Course code CinžB002

Credit points 4

Quality Systems

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures22

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes22

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours64

Date of course confirmation30.01.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food

Course developers


Anita Blija

Dr. sc. ing.

author lect.

Egita Sproģe

Prior knowledge

PārZ1013, Food Law

PārZ1014, Hygiene Requirements in the Enterprise

Replaced course

PārZ1015 [GPAR1015] Quality Systems

Course abstract

The purpose of the study course is to provide opportunities for students to learn about quality control and safety assurance systems in food production companies, as well as the importance of these systems in the production of quality products. The study course introduces the theoretical basis of the food safety system, teaches how to apply the acquired knowledge in conducting risk analysis in food production processes.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge and critical understanding of the types of quality systems - Test 1.
Knows the food safety management system and its importance in ensuring safety in the product production process - Test 2.
Knows the prerequisites for creating and maintaining a food safety system - Test 3.
Knows the methods of implementing quality systems and their effectiveness assessment procedures – Test 4.
Can formulate problems and roll and management systems - 1.,2. and 3. Practical work.
Able to use the acquired knowledge while performing risk analysis in the production processes of various food products, analytically describe information, problems and solutions in food management in production - 4, 5, 6 and 7. Practical work.
Competence to be able to use the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills when making decisions and solving problems in choosing an effective quality system that meets food safety requirements in the development and implementation of innovative products in the company - Homework 1 and 2.

Course Content(Calendar)

In full-time face-to-face studies:
1. Quality management terminology, historical development of quality management methods and systems.(L1)
2. Basic principles of quality management. ISO 9000 family of standards (L1;Pr1h)
Test 1 "Types, advantages of quality management systems"
3. GFSI Recognized Food Safety/Safety Management System Standards (L1h)
Reasons for choosing the appropriate food safety system certification in the company
4. Implementation and maintenance of HACCP (food safety system). (L2h;Pr2h)
Test 2, sequence of implementation of the HACCP system.
5. Food safety/safety system documentation. (L1h;Pr2h)
Practical work 1 - "Development of instructions".
6. Implementation, maintenance, importance of good hygiene and good production practices.
Practical work 2 - “Development of the prerequisite program”. (L2h;Pr2h)
7. Steps/stages of food safety system (HACCP) implementation. (L1h;Pr2h)
Test 3, "Basic conditions of prerequisite programs".
8. 7 principles of HACCP implementation and maintenance in a food production company. (L2h;Pr1h)
9. Process management in the quality management system.(L1h;Pr1h)
Practical work 3 "Flow chart of process stages for the development and implementation of an innovative product in production".
10. Types of hazards in process benches.(L1h)
11. Factors affecting food contamination.(L1h)
12. Risk analysis. Prerequisites and prerequisite programs. Methods of determining critical control points. (L1h;Pr2h)
Practical work 4 - “Types of hazards and risk analysis in the steps of a process”.
13. Product that does not meet safety requirements. Root Cause analysis. Corrective and preventive actions. (L1h;Pr2h)
Practical work 5 - 'Basic principles of traceability. Documentation. Mass balance”.
14. Withdrawal of non-compliant product. Withdrawal. (L1h;Pr1h)
Practical work 6 - “Records of corrective and preventive actions, their maintenance”.
15. Explanation of the requirements of one of the latest versions of a GFSI recognized Food Safety Standard (e.g. BRCGS). (L1h;Pr1h)
16. Internal audits and inspections. External audits. (L1h;Pr1h)
Test 4. "Annual internal audit plan in maintaining the requirements of a Food Safety Standard (e.g. BRCGS) in a food manufacturing company”.
17. Dealing with Nonconformances in Internal Audits and Nonconformances in External Audits.
Homework 1 - "HACCP system implementation plan for a new food production company".(L1h;Pr2h)
18. Quality system manager. Authority, Obligations. Responsibility. (L1h;Pr1h)
Practical work 7 - "Preparation of the annual plan of internal audits and inspections, evaluating previously identified non-compliances".
19. Evaluation of the implementation of quality systems. (L1h;Pr1h)
Homework 2 - "Basic scheme and documentation of quality system implementation"

Requirements for awarding credit points

Final evaluation of the study course consists from:
pass with a mark consisting of a final test on the theoretical questions acquired in the study course (25%);
developed and assigned 6 practical works (25%);
passed 3 tests (25%);
developed, presented and passed 2 homework’s (25%).

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1st Homework. Development of the documentation package required for the food safety management system (submitted in electronic form; limit 30 pages), students present the work done and participate in the discussion.
2nd Homework. Development of the necessary documentation for the implementation of the quality management system in the food production company (submitted in electronic form, limit 30 pages), students present the work done and participate in the discussion.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the study course assessment with a grade depends on the assessment test and the accumulative assessment of the study course tests, practical works and homework.
A student can get a passing grade for a test or placement test if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.
The pass with a grade is calculated as the arithmetic average of the placement test and the average semester grade, which is calculated as the arithmetic average of the grades of tests, practical works and homework taken in the study course.

Compulsory reading

1.Theuvsen L. (ed.) Quality Management in Food Chains. Wageningen Academic Publishers 2007. 509.p.
2.Schmidt R. H. Food Safety handbook. Hoboken, New Jersey, 2003. 850.p
3. Kvalitātes pārvaldības sistēmas. Pamatprincipi un terminu vārdnīca: LVS EN ISO 9000:2015
4. Blija A. Pārtikas un uztrura kvalitāte un drošums, Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2007. 104 lpp.
5. Vasiļevska D. Kvalitātes nodrošināšanas vadība, Rīga: Juridiskā koledža, 2007. 234 lpp.
6. Zygon Baltic Consulting, Kvalitātes vadības sistēma. Rīga, Apgāds Biznesa partneri, 2022, 111 lpp.
7. Pildavs J.Kvalitātes vadīšanas teorijas pamati, Kamene, 2004, 56 lpp

Further reading

1.Quality systems and standards for a competitive edge. J. Luis Guasch..[]. Wasington, D.C.: World Bank c2007,289 p.
2. Kvalitātes pārvaldības sistēmas. Prasības: LVS EN ISO 9001 : 2015
3. Ioannis S.A. HACCP and ISO 22000: Aplication to Foods of Animal Origin, Chichester, U.K.,Ames Iowa: Wiley – Blackwell, 2009.549 p.
4. Forands I. Stratēģija.Kvalitāte, Rīga, Latvijas izglītības fonds, 2000, 253 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Nozaru labas higiēnas un labas ražošanas prakses vadīnijas. Pieejamas
2. International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health, [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 04.01.2024]. Pieejams :
3. Journal of Food Quality. Pieejams: : .Pieejams datu bāzē Wiley Online Libray LLU tīklā kā arī izmantojot LLU IS lietotājkontu (electronic) : 1745 - 4557


Compulsory study subject for FAFT students for the academic bachelor's study program "Food quality and innovations".