Code du cours VadZM009

Crédits 4

La quantité totale d'heures en classe120

Nombre de conferences16

Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires16

Nombre des travaux du laboratoire0

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant76

Date de l'approbation du cours19.12.2023

Auteur du cours


Ināra Jurgena

Connaissances de base



Le cours remplacé

VadZ5085 [GVAD5085]


1. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - 7th Edition, Project Management Institute, 2021, 250 p.
2. Lester A. Project Management, Planning and Control. - 8th Edition. Elsevier, 2021, 696 p.
3. Nielsen K. Agile Portfolio Management. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022, 349 p.
4. Individual Competence Baseline for Project Management. IPMA, 2023, 182 p.
5. Wang T., Chen H.-M. Integration of building information modeling and project management in construction project life cycle. ELSEVIER, 2023.
6. Jurgena I. Projektu vadīšana. Mācību metodiskais materiāls. Jelgava, LLU, 2009, 33 lpp.
7. Jurgena I., Dukulis I. Apgūsim PROJECT! Microsoft Office Project 2003. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2010, 51 lpp.
8. Projektu vadīšanas rokasgrāmata. Dienas bizness HUB:
9. Wysocki Robert K., Bentley C. Global Complex Project Management: An Integrated Adaptive Agile and PRINCE2 LEAN Framework for Achieving Success. Plantation, FL: J. Ross Publishing, 2016, 276 lpp.
10. Daley S. Project 2013 in Depth. U.S.: Que Corporation, 2013, 929 p.
11. Šilovs M. Loģiskās struktūras pieeja. Projektu plānošanas un vadības galvenais instruments. FoodTech Baltic, 2020, 128 lpp.

Ouvrages supplémentaires

1. Malachowsky S. Project Team Leadership and Communication. Rochester, NY: Lintwood Press, 2018, p.233
2. Martin D.P. Project Management Hacking. How to Manage Projects More Efficiently and Effictively in Less Time. Taylor & Francis, 2020, 97 p.
3. NCB – Projektu vadīšana nacionālās kompetences vadlīnijas. LNPVA, 2012, 188 lpp.

Périodiques et d`autres ressources d`information

1. Project Management Journal. Pieejams:
2. Latvijas Nacionālā projektu vadīšanas asociācija (LNPVA). Pieejams:
3. Project Management Institute (PMI). Pieejams:
4. International Project Management Association (IPMA). Pieejams: