Course code PārZB005
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes40
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation28.11.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
PārZ2004 [GPAR2004] Food Engineering and Equipment I
Goal – to gain an understanding of food production processes and the equipment used to ensure them. The first part of the study course examines processes that are artificially created to achieve a certain technological goal and that are common to several branches of the food industry. Explores common regularities and calculation methods based on mechanics, physics, thermodynamics, etc. c. regularities, as well as the general schemes of the devices in which it is possible to implement individual processes. The course consists of 5 groups of basic processes: basics of hydraulics, hydromechanical processes, heat processes and equipment, mechanical and mass exchange processes.
After completing the course student will have:
• knowledge on economic use of food processing equipment, process management with minimal material and energy consumption and maximum use of equipment capacity – three theory tests;
• skills to calculate various processes and equipment parameters, to choose appropriate conditions for equipment operation – practical works;
• competence – to justify necessary amount of energy and materials for food production, to evaluate the technical and economical parameters of
processes – three tests on practical calculations.
1. Basic principles of food processing, units of measurement, transformations. Food storage conditions. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 2 h)
2. Characteristics of relevant physical properties of foods. Requirements for equipment design. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 2 h)
3. Similarity theory. Test on process calculations. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 2 h)
4. Basic laws in hydraulics, pipeline calculations, pump selection. 1st theory test. (Lectures – 2 h, Practical work – 2 h)
5. Heat transfer – conduction, convection, radiation. Methods for calculation of heat transfer coefficient. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 6 h)
6. Heat transfer calculation methods. Basic principles of heat exchanger calculation.
(Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 4 h)
7. Types and design of heat exchangers. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 6 h)
8. Principles of evaporation, calculation methods. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 4 h)
9. Characteristics of condensation process, calculation methods. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical
work – 2 h)
10. 2nd theory test. Practical test on process calculation. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 2 h)
11. Characterization of mass transfer. Dehydration and its calculation. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 4 h)
12. Separation of heterogeneous systems – systems with gas and liquid continuous phase. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 2 h)
13. Separation of heterogeneous systems based on application of centrifugal force. (Lectures – 1 h)
14. Basics of distillation process. Principles of mixing and its calculation. (Lectures – 1 h)
15. 3rd theory test. Practical test on process calculation. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical work – 2 h)
For passing the course all tests and practical works (calculations), indicated in the program, should be successfully completed.
Theoretical studies for tests. Use of theoretical knowledge in calculations of food processes and equipment, preparing for practical tests.
All theoretical and practical tests should be successfully completed (score at least 4). The final grade is calculated as average from all test grades.
1. Pārtikas rūpniecības tehnoloģiskās iekārtas / L. Dukaļskas redakcijā. – Jelgava: LLU PTF, 2000, 514 lpp.
2. Dukaļska L., Galoburda R. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas procesi un aparāti. Jelgava: LLU, 1999. 288 lpp.
3. Galoburda R., Rakčejeva T. Gaisa, ūdens un dažādu pārtikas produktu raksturlielumi: Tabulas inženiertehnisko studiju priekšmetu kursam. Jelgava: LLU PTF, 2009. – 40 lpp.
4. Fellows P. J. Food Processing Technology. Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2000, 575 p.
1. Fellows P.J. Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; Great Abington, Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, 2009. 913 p.
2. Toledo R. T., Singh R. K., Kong F. Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 449 p.
3. Neoh T. L., Adachi S., Furuta T. Introduction to Food Manufacturing Engineering. Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media Singapore, 2016. 179 p.
1. Dairy Processing Handbook. Tetra Pak, 2019. Available at:
2. Innovative Food Processing Technologies: extraction, separation, component modification, and process intensification (2016) Eds. K. Knoerzer, P. Juliano, G. Smithers. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. 481 p.
3. Neoh T. L., Adachi S., Furuta T. (2016) Introduction to Food Manufacturing Engineering. Singapore Springer Science+Business Media Singapore. 179 p.
4. Saravacos G., Kostaropoulos A. E. (2016) Handbook of Food Processing Equipment. Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 775 p.
1. Galoburda R., Rakčejeva T. Gaisa, ūdens un dažādu pārtikas produktu raksturlielumi: Tabulas inženiertehnisko studiju priekšmetu kursam. Jelgava: LLU PTF, 2009. 40 lpp.
2. Innovative Food Processing Technologies: extraction, separation, component modification, and process intensification. Eds. K. Knoerzer, P. Juliano, G. Smithers. Duxford: Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier, 2016. 481 p.
3. Saravacos G., Kostaropoulos A. E. Handbook of Food Processing Equipment. Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. 775 p.
1. Holdsworth, Donald S. (2016) Thermal processing of packaged foods / S. Donald Holdsworth, Ricardo Simpson. Third edition. Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 516 p.
2. Dairy Processing Handbook. Tetra Pak, 2019. Available at:
3. Walstra P. Wouters J.T.M., Geurts T.J. (2006) Dairy science and technology Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis. 782 p.
4. Sinha P. (2011) Fish processing and preservation. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing Corporation. – 261 p.
5. Bread making: improving quality / ed. by S.P. Cauvain. Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publ., 2003. – 589 p.
6. Lawrie's Meat Science / edited by F. Toldrá. Eighth edition. Duxford: Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier, 2017. – 713 p.
Compulsory first-cycle professional study program "Food technology" for part-time students.