoc), No.218, 2000, p. 669-696. Humane Slaughter Available online at:
6. Humane Slaughter Association. Website. Available from:
7. League Against Cruel Sports. Available from:
8. Captive Animals’ Protection Society. Available from:
9. Grandin T. Dr Temple Grandin’s Web page. Livestock Behaviour, Design of Facilities and Humane Slaughter. Available from:
10. Welfare Quality Network. Available from:
11. World Organization for animal health. Available from:
12. AWIN welfare assessment protocols


Compulsory course of second cycle professional higher education study programme in Veterinary medicine.