Course code PārZB007

Credit points 5

Grain, Grain Processing I

Total Hours in Course140

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes10

Number of hours for laboratory classes30

Independent study hours79

Date of course confirmation30.01.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food

Course developers

author Pārtikas institūts

Dace Kļava

Dr. sc. ing.


Daiga Kunkulberga

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

PārZ1003, Biology of Raw Materials of Food

Z003596, Organiskā ķīmija II

Replaced course

PārZ3015 [GPAR3015] Grain, Grain Processing I

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about grains, the chemical composition and properties of their processing products, as well as the basic principles of bread production and quality assessment criteria.
Obtain the basics of grain processing products and bread production, the physical, biochemical and microbiological processes occurring during production.
Acquire knowledge about the causes of various product defects and the possibilities of prevention. In the laboratory work students acquire practical skills in the quality control of grain, flour and other raw materials and in the production of grain processing products.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge and understanding of the chemical composition of grains, their properties, the technological process and quality of grain processing products and bread production. Able to explain the most important concepts and regularities of the grain processing industry - lectures, 1.; 2nd; 3. 4. test.
Skills to know and use quality assessment methods in grain processing and bread production. To perform the necessary calculations to ensure the bread production process and work independently or in a work group, perform baking test of bread and developing independent works - independent work, 8 laboratory works.
Competence to be able to organize creatively and independently technological process of grain processing products and bread production. The ability to orientate and know the raw materials and equipment used in the grain processing industry, to analyse the technological process improvement and development trends. Ability to develop constructive solutions and make the necessary corrections in the technological process of grain processing products– laboratory work and independent work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Cereals, their classification, chemical composition and using in the food industry. (Lecture -1h)
2. Grain quality, methods of their determination and technological characteristics. (Lecture -2h) Determination and analysis of grain quality parameters (grain impurities, bulk density, determination of absolute grain weight, grain germination capacity and germination density). (Laboratory work – 3h). Determination and analysis of grain quality parameters (ash content, falling number, gluten, moisture, etc.) (Laboratory work – 3h). 1st test.
3. Cereal processing - flour, semolina, flakes, pasta, the technological process of their production. (Lecture -2h) Preparation of flakes and flour mixtures and quality evaluation. (Laboratory work – 3h)
4. Types of flour, quality and baking properties. (Lecture -1h) Evaluation of flour quality (determination of ash, acidity, amount and quality of gluten, amylogram, farinogram). (Laboratory work – 4h).
5. Trends in the production of grain processing products. Bread and types of bakery products. (Lecture -1h) Nutritional value calculations for grain processing products (Laboratory work – 2h) 2nd test.
6. Bread production ingredients, their characteristics. Bread improvers, significance, composition, properties. (Lecture -1h)
7. Sourdough, their types, importance in bread production. (Lecture -1h) Bread sourdough preparation and quality evaluation. (Laboratory work – 6h)
8. Wheat bread production technology – kneading, leavening, dough processing (dividing, rounding, pre-fermentation, formation, fermentation), baking, cooling, freezing. Equipment used in the production of wheat bread. (Lecture -3h) Wheat bread baking test. Equipment: kneaders, dividers, shapers, ovens. (Laboratory work – 6h).
9. 3rd test. Types of rye bread, their characteristics. Rye dough production technology (Lecture -2h) Rye bread - preparation of sourdough and scald, kneading the dough, baking. Baking rye-wheat bread. (Laboratory work – 6h).
10. Wheat and rye bread quality parameters, possible defects and possibilities for their prevention. (Lecture -2h) Evaluation of bread quality and defect analysis. (Laboratory work – 4h). 4. control paper.
11. Defense of the independent work on the technological and equipment scheme of grain processing products, nutritional value and analysis of the information given on the label (Laboratory work – 3h).

Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test with a mark is obtained if:
• laboratory works have been completed and defended;
• developed and defended independent work;
• successfully (at least 4 points) written four tests.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student independently develops a recipe for a grain processing product, describes the production technology, calculates the nutritional value, develops a product label, practically prepares and evaluates product samples in the laboratory. The results of the independent work are collected and described - in the form of a Word document (up to 10 pages) and a presentation is prepared (up to 10 slides).
Preparation for the defense of laboratory works and the passing of four tests.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the study course depends on the accumulative evaluation of tests and independent work, as well as the completed and defended laboratory works.
A student can get a passing grade for the test if at least 50% of the questions are answered and explained correctly.
The course mark is calculated as the arithmetic average of the marks of the tests and independent works taken in the study course.

Compulsory reading

1.Kunkulberga D., Segliņš V. Maizes ražošanas tehnoloģija. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2010. 289 lpp. ISBN 9789984322339
2. Ауэрман Л. Я. Технология хлебопекарного производства. 9-е изд., перераб. и доп. Москва: Пищевая промышленность, 2003. 416 c.
3. Handbook of cereal science and technology / edited by Karel Kulp, Joseph G. Ponte, Jr. New York :Basel : Marcel Dekker, 2000. IX, 790 p. : ill. Food science and technology ; 99 . ISBN 0824782941
4.Augkopība. Ruža A. red. Jelgava: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2004. 374 lpp. ISBN 9984596729
5.Breadmaking : improving quality / edited by Stanley P. Cauvain. 2nd ed. Cambridge ;Philadelphia, PA : Woodhead Pub., 2012. xxviii, 802 lpp. : il., tab., diagr. ; 24 cm. Woodhead publishing series in food science, technology and nutrition ; no. 229 . ISBN 9780857090607

Further reading

1. Kunkulberga D., Ruža A. Kviešu un rudzu graudu uzturvērtība un izmantošana maizes ražošanā. Jelgava: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2008. 55 lpp. ISBN 9789984784380.
2. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition. Editor-in-chief B.Caballero; L.C.Trugo editors , P.M. Finglas 2nd ed. Amsterdam, etc.: Academic Press, 2003. 10 vol. ISBN 012227055X.
3. Frozen and Refrigerated Doughs and Batters. Edited by K.Kulp, K.Lorenz, J. Bruemmer. St.Paul, Minnesota: American Association of Cereal Chemists, 1995. 280 p. ISBN 0913250880
4. Khalil Khan, Wheat Wheat: Chemistry and Technology, 4th Edition , St.Paul, Minnesota: American Association of Cereal Chemists 2009
eBook ISBN: 9780128104545
5. Peter R Shewry Steven E Ullrich, Barley: Chemistry and Technology, St.Paul, Minnesota: American Association of Cereal Chemists, 2016
eBook ISBN: 9780128123690
6. Francis Webster Oats: Chemistry and Technology
2nd Edition, St.Paul, Minnesota: American Association of Cereal Chemists 2011
eBook ISBN: 9780128104521
7. Kaisa Poutanen Per Åman Rye and Health
1st Edition, St.Paul, Minnesota: American Association of Cereal Chemists 2016
eBook ISBN: 9780128122884
8. Weibiao Zhou, Y. H. Hui Bakery Products Science and Technology, 2nd Edition , John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2014
ISBN: 978-1-118-79207-0
Online ISBN:9781118792001
9. B R Hamaker Technology of Functional Cereal Products 1st Edition, Woodhead Publishing, 2007, 568p.
Hardcover ISBN: 9781845691776
eBook ISBN: 9781845693886
10. Wang, Jing, Sun, Baoguo, Cao, RongTsao (Eds.)Bioactive Factors and Processing Technology for Cereal Foods, Springer Singapore, 2019, 259p.
ISBN 978-981-13-6167-8
eBook ISBN 978-981-13-6167-8

Periodicals and other sources

1. AS Rīgas dzirnavnieks
2. AS Dobeles dzirnavnieks
3. Latvijas maiznieku biedrība
4. Ltd Buhler group
5. Ltd Puratos


Obligatory course for first cycle professional study program "Food product technology" students