Course code TraZM001
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours95
Date of course confirmation14.11.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Dr. sc. ing.
TraZ5030 [GTRA5030] Transport Infrastructure and Logistics
The aim of the study course is to get acquainted with the main modern modes of transport, their technical and economic peculiarities. The study course examines the coordination of the work of these modes of transport and the methodology and planning of the choice of rational mode of transport and transport schemes.
Knows the concepts of transport and transport, the transport system, its components, the main modes of transport, their technical and economic characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as forms of cooperation between individual modes of transport.
Is able to analyze, compare and evaluate the suitability of individual modes of transport and their combinations for the transport of different cargoes, as well as for the provision of different passenger transport.
Able to choose the most appropriate mode of transport or a combination thereof for a particular freight or passenger service.
Theoretical knowledge will be tested and evaluated in a test, but skills and abilities will be acquired and evaluated in seminars and laboratory work.
1. Transport system and its components. Sustainable transport system (2h)
2. Transport complex in the country. Development of the transport sector in Latvia and Europe (2h).
4. Railway transport (1h).
5. Inland waterway transport. Sea transport (1h).
6. Aviation (1h).
7. Road transport (1h).
8. Other modes of transport (1h).
9. Logistics aspects in transport. Choice of mode of transport. (2h).
10. Freight delivery systems. Importance of warehouses in logistics (2h)
11. Freight and passenger flows (2h)
12.Environmental impact of transport (1h)
1. Sustainable transport system (2h)
2. Development of the transport sector (2h)
3. Modes of transport (2h)
4. Transport infrastructure and logistics aspects (2h)
5. Roads (2h)
6. Urban and rural logistics (2h)
7. Freight logistics (2h)
8. Passenger logistics (2h)
Laboratory works:
1. Planning of transport (selected type) flow schemes in urban environment (8h)
2. Planning of transport (selected type) flow schemes in rural environment (8h)
Exam consist of:
• successful theory test;
• participation in seminars;
• successfully developed laboratory works;
• independent work performed.
The student develops independent works in accordance with the teacher's instructions, preparing for and developing tests, seminars, laboratory works.
The evaluation of the study course is formed from the evaluation of tests, seminars and laboratory work.
1. Sprancmanis N., Uzņēmējdarbības loģistikas pamati. Rīga, 2011. 221 lpp., ISBN 978-9984-833026.
2. Praude V., Loģistika., 2. pārstrādātais izdevums., Rīga:, Burtene, 2013., 556 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-833-095.
3.Grīnglazs L., Kopitovs J., Krājumu pārvaldības pamati. Rīga, 2005. 96 lpp. ISBN 9984-705-16-1.
4. Chopra S., Meindl P., Supply Chain Management., 5th Edition., Boston: Prentice Hall, 20122013. 528 p.ISBN 978-013-274395-2.
5. Jeremy F. S., Modelling the Supply Chain. 2nd edition., Thomson, 2007. 608 p. ISBN 978-0-495-12611-X.
6. Harrison A., Remko van H., Logistics Management & Strategy. Competing through the Supply Chain., 4th edition. Harlow, England ;New York: Pearson, 2011. 360 p. ISBN 978-0-273-73022-4.
1. Verma R., Boyer K., Operations and Supply Chain Management. Cengage, 2010. 538 p. ISBN 978-0-324-83487-1
2. Handfield R.B., Monczka R.M., Giunipero L.C., and Patterson J.L. , Sourcing and Supply Chain Management., 4e, Cengage, 2009. 810 p. ISBN 978-0-324-38139-9.
3. Coyle J.J., Novack R.A., Gibson B.J., J.Bardi E.J. Management of transportation., Cengage, 2011. 538 p., ISBN 978-0-324-78920-1.
4. Tony A.J.R., Chapman S.N., Clive L.M. , Introduction to Materials Management., 6 ed., Pearson, 2008. 515 p., ISBN 978-0-13-242550-6.
5.Stukalina J., English for Students of Logistics. Revised edition (Angļu valoda loģistikas sistēmu un piegādes ķēdes vadībā)., Rīga:, Transporta un sakaru institūts, 2013., 144 lpp.
Stukaļina J. Professional English for students of logistics . Riga: Transport and telecommunication institute, 2014. 187 p. t English Course.; Od University Press, 2009., 96 p., ISBN 019457945X.
6. English for Logistics Student's Book and Multirom A Short, Specialist English Course.; Od University Press, 2009., 96 p., ISBN 019457945X.
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