Course code PārZB004

Credit points 5

Packaging and Design

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes14

Number of hours for laboratory classes26

Independent study hours79

Date of course confirmation21.10.2020

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food

Course developers

author prof.

Sandra Muižniece-Brasava

Dr. sc. ing.

author Pārtikas institūts

Anete Ķeķe


Prior knowledge

Ķīmi1010, Organic Chemistry I

Ķīmi2006, Organic Chemistry II

Replaced course

PārZ3090 [GPAR3091] Packaging and Design

Course abstract

Students get acquainted with the general characteristics of food and beverage packaging materials and its functions, legal requirements and the latest trends in packaging development. Packing materials (paper, metal, glass, polymers and composite materials), their forms. Labels and their bonding equipment. Packing equipment. Packing in air and in modified environment - vacuum (VP); modified atmosphere (MAP) and equilibrium modified atmosphere (EMAP). Active and biodegradable packaging. Transport packaging. Processing and management of used packaging.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

o Students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of the packaging industry, packaging materials. Able to explain the key concepts and regularities of packaging industry - laboratory works; Test 1.
o Practical knowledge and ability to orient themselves in packaging types, manufacturing processes of forms and implementation of packaging technologies in food production - laboratory works; Test 2.
o Competence: able to select and analyze packaging materials, packaging processes and the latest packaging technologies in developing new products and extending their shelf-life - Test 3; homeworks, laboratory works.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Introduction. The definition and functionality of packaging materials (lecture – 1h, laboratory works – 2h).
2. Characterisation of polymers, which are used for manufacturing food packaging (lectures – 2h, laboratory works – 2h).
3. The synthesis of polymers: polymerization and polycondensation reactions (lecture – 1h).
4. The products of polymerization and polycondensation reactions (lecture – 1h, laboratory works – 2h).
5. Biodegradable polymers for food packaging (lecture – 1 h, laboratory works– 2 h).
6. The types of food packaging films. The obtaining methods of food packaging films (lecture – 1 h, laboratory works – 2 h).
7. Glass, metals and paper as packaging materials for food products Test 1 – The characterisation of food packaging materials (lecture – 1 h, laboratory works – 2 h).
8. Development of food and beverage packaging industry, trends and legislation (lecture –1h ).
9. Forming and filling of packaging (metal, glass, paper and cardboard) (lectures –2h, laboratory works – 4h).
10. Forming and filling of polymer packaging materials (lecture –1h, laboratory works – 4h).
11. Caps, covers and closing. Labels, their bonding equipment (lecture –1h).
12. Packaging in the modified environment Test 2: Packaging forms, packaging design principles, analysis of their use and consideration of appropriate solutions (lecture –1h, laboratory works – 5h).
13. Innovations in the field of food packaging. Possibility of using active and biodegradable packaging (lecture –1h, laboratory works – 2h).
14. Recycling and management of used packaging. Transport packaging solutions. Logistics Test 3: Packaging solutions for packaging innovative products (lecture –1h, laboratory works– 2h).
15. Presentation of homework and discussions about consumers' attitude to packaging and ways of optimizing packaging (laboratory works– 3h).

Requirements for awarding credit points

The exam is graded with a mark, where the grade is formed:
1. Independent work report, on the basis of which the student obtains a positive evaluation (accounting for 60% of the grade).
2. All three tests are successfully written (at least 4 points), All laboratory works are completed, all laboratory reports and homework assignments have a positive evaluation (accounting for 40% of the grade).

In order to be able to defend the report, all tests, laboratory work, homework must be included.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1st homework. Students conduct a questionnaire of 30 respondents in order to find out their knowledge and opinion on food packaging (submision of questionnaire results in electronic format).
2nd homework. Report - Package recycling, volume reduction / optimization options (at least 4 pages, submitted electronically).

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

A colloquium consists of multiple choice and open-ended questions, it evaluates in the 10 point scale. In an each question has showed a maximal available points. The colloquium is successfully written if students get minimally 4 points. If the evaluation is lower than previously set, students should write the colloquium repeatedly (in this case the average evaluation of colloquium is summarized from both colloquiums (unsuccessfully and successfully written)). A laboratory work is evaluated as a pass.

Compulsory reading

1. Čakste I. Iesaiņojuma materiālu ķīmija. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 112 lpp.
2. Dukaļska L. Pārtikas produktu iepakošanas tehnoloģija. Jelgava: LLU PTF, 2003. 670 lpp.
3. Dukaļska L., Muižniece-Brasava S. Progresīvās iepakojuma tehnoloģijas pārtikas industrijā. Jelgava, LLU, 2012. 192 lpp.
4. Robertson G.L. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice. 3rd Edition. CRC Press, 2012. 733 p.
5. Iepakojuma dizains – iepakojuma pārstrādei. Starptautiskās rekomendācijas aprites iepakojuma dizainam. 2023. [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 25.11.2023.] . Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Dukaļska L., Muižniece-Brasava S. Biodegradējamie iepakošanas materiāli pārtikas industrijā. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 104 lpp.
2. Helstrom D., Olsoon A. Managing Packaging Design for Sustainable Development: A Compass for Strategic Directions. Chichester, UK: Wiley. 2017. 240 p.
3. Pethrick R.A. Polymer structure characterization: from nano to macro organization. Cambridge, RSC Publishing, 2007. 334 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. The magazine Tara i upakovka [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 10.09.2020.]. Pieejams:
2. Bioplastic Magazine [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 10.09.2020.] . Pieejams:
3. The European Organization for Packaging and the Environment [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 10.09.2020.]. Pieejams:


Compulsory course for full- and part-time students of the second-level professional higher education study program "Food Technology".