Course code VadZM003

Credit points 4

Career Service Management

Total Hours in Course

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours76

Date of course confirmation14.06.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science

Prior knowledge

DatZM001, Human Resource Analytics

VadZ5094, Human Resource Management

VadZ5099, Management in Organizations

VadZM002, Career Consulting

Course abstract

Students get an in-depth knowledge of the essence, functions and methods and resources of career services management. Students build up an understanding of the role and processes of of career services management. They are able to develop and plan strategies of career services management and evaluate them to more effectively achieve both individual and organizational goals.
The aim of the study course is to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in career services management in various employment environments in order to effectively develop, implement and assess the most relevant types of career guidance services.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• In-depth knowledge of the types, functions, methods and trends of career service management - test.
• In-depth knowledge and understanding of career service management processes and provisioning resources in various employment environments – practical work, independent work.
Professional skills:
• Independently analyze, plan and evaluate career services and their development - practical work.
• Determine and justify the need for resources to be used in the career service strategy organization - practical work, independent work.
Soft skills:
• Able to find, critically evaluate and creatively use information for the performance of work tasks and problem solutions - practical work, independent work.
• Able to cooperate and communicate - practical work.
• Able to develop a career service management model in one of the organizational environments – practical work, independent work
• Able to critically evaluate and organize and plan the implementation and management of career services - independent work

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Career guidance and its public policy. Lifelong career guidance - (lectures 2 hours, practical work 1 hour)
2. Career services, their types, management, functions and methods - (lectures 2 hours, practical work 1 hour)
3. Career management and its levels - (lectures 2 hours, practical work 1 hour)
4. Provision of career services in career guidance. Planning and organizing career information. Planning and organization of career education. Planning and organizing career counseling (lectures 3 hours, practical work 2 hours)
Test. Career services in the provision of career guidance – (1 hour)
5. Roles and competencies of career guidance specialists in organizing and providing services. (lectures 2 hours, practical work 1 hour)
6. Needs of beneficiaries of career services. Solutions for providing services. (lectures 2 hours, practical work 2 hours)
7. Models and approaches for career service provision (CIP; CASVE, DOTS). (lectures 2 hours, practical work 3 hours)
8. Quality management and evaluation of career services. (lectures 3 hours, practical work 1 hour)
Seminar. Analysis of career service management in an organization. – (4 hours)

Requirements for awarding credit points

The course provides:
• one test on career services in the provision of career support, which is written during classes in the auditorium;
• practical work to be done during practical work in the auditorium;
• One independent work "Analysis of management of career services in an organization", which is presented and defended at the seminar.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

84 hours are planned for independent studies, which are organized as follows:
• preparation for practical work – 10 hours;
• preparation for the test – 10 hours;
• preparation for the seminar in which students present and defend their independent works - 64 hours.
Students develop a career services model for career guidance for a specific organization, a specific target group: determine and plan activities and resources that could ensure effective career support; determines and evaluates the roles and functions of career guidance specialists; compares its developed career service model with at least two other similar (abroad and/or Latvia) career service models.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Exam. Cumulative evaluation, summing up the evaluations of the passed test, practical work, as well as submitted and defended independent work during the semester. The final grade in the study course is formed as follows:
20% - test
20% - practical assignments

60% - independent work.

Compulsory reading

1. European Commission. (2020). Lifelong Guidance Policy and Practice in the EU: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities. Final Report. Publications Office of the European Union. Available:
2. Sultana R.G., Watts A.G. Career guidance in Europe’s public employment services: trends and challenges. Brussels: DG European Commission, 2021. Available: ttps://'s_Public_Employment_Services_Trends_and_Challenges
3. Karjeras attīstības atbalsta rokasgrāmata politikas veidotājiem. OECD un Eiropas Komisija. VIAA 2008. 76 lpp. Pieejams:
4. EMKAPT karjeras atbalsta glosārijs. VIAA. Pieejams:
5. Vadlīnijas mūžilga karjeras atbalsta politikas un sistēmu izveidei. VIAA. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Career development at work. A review of career guidance to support people in employment. Cedefop Panorama series. Available:
2. Professionalising career guidance Practitioner competences and qualification routes in Europe. Cedefop Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2009. (Cedefop Panorama series; 164, ISSN 1562-6180. ISBN 978-92-896-0572-4. Available:
3. Karjeras attīstības atbalsts – izglītība, konsultēšana, pakalpojumi (2008). VIAA. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. European Career Development Programme for University students. Available:
2. Informācijas portāli karjeras konsultantiem. Pieejams:
3. Investing in career guidance. ETF, 2021. Available:
4. The International Centre for career development and public policy. Available:
5. Work-based Learning and the Green Transition. ETF, 2022. Available:


Compulsory study course: professional master's study program "Human resource management"