Course code Valo3032
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation19.06.2023
Responsible UnitLanguage Centre
Mg. paed.
The aim of the study course is to develop students’ communication skills so that they are able to speak and understand simple monologues and dialogues in Spanish on everyday topics in professional environment, in the field of catering and hotel entrepreneurship. The interactive language learning method is used, all four language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) are developed, the vocabulary learning is based on social and personal issues simultaneously providing knowledge of grammar and pronunciation. The language proficiency level corresponds to A1 (CEFR)
Knowledge: have acquired terms in the following fields:
1) Learning greeting phrases, personal information, information about countries / cities, places in them, food products, restaurant, hotel terminology and grammar
(3 Tests);
2) Terms, grammar, acquired knowledge are applied in hospitality and tourism industries. (Final test).
Students learned terms in the following areas:
learning the terminology of the tourism and hotel industry (Final test).
Skills: able to create a monologue, a dialogue about one's place of residence, orientation in the city, restaurant service, hotel facilities, use grammar. Understands simple text and communicate.
Competence – informative, communicative, to initiate communication in a professional environment.
Students are able to tell about themselves, their family, the surrounding environment in simple sentences. Students can create small dialogues. Understands simple text. Implementation of practical work, independent work, team work take place.
Assessment takes place in each lesson, regularly checking completed tasks.
1. Informal introductions, greetings, farewells and appropriate etiquette. 2h
2. Formal introductions, greetings and farewells and appropriate etiquette. 2h
3. Personal Information. 2h
4. Countries, nationalities and professions. 2h
5. Meeting and addressing people. Conversation. 2h
6. Test. 2h
7. Residence, its surroundings. 2h
8. Spanish and Latin American cities and their districts. 2h
9. Orientation in the city, objects in the city. 2h
10. Travelling, transport. 2h
11. Test. 2h
12. Food staff. Cutlery. 2h
13. Restaurant, menu, restaurant services. 2h
14. Hotel, hotel services. 2h
15. Test. 2h
16. Final test (reading, listening, terminology, speaking). 2 h
Part-time studies - all topics indicated in the course plan for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the indicated hours.
Evaluation type: Formal test. It is made up of cumulative assessment.
The Final Test (examination) consists of:
• a terminology test,
• reading tasks,
• listening tasks,
• question for discussion.
A student is admitted to the final test if there are: successfully written tests, done group works and individual tasks (home tasks); the number of the missed classes shall not exceed 20% of the total number of auditorium classes.
Independent work and tasks:
• Individual independent tasks are terminology learning, reading, listening of the texts and home tasks. The aim of the individual independent assignments is to develop students' skills in using a foreign language to start the development of informative, communicative, and professional competences.
• Group work presentations are the result of teamwork. Depending on the task, it can be prepared in an auditorium or at home. The aim of group work is to develop skills in using a foreign language for searching information, teamwork; to develop informative, communicative, and professional competences, as well as to evaluate the knowledge of terminology used in hospitality, catering and tourism.
Cumulative assessment: Passed test with a grade. It consists of active work in classes, successfully written 3 tests, written homework. The number of missed lessons does not exceed 20% of the total number of lessons.
The assessment according to the 10-point scale.
1. Corpas J., Garcia E., Garmedia A. Aula Internacional 1. Nueva edición. Barcelona: Difusión, 2015. pp.196, ISBN 9788415640097
2. Álvarez Martínez, M.A, Blanco Canales, A, Gómez Sacristán, M.L, Pérez De la Cruz, N. Nuevo Sueña 1. 2015. ANAYA-ELE. pp 200, ISBN 9788469807606
3. Moreno C, Moreno, V, Zurita P. Nuevo Avance Básico. 2010. SGEL ELE. pp 224, ISBN 9788497785952
1. Krbcova M. Spāņu valodas pašmācība + CD. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2011. 232 lpp. ISBN 978-99340-22890
2.Gonzales C.,S. IDale a la gramatica! 2011. enCLAVE-ELE. pp.111, ISB9788496942318
3. Martín M.T., Pérez L., Ramos J. Español lengua viva 1. Madrid: Santillana Educación, 2008.
1. Valodas testi spāņu valodā. [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 05.06.2023.]. Pieejams:
2. UN World Tourism Organization [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 5.06.2023.] Pieejams:
The course is included in the compulsory part of the study program "Catering and Hotel Entrepreneurship" for full-time and part-time undergraduate programs.