Course code VadZB004
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures18
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes26
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation25.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Mg. proj. mgmt.
VadZ2043 [GVAD2043] Business Ethics, Etiquette
The course provides students with knowledge of the role of ethics and etiquette in mutual communication among officials and private persons as well as gives insight into the basic issues of entrepreneurship ethics and etiquette. The course deals with norms of behaviour accepted in the society, placing a particular focus on international differences in the norms, and builds an understanding of the role of behaviour culture that facilitates and promotes mutual cooperation. The skills developed by the course allow shaping a positive and socially responsible image of the organisation, which, in its turn, contributes to its clients’ trust. The aim of the study course is to create and develop an understanding of business communication and interaction, aligned with modern national and international standards, while observing ethical principles and norms.
1.Students will be able to: demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the nature of ethics and etiquette in the national and international contexts, their roles in the business environment and their evolution and concepts - Independent assignments, examination.
2.Identify ethical problems and tackle related conflict situations by applying the norms of ethics in professional activities - Discussions in classes.
3.Recognise the norms of etiquette among the other systems regulating behaviour, assess its role in the society and differentiate various kinds of etiquette – Independent assignments to be done individually and in a group, test.
4.Establish interpersonal communication by applying the norms of business ethics - Practical assignments and discussions.
5.Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given – Independent assignments.
6.Give precise information, prepare a presentation and speak in public – Practical and independent assignments.
7.Work in a team, delegate and coordinate the fulfilment of responsibilities, effectively plan and manage the work and assume responsibility for the results of the group work - Group work.
8.Analyse, compare and work with various ethical issues as well as identify, define, assess and solve problems of an ethical nature and apply the norms of ethics in professional activities - Practical assignments to be done individually and in a group, examination.
9.Select and apply a pattern of behaviour appropriate for a particular situation as well as to represent the enterprise/organisation and cooperate with various stakeholders - Practical assignments to be done individually and in a group.
10.Build up and demonstrate presentation skills, choose the most effective verbal and nonverbal communication tools and adapt the presentation and speech to the particular audience, including a foreign one – Practical assignments to be done individually and in a group.
11.Work individually and in a group by applying the knowledge and leader skills acquired, and assume responsibility for the results of the work - Practical assignments to be done individually and in a group.
Full time intramural studies:
1.The nature and importance of business ethics. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 1 hour)
2.Types and scope of ethics. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 1 hour)
3.Business and professional ethics. Codes of Ethics. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 2 hours)
4.Basic principles of business ethics. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 2 hours)
5.Communication ethics. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 1 hour)
6.The role of government in the regulation of business ethics. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 2 hours)
7.The New Ethical Challenges of the Modern World. Information and power. Personality and freedom. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 2 hours)
8.Nature of etiquette and its role in business. Types and uses of etiquette. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 1 hour)
9.Business communication. First impression. Greetings and introductions. (Lecture - 2 hours, practical assignments – 2 hours)
10.Business telephone and correspondence etiquette. Netiquette. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 1 hour)
11.Office etiquette. The most common mistakes in business etiquette. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 1 hour)
12.Attributes of etiquette. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 1 hour)
13.Dress code etiquette. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 1 hour)
14.Table manners and dining etiquette. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 1 hour)
15.Preparing for a presentation and creating a presentation. Basics of oratory skills. (Lecture - 2 hours, practical assignments – 3 hours)
16.International business etiquette. (Lecture - 1 hour, practical assignments – 4 hours)
Examination – all the topics.
Part time extramural studies: all topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar.
The Mark consists of:
•60 points individual and group independent and practical assignments
1) 20 points on the topics: Business and professional ethics. Codes of Ethics; Basic principles of business ethics; The role of government in the regulation of business ethics;
2) 20 points on the topics: The New Ethical Challenges of the Modern World. Information and power. Personality and freedom; Business communication. First impression. Greetings and introductions;
3) 20 points on the topics: Preparing for a presentation and creating a presentation. Basics of oratory skills; International business etiquette.
•40 points examination – All the topics.
10 points are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
Practical, independent assignments and examination can be submitted only in the time provided for them.
Study course materials and literature studies.
Preparation of practical and independent work.
Preparing for the examination.
Examination is an accumulating mark of all course marks.
1. Laurinkari J. Biznesa ētika. Petrovskis un Ko, 2011. 99 lpp.
2. Lasmane S. Komunikācijas ētika. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2012. 304 lpp.
3. Strautmane A. Etiķete un protokols. Rīga: Jumava, 2009. 163 lpp.
4. Fosters D. Lietišķā etiķete Eiropā. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2005. 400 lpp.
5. Keigals T.D. Uzstāšanās māksla: droši paņēmieni, kā pārliecināt auditoriju un patikt klausītājiem. Rīga: Atēna, 2008. 214 lpp.
1.Latvijas Republikas tiesību akti. Pieejams:
2.Latvijas Republikas oficiālais izdevums „Latvijas Vēstnesis”. Pieejams:
3.LV portāls „Cilvēks. Valsts. Likums” Pieejams:
4.Specializēts nedēļas žurnāls „Jurista Vārds” Pieejams:
5.Latvijas Nacionālais arhīvs. Pieejams:
6.Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze AkadTerm. Pieejams:
7.Kalve I. Elektroniskie dokumenti un informācija lietišķajā pasaulē. 1. daļa, Praktisks ceļvedis elektronisko dokumentu un parakstu pasaulē. Rīga: SIA “Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2025, 282 lpp.
1. Žurnāls "Biznesa psiholoģija". Rīga: izdevējs biedrība "Saules Bite", ISSN 1691-3183. Pieejams arī:
3. Latvijas Republikas tiesību akti. Pieejams:
4. Latvijas Biznesa Konsultantu Asociācija. Pieejams:
General study course (Part B1) for the ESAF Professional Bachelor study programme
„Business and Enterprise Management”.