Course code VadZB008
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures28
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation07.03.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Dr. sc. ing.
VadZ4084 [GVAD4084] Design strategies
The study course focuses on the market development of design products and the study of customer behavior, integrating the creation of design products/services and the creation of a marketing mix. It provides students with an opportunity to assess the specifics of design products and services, facilitating data-driven strategic decision-making that includes team building, leadership, market segmentation/niche analysis, client/consumer analysis, and understanding of pricing principles. The course examines business and functional level strategy and operational activity, as well as the choice and creation of a business model, taking into account the peculiarities of both the domestic and export markets.
The aim of the course is to develop students' skills and competitive advantages, including the acquisition of skills in managing a family business typical of the design industry, and the ability to analyze the design product market and customers. Students are offered the opportunity to create their own business model and strategic marketing plan, based on those innovation strategies that correspond to the development of design products. The course promotes creative and independent thinking, develops research and practical business skills, as well as teamwork and presentation skills.
Study course results:
Knowledge: The course provides knowledge about the role of strategy in the design industry, the differences between different business models and their application, as well as the importance of marketing strategy in the development of design products, as well as an understanding of the characteristics of the client/consumer and their impact on strategic decisions. Knowledge will be tested with the midterm control test and final exam.
Skills: The course develops the skills to analyze the design product market, identify customer needs, create a business model and marketing strategic plan, as well as choose innovative strategies for the development of design products. Skills will be assessed in practical work, independent work, midterm control test and final exam.
Competence: The course develops competence in the practical application of innovative product development tools. Participants of the study course will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected innovative design product development strategy, provide the rationale for strategic decisions and activities. Competences will be evaluated in independent works, midterm control test and final exam.
1.Strategic management and strategic planning in a design company. The role of the business team, its formation principles (lecture - 2h, practical work - 2h,)
2.Design and strategic decisions - interaction. Design market trends. Competition. Competitive advantage. (lect. - 2h)
3.Design as a sales product - strategic decisions. Innovative tools for developing ideas (lect. - 2h, practical work - 4h,)
4.Customer / consumer particularities, behavior in the market. (lecture - 2h, practical works - 2h)
5.Pricing strategies for design products/services. (lect. - 2h)
6.Market design solutions. (lect. - 2h)
7.Integrated communication in the design products market. Design and advertising - features and strategies. (lecture - 2h)
8.Marketing strategy and marketing plan for design products. (lecture - 2h, practical work - 3h)
9.Levels of strategic management and decision making: corporate, business and functional level. (lecture - 2h, practical work - 2h,)
10.Value chain. Business model. (lecture - 4h, practical work - 2h,)
11.Strategic decisions and finances (lecture - 4h, practical work - 1h,)
12.Design export - sepcifics and strategies (lect. - 1h)
13.Family business - features and peculiarities (lect. - 1h)
Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.
Successful fulfillment of the following tasks:
• Submitted (sent, uploaded in the e-study environment) 2 practical assignments and 2 independent assignments
• Passed midterm control test
• Passed the final exam.
All practical and independent assignments have been submitted (if even one assignment is missing, a positive assessment will not be posted)
Part of submitted works in the final evaluation:
1. Practical work – passed/failed
2. Independent work - passed/failed
3. Control test in the middle stage of the study course – 40%
4. Exam at the end of the study course - 60%
Successful assessment if at least 40% of the total number of points are obtained.
Practical work:
1. Development of an individual idea – a formulated problem, needs/wants package
2. Developing an idea in a group using innovation promotion technologies and tools
Independent works:
1. Strategic decisions – a virtual opportunity to return to the past, innovation forecast evaluation
2. Innovative idea, its value chain and business model
1. Caune J. Stratēģiskā vadīšana. Rīga: Lidojošā zivs, 2008. 384 lpp.
2. Inovācijas. Tulkojums no angļu valodas, tulkojusi A. Orupe. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009. 112 lpp.
3. Praude V. Mārketings: teorija un prakse. 1. grāmata. 3. izd. Rīga: Burtene, 2011. 522 lpp. ISBN 9789984833033
1. Ābeltiņa A. Inovācija - XXI gadsimta fenomens. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola "Turība", 2008. 151 lpp.
2. Forands I. Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas. 2. papild. izdev. Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2009. 308 lpp.
3. Ulrih K.T., Eppinger S.D. Product Design and Development. 5-th ed. New York etc.: Mc Graw Hill, 2008.
1. Latvijas Investīciju un Attīstības aģentūra. Pieejams:
2. Kopfinansēšanas saites, piemēŗam:
Compulsory course for the professional higher education bachelor study program “Design and Crafts”, full-time studies - 5th semester and part-time studies – 8th semester.