Course code PārZ3100
Credit points 12
Total Hours in Course324
Number of hours for lectures49
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes37
Number of hours for laboratory classes42
Independent study hours196
Date of course confirmation20.04.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. paed.
Mg. paed.
The basis of a hospitality service is its hygiene. To successfully manage hygiene issues in an establishment, you need to be familiar with the requirements regulated by global, European Union and Latvian legislation. Good hygiene practices must be implemented in hospitality establishments, the basic principles of which students learn during the course. Students acquire knowledge about potential types of contamination - physical, biological (microbiological), chemical, in particular relating to the quality of food and beverages, being aware of their hazards, consequences and knowing the solutions to prevent the possibility of contamination in the establishment. Hygiene management is one of the aspects of a professional approach to the cleaning of premises and technological equipment, selecting products, tools and methods of cleaning, washing and care appropriate to the material to be treated, following ecological, economical and rational ways of organising work, strictly in accordance with occupational safety and the hygiene requirements of the particular hospitality establishment. The course is structured in three interrelated parts.
Students know the general hygiene requirements regulated by the legislation of the world, the European Union, Latvia - control work, practical work. Students have a critical understanding of the theoretical basis of hygiene - personnel hygiene, hygiene of the working environment, food hygiene - control work, practical work. Students know the microflora of foodstuffs, indoor air, water and the factors determining their development - control work, laboratory work. Students know the technology of room care, the classification of detergents, their composition and properties, the impact of cleaning products on the environment, on people - control work, practical work.
They are able to carry out microbiological analyses of foodstuffs, work surfaces, room air, water, analytically describe and analyse the results obtained - laboratory work. Be able to identify and evaluate potential sources of contamination in a hospitality establishment - laboratory work. Be able to carry out measurements of the working environment - laboratory work. To be able to assess the composition of different detergents - laboratory work. Be able to solve different problem situations related to hygiene issues - control work, practical work. Be able to independently analyse the literature and use it to investigate chemical contamination of foodstuffs and the effects of detergents on humans and the environment - reports, practical work.
1. Concept of hygiene, historical characteristics of hygiene - 3 hours
2. description of the requirements of the global, EU and LR laws and regulations governing food circulation. Food chain supervision and control in Latvia - 5 hours
3. LHP. Duties and responsibilities of hospitality managers - 5 hours
Test 1. Concept of hygiene. Regulatory legislation. Food chain.
4. Staff hygiene - 6 hours
5. Hygiene of the working environment - 4 hours
6 Food hygiene. Food safety. Food contamination. Measures to prevent food contamination - 8 hours
7. Characteristics of foodborne diseases - 4 hours
8. General and specific hygiene requirements in hospitality establishments - 4 hours
Test 2. Hygiene of personnel, hygiene of the working environment, food safety, contamination.
1. Morphology, physiology and chemical composition of micro-organisms - 8 hours
2. Enzymes and metabolic processes of micro-organisms - 8 hours
3. Distribution of micro-organisms in nature. Microflora of air, water, soil and their relationship to foodstuffs - 7 hours
4. Influence of external factors on the development of microorganisms. Biotic factors (symbiosis, metabiosis, antagonism) - 5 hours
Test 1. Morphology of micro-organisms, processes of metabolism and influence of environmental factors on their development.
5. Transformations of proteins, fats, carbohydrates by microorganisms - 8 hours
6. Characteristics of pathogenic micro-organisms. Food toxicoses. Food infections - 6 hours
Test 2. Changes in proteins, carbohydrates and fats in foods due to micro-organisms. Pathogenic micro-organisms.
1. Classification of cleaning agents, chemical composition. Necessity, variety of cleaning agents. Legislation - 8 hours
2.Environmental impact of cleaning products - 6 hours
3.Personal and collective protective equipment - 6 hours
Test 1. Cleaning agents. Legislation.
4. Breakdown of stains - 4 hours
5. Disinfection, disinsection, extermination - 3 hours
6. Cleaning and disinfection plan in hospitality establishments - 10 hours
Test 2. Cleaning and disinfection plan.
7. Planning the work of the economic service. Ergonomics. Hotel linen management. Laundry management - 10 hours
Test 3. Housekeeping in accommodation establishments.
Part-time attendance:
All the topics specified for full-time attendance are implemented, but the number of contact hours is ½ of number of hours indicated.
The grade for the studio course examination consists of:
-a written examination on the theoretical material covered in the course of study,
-the completion and credit of 21 laboratory assignments and 8 practical assignments,
- 7 control works,
-2 reports prepared, presented and credited.
The student chooses one of the many topics offered by the lecturers and draws a date on which to present it.
The exam mark consists of:
- a written examination on the theoretical content of the course (30%),
- The arithmetic average of the three parts of the course assessment (70%):
- Part 1 assessment consists of the arithmetic average of the control papers (70%), the report assessment (30%), laboratory work with the grade - pass. The control papers are given a pass mark (4 marks) if half (50%) of their content is answered correctly. Reports of papers and laboratory work are assessed in accordance with the established assessment procedure.
- The grade for Part 2 is the arithmetic mean of the control papers and the laboratory work is marked pass. Control papers are awarded a pass mark (4 marks) if half (60%) of their content is answered correctly. Laboratory reports are assessed in accordance with the marking procedure set for them.
- Part 3 assessment. Each control paper (the marks of the 2 best control papers are taken into account) accounts for 25% of the final mark (total 50% of the final mark), laboratory papers with a mark of credit. The paper accounts for 50% of the final mark. The paper is assessed according to the following criteria: content (40%), style of presentation (35%), time (25%).
1. Aaltonen T., Hopsu L., Huilaja E. Cleaning manual. Finland: Vihti, 1998. 239 p.
2. Food hygiene: basic texts. Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. 4th ed. Rome: WHO: FAO, 2009. 125 lpp. [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 19.04.2023.] Pieejams:
3. Food science and technology: new research. L. V. Greco and M. N. Bruno, editors. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008. 482 p.
4. Īriste S., Platace M., Riekstiņa-Dolģe R. Viesu izmitināšanas pakalpojumu organizēšana. [tiešsaiste] Rīga: VISC, 2020. [skatīts 12.05.23.] Pieejams:
5. Jones T. Professional Management of Housekeeping Operations. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, 2007. 477 p.
6. Nikolajeva V. Pārtikas mikrobioloģija. Rīga, LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2014. 142 lpp.
7. O’Fallon M., Rutherford D. Hotel Management and Operations. New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, 2011. 494 p.
8. Scanlon N.L. Catering management. Hoboken New Jersey: Wiley, 2013. 262 p.
9. Sprenger R. A. Hygiene for management: a text for food safety courses. Doncaster: Highfield.Co.UK Ltd, 2005. 416 p.
1. Adams M. R. Food microbiology. University of Surrey., Guildford, UK. Kambridge, UK,: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016. 546 p.
2. Gavrilenko E. Sanitārija un higiēna pārtikas aprites uzņēmumos. Rīga: Turība, 111 lpp.
1. Nozaru labas higiēnas un labas ražošanas prakses vadlīnijas. [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 19.04.2023.]
2. Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regula (EK) Nr.852/2004. [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 19.04.2023.]
3. iMooX: Discovering a Sustainable Mindset-MOOC
Compulsory course Compulsory course in the first cycle professional bachelor's programme Catering and Hotel Management