Course code VadZM009
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours76
Date of course confirmation19.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Dr. oec.
Ekon6040, Risk Management Process
VadZ5045, Planning and Controlling
VadZ5085 [GVAD5085] Project Management
Students build up an understanding and knowledge of and skills in developing and managing projects, focusing on project management principles and methods, including planning the life cycle of a project, project structuring and project organisation as well as applying computerised project management tools in planning, managing and controlling the project.
The aim of the study course is to provide understanding and knowledge about project development and management, project planning, implementation and financing, the use of computer tools in project planning and management.
Students will be able to demonstrate:
Knowledge of:
1) the nature and concepts of project development - discussions in classes, a test,
2) how to plan project activities in enterprises and organisations - discussions in classes, practical assignments,
3) how to employ various project management methods in enterprises and organisations - practical assignments;
Skills to:
4) independently define project ideas and substantiate the urgency of a problem - practical assignments, group work,
5) develop a project plan, employing project management methods - group work, independent assignments;
6) responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given - group work, independent assignments,
7) engage in teamwork, express and argue their opinions - group work,
8) present a plan developed - presentation;
Competence to:
9) independently identify, define and analyse problems –an examination,
10) initiate a solution to the problem by employing project management methods - practical assignments, group work,
11) use the application MS Project in designing and implementing a project plan - practical assignments, a test, an examination.
1. The nature of project management. Terminology. Historical aspects of project management. (lecture – 1 hour)
2. Categories and types of projects. Characteristics of the project. Project stakeholders. Using force field analysis in stakeholder analysis. (lecture – 1 hour, practical assignment – 1 hour)
3. Project goal and horizontal priorities. Project content formulation. Project charter. Using the "brainstorming" method to define the project. (lecture – 1 hour, practical assignment – 1 hour)
4. Project team. Project manager role. Pure project structure. Matrix project organization. Roles of team members. Use of the roles method in the analysis of project alternatives. (lecture – 1 hour, practical assignment – 1 hour)
5. Defining the scope of the project. Project life cycle. Types of project life cycle. The logical structure approach. Adaptive design approach. (lectures – 3 hours, practical assignments – 2 hours)
6. Project structuring. Creation of project plans and reports in IT applications. (lectures – 2 hours, practical assignments – 2 hours)
7. Using the PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) technique. Project Network Plan . (lecture – 2 hours, practical assignments – 3 hours)
8. Defining personnel and resources. Principles of personnel and resource assigning for tasks. Use of IT in project management. (lecture – 1 hour, practical assignment – 1 hour)
9. Economic justification of the project. Criteria of strategic importance and their evaluation. Operational necessity criteria and their assessment. (lecture – 1 hour, practical assignments – 2 hours)
10. Risks in project management. Risk Probability and Impact Matrix. (lecture – 1 hour, practical assignment – 1 hour)
11. Standards in project management. ISO 21500:2012. PMI PMBoK. ICB 4.0 (IPMA Competence Baseline). NCB National Competence Guidelines for Project Management. (lecture – 1 hour)
12. Project portfolio as a strategic management tool of the company. Structures of project portfolios. (lecture – 1 hour)
Test: Completion of tasks in the MS Project program. (practical assignment - 1 hour)
Presentation of results of practical assignments. (practical assignment - 1 hour)
The mark consist of:
20 point for test;
40 points for practical tasks;
40 points - exam about all study course's topics.
Practical tasks and exam must be submitted only within the time set for them.
10 points are egual to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
The student must independently prepare for the test, the exam.
Study course assessment consist of a cumulative results from study course assessments.
1. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - 7th Edition, Project Management Institute, 2021, 250 p.
2. Lester A. Project Management, Planning and Control. - 8th Edition. Elsevier, 2021, 696 p.
3. Nielsen K. Agile Portfolio Management. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022, 349 p.
4. Individual Competence Baseline for Project Management. IPMA, 2023, 182 p.
5. Wang T., Chen H.-M. Integration of building information modeling and project management in construction project life cycle. ELSEVIER, 2023.
6. Jurgena I. Projektu vadīšana. Mācību metodiskais materiāls. Jelgava, LLU, 2009, 33 lpp.
7. Jurgena I., Dukulis I. Apgūsim PROJECT! Microsoft Office Project 2003. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2010, 51 lpp.
8. Projektu vadīšanas rokasgrāmata. Dienas bizness HUB:
9. Wysocki Robert K., Bentley C. Global Complex Project Management: An Integrated Adaptive Agile and PRINCE2 LEAN Framework for Achieving Success. Plantation, FL: J. Ross Publishing, 2016, 276 lpp.
10. Daley S. Project 2013 in Depth. U.S.: Que Corporation, 2013, 929 p.
11. Šilovs M. Loģiskās struktūras pieeja. Projektu plānošanas un vadības galvenais instruments. FoodTech Baltic, 2020, 128 lpp.
1. Malachowsky S. Project Team Leadership and Communication. Rochester, NY: Lintwood Press, 2018, p.233
2. Martin D.P. Project Management Hacking. How to Manage Projects More Efficiently and Effictively in Less Time. Taylor & Francis, 2020, 97 p.
3. NCB – Projektu vadīšana nacionālās kompetences vadlīnijas. LNPVA, 2012, 188 lpp.
1. Project Management Journal. Pieejams:
2. Latvijas Nacionālā projektu vadīšanas asociācija (LNPVA). Pieejams:
3. Project Management Institute (PMI). Pieejams:
4. International Project Management Association (IPMA). Pieejams:
Elective study course for the "Business and Logistics" specialization of the ESAF academic master's study program "Economics".
The study course can also be studied in English.