Course code VadZM006
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours114
Date of course confirmation14.06.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Dr. paed.
Students improve and assess knowledge and skills on the nature of communication, types, functions, and barriers, peculiarities of information perception, delivering and understanding in career guidance. Students develop understanding on variety of communication and its models. The students develop knowledge and share experience on team work and arrangement of corporative nets establishing contacts with various (informative and support) services and individual persons, on co-operation skills with various target groups. An accent is put on the following communicative skills: effective communication/contacts with colleagues or clients by means of the appropriate language level, verbal and non-verbal communication elements, usage of interface and co-operation knowledge. The students develop the methods of communication promotion for career guidance. The students demonstrate skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation of theoretical conclusions in coherence with the results of practical assignments. The independent part of the course consists of two works including also a public presentation.
The aim of the course: to improve knowledge, skills and competences of communication to be able to promote appropriate interaction in career guidance.
1. Explain the nature of communication and processes among individuals of various age, culture and social groups in inclusive context – practical works, an exam-test.
2. Explain the nature, functions and peculiarities of verbal and non-verbal communication, and name elements and types; practical works, an exam-test.
3. Describe and analyse forming and solving of communication barriers and conflicts – practical works, an exam-test.
4. Describe typology of individuals, the nature of stress and signs of burnout – practical works, an exam-test.
Professional skills:
5. Able to communicate with the purpose to promote positive interaction and deeper understanding of different age, culture and social group clients – practical group works, situation analysis.
6. Able to make a dialogue and analyse situations; to use methods prompting communication in the development of career guidance – practical group works, situation analysis.
Soft skills:
7. Able to develop group work skills – practical group works.
8. Able to listen to and assess information – practical group works.
9. Able to assess communication findings important for theoretical research and practice – an independent work, exam-test.
10. Able to assess the impact of communication on work situations basing on usage of communication findings theoretical communication findings in practice – an independent work, exam-test.
11. Able to speak in front the audience outlining information appropriately – a presentation.
1. The definition, structure, types, functions of communication and its relation to needs and the impact of social environment; development of personality and identity in communication, charisma (lectures 3h, practical work 1h).
2. Communication processes. The peculiarities of Z and alpha generation communication, getting of information and learning (lecture 1h, practical group work 1h).
3. The nature, elements, types and functions of verbal and non-verbal communication (lecture 1h, practical group works 2h).
4. Career counsellor required communicative competence and communication models. Productive listening. The differences between listening and hearing, a skill to send, receive and perceive information; informative, critical and empathetic listening (lectures 2h, practical group works 2h).
5. Informative and persuasive speech; public presentation: demands for verbal and non-verbal communication (lecture 1h, practical work 1h).
6. The peculiarities of making dialogue and learning during it. The method of Bohm. The method of Socratic Circle (lecture 1h, practical group works 3h).
7. Typologies of individuals. Conflicts, their types and solving of them, mobbing and bossing (lectures 3h, situation analysis 1h).
8. Interaction and positions in communication. Destruction and barriers in communication (lecture 1h, situation analysis 2h).
9. Positive and productive communication. Psychological microclimate. The conditions of creating positive psychological environment (lectures 2h).
10. The nature of a small social group, its functions and dynamics; inclusive environment and interaction (lecture 1h, practical works 2h).
11. Stress, its management and burnout (lectures 2h, situation analysis 1h).
12. Cultural dimensions; peculiarities of intercultural communication and the analysis of professional situations in a multicultural environment. Time management and its perspective (lectures 3h, practical works 2h).
13. Communication with individuals of different ages and special needs (lectures 2h, situation analysis 2h).
14. The methods promoting communication. The Muse method (lecture 1h, practical work 4h).
Lecture attendance, completed all practical works, practical group works and situation analysis in the room of the Faculty; public presentation, submitted two independent works in e-environment (one of them – presentation), and successful evaluation of all works. An exam - test in planned time.
112 hours are available to prepare for works.
The first independent work. Presentation of one of the course themes demonstrating deeper comprehension and presenting skills - 25 h.
The second independent work. Assessment and summarising of theoretical and practical communication findings – 30 h.
Preparing for the exam – test – 57 h.
The final evaluation of the study course is formed by:
20 % - practical works, practical group works, situation analysis;
30% - independent works,
50% - an exam - test.
Evaluation of the works takes place in accordance with the criteria laid down there in.
1. Amundsons N. Aktīvā iesaistīšanās. R.: VIAA, 2016. - 348 lpp.
2. Apsalons E. Komunikācijas kompetence: Kā saprasties un veidot attiecības. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2013. - 304 lpp.
3. Floyd K. Interpersonal Communication. E-book. Dubuque, Iowa: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021. Available:
4. Pīzs A. Ķermeņa valoda. R.: Jumava, 2006. - 414 lpp.
5. Wrench J.S., Punyanunt-Carter N.M., Thweatt K.S. Interpersonal Communication. A Mindful Approach to Relationships. 2023. Available:
1. Apele A. Prasme runāt publiski. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2011. -135 lpp.
2. Dainton M., Zelley E.D. Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life. A Practical Introduction. London: Sage Publications, 2005. - 250 p.
3. Gamble T.K., Gamble. Communication works / 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013. - 512 p.
4. Edeirs Dž. Efektīva komunikācija: Vissvarīgākā vadības mākslas metode. R.: Asja. 1999. - 259 lpp.
5. Johnson D.W., Johnson F.P. Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills (11th Edition). Prentice Hall, 2012.
6. Hantingtons S. F. Civilizāciju sadursme. R.: Jumava, 2012., 376 lpp.
7. Kabāne O.F. Harismas mīts. R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 2017. - 288 lpp.
8. Kincāns V. Etiķete sadzīvē, lietišķajos kontaktos, starptautiskajās attiecībās. R.: Elpa-2, 2000. - 190 lpp.
9. Kupčs J. Saskarsmes būtība./Saskarsmes psiholoģija. R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1997. - 72 lpp.
10. Touitou T.C. Communication, Conflict and Crisis Management. Available:
1. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Available:
2. Resursi mācīšanai un vadīšanai
3. Sabiedrības integrācijas fonds. Apmācību kursa “Starpkultūru komunikācija” rokasgrāmata, 2010. Pieejams:
Compulsory course: Professional Master’s Study Programme "Human Resource Management"