Course code ValoP292

Credit points 3

Professional English II

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation07.04.2020

Responsible UnitLanguage Centre

Course developer


Diana Svika

Mg. paed.

Prior knowledge

ValoP291, Professional English I

Course abstract

TThe study course is aimed at the development of students’ foreign language (English) knowledge and skills necessary for comprehending, interpreting and evaluating professional information and scientific literature, explaining and comparing processes and phenomena, participating in discussions, giving presentations in professional and academic environment as well as for communication with foreign students, specialists and academic staff. The focus is on the terminology pertaining to Forest science and related fields (forest engineering and wood processing). The English language proficiency level corresponds to at least level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for foreign languages.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge and understanding of terminology in the following fields: soil formation, forest soil, population of forest animals, Hunting Law, types of hunting (Test No1); damages to forests caused by pests and diseases, forest protection, forest fires, natural and artificial regeneration of forests, growing of planting material for forests (Test No 2); sustainable use of nature resources, the role of forests in the context of climate change, sustainable forest management, WWF and other international organisations (Test No 3).
Skills: students are able to define or explain terms, select professional and scientific information,think critically, explain processes and phenomena, participate in discussions, applying professional terminology, communication skills and academic language skills: in writing business letters,essays, summaries business letters; orally: in discussions, dialogues, role plays, giving presentations.
Competence of professional and academic English language in order to apply it creatively in spoken and written communication for student mobility, professional and academic activities in international environment.
The assessment according to the 10 point scale.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Soil. Soil formation factors.Terminology in soil science. 2h
2. Soil fertility. Forest soils. Writing summaries. Specialisms. 2h
3. Population of world’s forest animals. Population of Latvia’s forest animals.2h
4. Hunting law and regulations. Types of hunting. Terminology of legislation. 2h
5. Test No 1. Protection of forest animals. Terminology. 2h
6. Damages to forest caused by pests and diseases. Preventive measures of forest protection. 2h
7. Types and causes of forest fires. Prevention of forest fires. Describing processes. 2h
8. Natural and artificial regeneration of forests. Growing of planting material. Explaining terms. 2h
9. Test No 2. Forest law of the Republic of Latvia. Definitions and their translations.2h
10.Sustainable use of natural resources.Biomes and their classification.Writing essays/reviews. 2h
11. The role of forests in the context of climate change. Reading and translating authentic texts. 2h
12. The principle of sustainability in forest management. Writing summary. 2h
13. WWF, FAO - their aims. International organisations in the forest sector. Abbreviations. 2h
14. Test No 3.(Terminology) Professions in the forest sector. 2h
15. Business communication. Applications, CVs, etc. 1h
16. Presenting and discussing students’ individual presentations in a seminar setting. 3h

Requirements for awarding credit points

Assessment: Examination.
The examination consists of:
a terminology test,
a presentation.
A student is admitted to the examination if there are: successfully written 2 tests, the glossary of terms for each topic, timely completed home works, completed individual work (reading of professional texts, the prepared PPoint presentation on the selected topic, the glossary of terms). Tests and home works are with a positive evaluation. The number of the missed classes shall not exceed 20%.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Individual semester work:
1. Reading independently chosen professional texts (the amount: 20 000 characters);
2. Prepared PPoint presentation (8-10 minutes) and presented at the end of the semester;
3. Glossary of terms –compiled and submitted (30 terms - translated, 20 – defined/explained).
4. Students are able to write and present a summary of the chosen text, present the summary, compare facts, express ideas, make conclusions and answer the questions.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The examination grade is calculated as an arithmetic mean of grades obtained in two examination tasks and grades obtained during the two semesters of the study course. The grade in the terminology test is successful if at least 70% of the answers are correct.

Compulsory reading

1. 1. Evans V., Dooley J.,Styles N. Career Paths Natural Resources I Forestry. Express Publishing, 2015. 42 p. ISBN 978-1-4715-3943-5
2. Evans V., Dooley J., Blum E. Career Paths Environment Science. Express Publishing. 2016, 42 p.ISBN 978-1- 78098-669-2
3. Forest Sector Terminology. Glossary of forest sector terminology used in the European Union and other international legislation. English - Latvian - English. TTC, Meža attīstības fonds. Madris, 2007.151 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-31-433-4

Further reading

1. Biodiversity and Conservation. [tiešsaiste] (skatīts 27.03.2020.). Pieejams:
2. Forestry and Environmental Issues. [tiešsaiste] (skatīts 27.03.2020.). Pieejams:
3.Trees. [tiešsaiste] (skatīts 27.03.2020.). Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1.Forestry. An International Journal of Forest Research:[ tiešsaiste] (skatīts 27.03.2020). Pieejams:
2. International Forest Policy. ISSN 1058-6768
3. Soil Atlas of Europe [tiešsaiste] (skatīts 27.03.2020.) Pieejams:


The study course has been included in the compulsory part of the academic Bachelor’s degree programme “Forest Science” of Forest Faculty