Kurs-Code ValoB005

Kreditpunkte 4

Stundenzahl insgesamt (im Auditorium)

Vorlesungen (Stundenzahl)0

Stundenzahl fŅr Seminare und praktische Arbeitsaufträge44

Arbeit im Labor (Stundenzahl)0

Selbststandige Arbeit des Studenten (Stunden)64

Bestätigt am (Datum)29.08.2024

Kurs ausgearbeitet von (Lehrkraft)


Aija Pētersone

Zur einfŅhrenden LektŅre empfohlen

1. Campbell S. English for the Energy Industry. OUP, 2009, 80 p. ISBN 978 0 19 4579223
2. Evans V., Dooley J., O`Dell T. Career Paths: Electrician. Express Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4715-0524-9
3. Jones, Carla C. Our Energy Future: introduction to renewable energy and biofuels / Carla C. Jones, Stephen P. Mayfield. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2016, 195 p. ISBN 9780520964280 (PDF).
4. Murty, P. S. R. Electrical Power Systems / P. S. R. Murty. Oxford : Cambridge, MA : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017, 814 p. ISBN 9780081012451

Weiterfuhrende Literatur

1. Advances in Energy Research / Morena J. Acosta, editor. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2017, 206 p. Vol. 26. ISBN 9781536113259
2. Badger I., Pedley S. Everyday Business Writing. Pearson Education Ltd, 2008, 95 p. ISBN 0-582-53972-2
3. Energy efficiency- targets, directive and rules. [tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 15.11.2023.] Pieejams: https://energy.ec.europa.eu/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-targets-directive-and-rules_en

Zur LektŅre vorgeschlagene Zeitschriften

1. American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. [tiešsaiste] ISSN Online: 2326-9200 [Skatīts 15.11.2023.] Pieejams: https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/165/home
2. Controlling electrical hazards [tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 15.11.2023.] Pieejams: https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/osha3075.pdf
3. International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering. [tiešsaiste] ISSN Online: 2326-960X [Skatīts 15.11.2023.] Pieejams: https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/164/home
4. Renewable Energy: An International Journal [tiešsaiste] ISSN: 0960-1481 [Skatīts 15.11.2023.] Pieejams: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/renewable-energy