Course code VeteB010
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course
Number of hours for lectures28
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes36
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours71
Date of course confirmation20.12.2023
Responsible UnitPreclinical Institute
Dr. med. vet.
BiolB004, Animal Biology, Ecology and Ethology II
VeteB004, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III
VeteB008, Cell biology, Histology II
VeteB009, Physiology I
Physiology is a fundamental science of biology that studies the principles of physiological processes of an organism - the functions of cells, individual organs and organ systems, their interrelationships and regulatory mechanisms. Knowledge of physiology is necessary to understand the complex physiological processes of the body and their regulatory mechanisms, to understand the causal relationships of those or other functional developments that occur in the body under the influence of various external and internal environmental factors. In the second part of the course, the physiology of the organs of the respiratory and digestive systems, the metabolic characteristics of different species of domestic animals, the physiology of the system of urine formation and excretory organs, as well as the physiology of the organs of the reproductive system are learned.
Knowledge of the physiology of organs of respiratory, digestive and metabolic, excretory and reproductive systems in different species of domestic animals. Assessment – 4 colloquia.
Skills complex understanding of physiological processes in respiration, digestion and metabolism, excretory organs, organs of the reproductive system and the body as a whole, the mutual effects and results of these processes. Assessment – performance of laboratory works, defense of protocols.
Competence to apply the acquired knowledge to determine physiological indicators and evaluate their fluctuations within the limits of physiological norms for animals of various species, to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in further studies of clinical subjects. Assessment – defense of laboratory work protocols and CCRA, colloquia.
In full-time studies. A total of 28 lectures and 36 laboratory works in 14 weeks:
1. Physiology of the respiratory system. 4 h of lectures and 6 h of laboratory work
1st colloquium - Physiology of respiration (1 h in laboratory work)
Topic summary (2 h lab works).
2. Physiology of digestion. 6 hours of lectures and 6 hours of laboratory work.
2nd colloquium - Physiology of digestion (1 h lab work).
Topic summary (2 h lab works).
3. Physiology of metabolism. 6 hours of lectures and 6 hours of laboratory work.
3rd colloquium – Physiology of metabolism (1 h in lab work).
Topic summary (2 h lab works).
4. Excretory processes. Physiology of reproductive system. 8 hours of lectures and 6 hours of laboratory work.
4th colloquium – Excretory processes. Physiology of reproduction (1 h in laboratory work).
Topic summary (2 h lab works).
5. Defense of CCRA (4 h, during lectures)
The study course ends with a successfully passed (according to the 10-point system) exam that confirms the acquisition of credit points.
Requirements for passing the Physiology II exam:
1. Must be passed the study course Physiology I.
2. All the laboratory works in the Physiology II must be developed.
3. Laboratory work protocols must be defended.
4. Must obtain a positive evaluation in all colloquia in the study course Physiology II.
5. Received a positive assessment in the independent tasks of the study course Physiology II.
6. According to the calendar plan, the "Clinical Case Report and Analysis" (CCRA) must be submitted and defended, receiving a successful evaluation.
In order to successfully continue further studies, without fulfilling any of the requirements or without passing the Physiology II exam, the student can take it up to the 6th week of the next semester (including), by individually agreeing on the time with the teaching staff. If this has not been done, the study course Physiology II must be taken again.
In the 89 hours allocated for independent work, students: gradually complete the CCRA tasks, learning the physiology of the relevant organ systems of each topic and submitting the relevant CCRA chapters; independently prepare for colloquia.
CCRA must be developed, submitted and defended in accordance with the requirements for the development of CCRA developed and approved by FVM, as well as specific instructions of the responsible teaching staff. The developed CCRA must be submitted and successfully defended at a strictly defined time before the exam, as this assessment is taken into account in the assessment of the Physiology II exam. If the requirements are not met, CCRA can be defended by agreeing and fulfilling the defense requirements set by the teaching staff (time, place, audience presence, etc.).
During the semester, the student receives several tasks to be completed independently as part of the practical work, which, in order to receive a "passed" grading, is submitted to the lecturer for evaluation and briefly presented in the practical work.
All grading is done using the commonly accepted 10-point grading system or pass/fail grading.
During the semester, at the end of each topic, students' knowledge is assessed based on the results of the colloquia written in the practical works. If more than 50% of the lectures of the relevant topic are missed, the student must certify that they have mastered the relevant topic to the lecturer (teaching staff of the lectures of this topic) before taking the colloquium (the type (test, independent work, report or other) is determined by the lecturer), and only then the student may take the colloquium of this topic. If the student fails to pass the colloquium three times, the 4th time is with the commission. If the colloquium is not passed by the 4th time, the study course must be started again in the next study year.
Students' skills are evaluated according to the established procedure for performing and evaluating the tasks assigned in the practical work. Competence of students is evaluated, individually, by evaluating the independent works provided in the study program.
Upon completion of the study course Physiology II, students:
1) defends CCRA, comprehensively demonstrating knowledge, skills and competence. The CCRA evaluation in the 10-point system must be successful. The CCRA grade is taken into account in the final grade of the Physiology II exam, if the exam is passed, increasing or decreasing the exam grade by one point.
2) take the exam, receiving a grade in 10-point system.
1. Valtneris A. Cilvēka fizioloģija. Rokasgrāmata. 2 izd. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2009. 252 lpp.
2. Aberberga-Augskalne L., Koroļova O. Fizioloģija ārstiem. Rīga: SIA „Medicīnas apgāds”, 2007. 516 lpp.
3. Reece W.O. Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. USA: Wiley Blackwol, 2015. 760 p.
4. Garančs A. Cilvēka un dzīvnieku fizioloģija jautājumos un atbildēs. Rīga, 2006. 340 lpp.
5. Sjaastad O.V., Sand O., Hove K. Physiology of Domestic Animals 2ed., Scandinavian Veterinary Press, 2010. 804 p.
6. Sherwood L., Klandorf H., Yancey P.H. Animal Physiology From Genes to Organisms, 2nd edition, Cengage Learning, 2013. 896 p.
7. Klein B.G. Cunningham’s Textbook of veterinary physiology USA, Elsevier Inc., 2020. 645 p.
1. Melfi V., Hosey G., Pankhurst S. Zoo Animals: Behaviour, Management and Welfare. Oxford University Press. 2009. 661 p.
2. Lejniece S. Klīniskā hematoloģija. Rīga: Nacionālais apgāds, 2005. 324 lpp.
3. Danilāns A. Gastroenteroloģija. Rīga: Nacionālais apgāds, 2005. 126 lpp.
4. Betts J.G., Desaix P., Johnson E., Johnson J.E., Korol O., Kruse D., Poe B., Wise J.A., Womble M., Young K.A., Anatomy & Physiology, OpenStax, USA, 2017.
5. Khurana I., Khurana A., Kowlgi N.G. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 3rd Ed., Elsevier Health Sciences, 2019. 1084 pp.
6. Costanzo L.S. Physiology, 6th edition, Elsevier Inc., 2018. 491 p.
6. Akers R.M., Denbow M.D. Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals 2nd edition, Wiley Blakcwell, 2013. 671 p.
1. Journal of Veterinary Physiology
2. Open Access Animal Physiology
3. The Veterinary Journal
Compulsory course of second cycle professional higher education study programme Veterinary Medicine.