Course code VadZM010
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours76
Date of course confirmation30.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science
Dr. sc. ing.
VadZ5052 [GVAD5052] Information Technology in Project Management
The main objective of the study course is to provide students with an understanding and practical experience in using key information technology tools for project managers in project planning and management tasks. The course covers tools for information preparation, processing, systematization, and sharing, as well as project and task planning and management tools such as Asana, Jira, and Microsoft Project. The acquired knowledge can be applied by students in both practical project management and analytical research work, including the development of a master's thesis.
As a result of the course mastering students:
• Understands the significance and application of IT tools in implementing project management methodologies and complying with regulatory requirements – practical assignments, exam work.
• Is able to use Asana, Jira, and Microsoft Project for effective project and task planning, resource management, and team coordination – practical assignments, exam work;
• Is able to efficiently manage information and organize collaboration, including preparing, processing, systematizing, and sharing information using cloud services, document management systems, and artificial intelligence tools – practical assignments, exam work.
• Is able to independently select and apply appropriate IT tools to support project management processes, ensuring effective resource and task management – practical assignments, exam work.
1.Overview – Project Management Tasks, Tools, and Technologies (1h)
2.Work Organization and Team Communication (2h)
3.Information Preparation, Processing, and Systematization (3h)
4.Document and File Sharing (4h)
5.Artificial Intelligence Tools for Information Preparation and Processing (2h)
6.Information Retrieval and Interaction (Surveys, Polls, Quizzes, Interactivity) (2h)
7.Information Publishing (Websites and Blogs) (2h)
8.Agile/Scrum Project Management (2h)
9.Project Planning and Management with Asana (4h)
10.Task Planning and Management with Jira. Ticketing Systems (4h)
11.Reference and Bibliography Management with Mendeley (2h)
13.Legislation, Personal Data, and Information Security (2h)
All practical assignments must be completed, and the exam work must be developed and presented.
Topics of practical assignments:
•Document and file sharing with Google Drive
•Project planning and management with Asana
•Task planning and management with Jira
In the exam work, students must develop and present a project plan, including the intended use of IT tools.
Each practical assignment is graded on a 10-point scale.
The final grade is composed of:
•The average grade of practical assignments – 50%
•The grade of the exam work – 50%
1. Google Drive Help
[skatīts 31.01.2025]
2. Learn the basics of Asana [skatīts 31.01.2025]
3. Jira Cloud resources [skatīts 31.01.2025]
1. Švābers K., Sazerlands, Dz. Scrum Ceļvedis, 2020
2. Project Management Software [skatīts 31.01.2025]
1. Latvijas Nacionālā projektu vadīšanas asociācija. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: [skatīts 2023.g. 16. novembrī]
2. International Project ManagementAssociation. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: [skatīts 2023.g. 16. novembrī]
General study course for Professional Master’s study programme “Project Management”